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***Demetri's POV***
Alisa tapped the mic in front of her, the crowd halted their commotion.
"Welcome to Club Chaos!" She shouted.
The crowd erupted in noise but quieted back down quickly.
"Tonite we want to thank you for your presence. Each of you has contributed to our charity with your cover charge. We appreciate your generosity. A percentage of all sales of alcohol will also be donated in our continued effort to support victims of territory wars that previously plagued our country. So drink up and enjoy!" She exclaimed.
The crowd clapped loudly before settling down for the main event.
The girls started softly with their electric guitars and the light in the middle of the stage dimmed down, only leaving the lights on the dance floor to reflect on Alisa and Lindsay. The anticipation of their lead singer had me a bit excited. I was ready to see what made up their trio.
I smelled a vaguely familiar scent of Water Lilies and Jasmine, I think. I wasn't sure why it smelled familiar at first. Then I remembered the day we met Alisa.
Renzo started stirring in my head. I could feel his low purring and the whipping of his tail lightly. I looked around but, found no one new had entered the club. I called the waitress over and requested a stronger drink for all of us.
Apparently, someone (my wolf) was gonna lust after Alisa all night. I ignored him after telling him to catch a case of the "act right". We aren't doing this again!
The waitress brought me a tray of drinks. I sent Efran and Alex to the stage hand to give the girls theirs and let them know I would be right back. I carried my drink with me and headed towards the bathroom. Liquor seems to make nature's call quite impatient.
I could hear the low sound of someone singing and from the restroom it sounded quite nice. I just wanted to hurry this along and rush back out there to hear the ladies perform. I washed my hands, keeping an eye on my cup. I wasn't about to fall prey to someone drugging my drink.
As I exited the bathroom I heard a commotion to my right. As an Alpha, I have a responsibility to at least check on the situation. Two male wolves, obviously lower rank, were snarling at one another. This isn't uncommon when wolves and alcohol mix. I figured I would diffuse the situation and go along my way.
Stepping up to the now growling wolves, I got between the two and puffed out my chest. I let the Alpha waves roll off of me to express my dominate stature. Both wolves immediately calmed down and waited for my direction. Seeing as they had not caused any harm I wasn't going to make a scene.
I calmly folded my arms over my broad chest and switched between both wolves eyes.
"Gentleman, is there an issue?" I asked.
"No sir!" They responded together.
"I see this going two ways. We can get the bouncers to escort you both out of the club. Or, I can buy you both a drink and direct you back to the dance floor. Your choice! What will it be?" I questioned.
They quickly decided on drinks and I headed to the bar. I instructed the barkeep to put it on my tab and bought both men a drink and one for a lady of their choice. They seemed happy enough and I was ready to make my way back to the show.
The bouncer approached me and thanked me for handling the issue. I waved him off with a nod of the head. No thanks were necessary. I didn't need a testosterone fire burning my night away.
Now that I returned to the dance floor, I focused purely on the music. The girls were good, like really good actually. They were singing the song by "Guns N Roses - Sweet Child of Mine". I still couldn't locate the lead singer. She wasn't at the front of stage where I would assume she would be. But, you sure could hear her. She was incredible.
The song switched and now I could hear the intro to "HailStorm -I get off". The look on Alex and Efran's faces was a sight. I literally had a shit eating grin on my face. Their mates singing about stalking a boy and masturbation was not setting well. I put my arms around them both and let them know it was just an act.
"Calm down little wolves, they don't mean anything by it." I cooed.
I swear you could cut the possessive air with a plastic butter knife.
They relaxed and attentively listened. Although, I couldn't help but notice we were making our way closer to the stage. I looked around, baffled. I could tell there was no audio track playing, but the elusive lead singer was still no where to be seen.
The music transitioned again and the stage went completely black. This caught my attention. Lindsay's voice could be heard in the darkness, introducing the next song.
"Let's slow this down a bit and get our asses on the dance floor." She belted.
People shuffled and I stayed where I was at. To be honest, I wanted to move off the floor to let the couples have their space. But, Renzo had me tied to my spot. He wasn't budging and I didn't feel like fighting with my wolf in this instance.
An attractive female walked up to me and asked if I wanted to dance. I was a little surprised by her assertiveness. But, I was on a dance floor and we were instructed to dance. I agreed. Renzo was a little frustrated with me. I didn't pay him any mind. It's just a dance.
She put her hands on my shoulders and I lightly wrapped my arms around her waste, careful not to graze her butt. I wasn't trying to grope the drunk lady. We weren't too close, so I didn't see any issues with a dance.
When the music started being played I was hyped as fuck. I can't lie, I am totally a fucking fan girl when it comes to Ellie Goulding. Don't judge me!
I turned us around so I was facing the stage and the girl in my arms had her back towards it. I wasn't missing the lead singer. She had to appear at some point. And, like an answered prayer, Alisa said the words I was anxious to here.
"Now, the lady of the hour, our lead singer, best friend and my sister Alivia." Alisa sounded.
Efran, Alex and I all snapped our head's and looked at one another. By their expressions I knew that they were as shocked as I was. We hadn't been told that The Red Moon Alpha had three children.
My attention was now solely focused on the dark stage. It felt like eons passed before the stage would begin to light up. "Love Me Like You Do" was being sang in pitch black darkness on that stage. The vocals were absolute perfection.
We were all in complete darkness. I could see with my werewolf abilities. But, I had my eyes closed because that was the effect the girls wanted us in, complete blindness.
My heart was hammering from the sound of this chics voice. All three girls must have left the stage. It sounded like they were getting closer. Renzo was in a full fledged dance in my head. He was howling.
That scent of water lilies and jasmine completely engulfed me. I was in a state of euphoria. I could no longer focus on anything. I was literally tied to the stake by that mouth watering scent.
My hands dropped from my partners waist. I muttered an incoherent apology as I turned my attention completely away from her. I could feel her being pulled to the side.
The lights suddenly shown down on Alisa, who was now wrapped in Alex's arms singing to him thru her mic. Lindsay's light beamed across her form as she danced and sang to Efran. And I was frantically eyeing the crowd while following the sound bellowing out of the mysterious Alivia.
When the light shone down on me, I was confused. I moved a little to my left to hint that the stage man had moved to the incorrect spot, but that light zeroed on me once again. I gave it another try and moved towards the center of the dance floor, only to be pin pointed by the stage man once again.
I took in the rest of my drink and replaced it immediately with the perfectly timed drink on the waitresses tray. She moved along to my party replacing each of the drinks. Before coming back around and ushering me to accept the final glass she was holding. I was confused but decided to humor her by grabbing the margarita off her tray.
And then, fireworks erupted. Millions of static electric crackles filled my skin. Every hair on my body fully standing at attention. My eyes grew wide as a small hand touched my own.
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