Chapter 10
Fonias POV
" Let round two began!"
Mike looked at me with hatred in his eyes. " Cower before the wrath of the sea!" He screamed. With that, he summoned a wave to douse me. Everyone except me team cheered. Pathetic. He calls this the wrath of the sea?
Just to humour(its British) myself, I let the wave crash onto me. When it recedded, the campers were shocked. I was standing there, perfectly dry, and if my hood was off, you would have seen me face of boredom.
" You call that the wrath of the sea? Pathetic. Let me show you how it is done." Everyone looked on excitedly, even Poseidon. I raised my hand, and and summoned an earthquake that even Poseidon couldn't muster. Everyone except me and Chaos was left standing. Me, because I made the earthquake so it didn't bother me, and Chaos because he had enough practice standing in one of my earthquakes.
With a flick of my hand, it began to rain, thunder boomed and lightning flashed. Calling water from the ocean and from the storm, I made my personal hurricane, me standing right at the top.
" You think you are the best demigod that ever lived, well, you are very wrong." I stopped the hurricane, earthquake, and the storm, and everyone was instantly dry. I used the winds to lift him up onto the ground, and used the earth to wrap his legs, making him unable to move his legs. With my control over fire, I made a ring of fire, and hardened water into the shape of the sword. I placed the water-sword on his throat and said, " I win."
Everyone was too stunned to clap. Finally, Chaos broke the silence, "Well done, Fonias wins! And don't even say that he cheated Poseidon spawn, he fashioned the sword using his powers!"
I released my hold over him and he glared so hard I thought his eyes were gonna pop out. Honestly though, a baby could glare harder.
" Well, my son had told me before this match that if Mike can defeat him in one match, he wins it all! So, let the third round begin!" Chaos announced.
Mike ran at me, attempting to punch my face. I sidestepped to the left, bringing my right hand to meet his punch. I grabbed his fist, and flipped him over my shoulder, before putting him in a headlock. I knew he would never admit defeat, so after ten seconds, Chaos announced, " Fonias wins!" I let Mike go.
He stood up angrily. As I turned to leave, I caught him throwing something into the crowd. I whipped around, looking in the direction he throwed. Right into the section of where the elite team of Chaos soldiers sat.
Hmm.... tempted to leave it here, but oh well....
Since Mike didn't have a lot of strength, it didn't travel that quickly. I saw a green substance on the floor. Poison. That dagger was poisoned.
I knew in the darkness, and in the cheers and talking, my team wouldn't see in time to catch it. I couldn't use my wind powers, because at best it would just poison someone else. So I used my other blessing from Chaos. My wings.
I unfurled them. Causing a gasp in the the crowd. I flew, faster than ever. As I got closer... well, I thought I would just catch the blade, but I would be too late. I saw the faces of my team, of shock as they comprehended what would happen next. Chance stood up, but heck, even he wouldn't catch it without poisoning himself.
My body was facing the arena, as I put my left wing in front of my team protectively as the dagger ripped through my wing. I could hear Chaos and my team shouting my name somewhere in the background. But all I felt was pain... I fell, like a fallen angel, one wing facing the night sky, while the other, laced with poison, bent at an awkward angle. Pain... and darkness washed over me.
how was that people? cliffhanger enough? remember to vote!!!!!!!!!!!!! see what happens in the next chapter(when I post it of course)
~ The Mortal Instruments>Clace forever
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