Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty
"Ohhh," laughed Lex mockingly as he skipped over to his wife and pointed at Ruby. "She said you ain't got no nipples."
Kaelen pressed his lips together to keep from laughing as Ruby glared from Elisa's smug face to Lex. "Kaelen," snapped Ruby angry as she stamped her foot on the floor. "These things aren't welcome in this house."
"Well -," began Kaelen.
"Master Kaelen," interrupted Bethany on a choked laugh, "I've aired out the green and white suite per your request. Do you wish me to place your dear friend's luggage in that room?"
Kaelen pressed his lips together as he shook his head and walked past the irate Ruby, "That room will be Xara's until the twins go back to school."
"Don't ignore me," yelled Ruby toward Kaelen.
Kaelen spared Ruby a glance as he shrugged, "Technically to ignore you means I would have had to have been paying attention to you in the first place."
Xara sighed as she place the luggage she'd picked up back down. "Kaelen I am more comfortable -."
"You," screeched Ruby as she walked swiftly toward cars Xara. "You are to call my fiancé by his title."
Xara stared blankly, "Fifth chair Kaelen?"
"Yes," snapped Ruby.
"But he's third chair," responded Xara softly.
"Wow," snickered Elisa her eyes full of mock sympathy as she stated at Kaelen, "it would appear the paramour knows more than the soon to be wife." Elisa shook her head, "What is the universe coming to?"
Ruby glared at Xara her body shook in humiliation. "Go to you rooms," whispered Ruby furiously to Xara.
"I-," began Xara only to be cut off as pain exploded through her wrist. Xara looked down to see Ruby had grabbed her in a tight grip.
"Go now," hissed Ruby as she increased the pressure on Xara's wrist, "before I an unexplained accident happens to your wrist like Kimmy's."
Elisa frowned as she watched Xara snatch her wrist from out of Ruby's grasp and walk away. "Did you really just let that happen, Kae?"
Kaelen sighed and looked toward Lex, "I have a meeting can you rein in Elisa before she tries to do bodily harm to Ruby. Ruby may only have a 78% power level but it's still sufficient enough to do a little damage."
Lex whistled and shook his head, "That's real cold Kaelen Mathew Ward."
Kaelen rolled his eyes before he lowered his voice for only Lex to hear, "How about I announce I'm some long lost Ward; a descendant to Kevin Jacob Lawson and have a power level that rivals Lucas and Jacob's and that my family and friends unlike theirs can't protect themselves from harm. I'll have it ran in today's rags if you like."
Lex broke eye contact with Kaelen and fixed the cuff on his salmon color shirt. "You have a good point," mumbled Lex with a petulant pout. "I still remember what happened to Lani. When I saw Kayla at the entombment I didn't think she'd ever get over her death."
"And that happened even after Mia and Lucas paid the ransom," sighed Kaelen as he tugged on his ear. "Mia was so sad and lost after that -," Kaelen frown deepened as he cut himself off.
Lex dropped his head in sorrow before he started to speak again. "Kae, I know -."
"Lex! Elisa! I thought I heard you down here," smiled Jael Quin as she glided down the stairs unaffected by all the noise from the foyer. Jael Quin looked around the foyer, "Where is Midas?"
Elisa met Jael Quin at the bottom of the stairs and kissed her cheeks, "This house suits you in a way it will never suit another."
Jael Quin and Elisa both turned to look at Ruby before they continued hugged each other.
"To be honest," smiled Jael Quin, "there is a wonderful woman that I believe would make this house a wonderful home for Kaelen."
Elisa nodded, "I believe I met her." Elisa ignored Ruby as she they walked to the small room off the foyer, "How can you put up with that woman though?"
Jael Quin eyes lit up, "She's just background noise. There are things here that you'd have to see to -." Jael Quin giggled and pointed back toward the entryway. "Anthony," waved Jael Quin.
Anthony stopped at the stairs, smiled and waved toward Jael Quin.
"Give it another minutes," whispered Jael Quin as she nudged Elisa to turn back around in time to see Sebastian and Kevin walk down the stairs.
"Oh my gods," whispered screeched Elisa as she stared at them. "And they all live in this house?"
"Yes," nodded Jael Quin on a happy squeal. "And they are the nicest men you will ever meet."
Lex turned to stare at Kaelen before he turned to look back at Jael Quin and his excited wife. He followed their eyes and shook his head, "We are going to a damn hotel!" He grabbed Kaelen's arm tight, "Why in the bloody hell wouldn't you tell me you have them," he stopped and pointed toward Kevin, Anthony and Sebastian, "living here with you?"
"I didn't think you'd care," mumbled Kaelen. "Plus I look twice as good -."
"Don't flatter yourself," growled Lex as he turned his attention to Jael Quin and Elisa's conversation.
"-And I think those two both like men and women," ended Jael Quin in a stage whisper to Elisa. "Kevin," called Jael Quin eagerly with an excited wave. She and Elisa watched in awe as Kevin stopped talking to Anthony and Sebastian turned to them and waved. "It's a damn shame about that one though," continued Jael Quin bitterly.
"What," asked Elisa as she tugged on the sleeve of Jael Quin's purple blazer her brown eyes still on Kevin. "What's a shame."
Jael Quin turned Elisa so the other woman could look into her eyes and shook her shoulders gently, "He only likes men."
"That's a damn shame," gasped Elisa with wide eyes. "A shame to every woman that has ever lived and breathed. I believe that just crushed my soul," whispered Elisa as tears formed in her eyes. "My whole life -."
Jael Quin sighed and nodded in agreement, "I know."
"Hey Betty! Brittany! Bethany! Whatever your name is," yelled Lex as he stared at both women as if they lost their minds. "Put our bags on the porch, call a transport or a tagesi or a freaking horse drawn carriage! We are staying at a hotel!" He pointed toward Anthony, Kevin and Sebastian, "The real travesty in this whole situation is that there are men that look like that walking around."
"You should meet them before you jump to conclusions," laughed Kaelen as he watched Lex scowl at them. "And you didn't seem so concerned about Lucas or Jacob -."
"They're married to Ah'Tarian slayers," yelled Lex. He pointed toward Sebastian, Anthony and Kevin, "Those there are single red blood men -."
"Anthony's in a relationship," chuckled Kaelen.
Lex twisted his lips as Anthony turned to smile toward him, "I WANT TO LEAVE BEFORE MY PREGNANT WIFE DECIDES SHE WANTS TO DIVORCE ME FOR ONE OF THEM FUCKERS!"
"Lex calm down," laughed Elisa. "The two dark haired ones are a fine as the day is long but the little blonde one seems more malleable."
Kaelen covered his mouth to hide his laugh as Sebastian turned to observe them.
"He's so cute," continued Elisa as she smiled widely to her husband. "We should take him home with us."
Kaelen bit his lip to stop himself from saying anything as he watched Sebastian tilt his head to the side and his eyebrows rise. "A-as much as I'm enjoying you both contemplating taking Sebastian with you I think -."
"That's Sebastian," asked Lex in disbelief. "He doesn't look like he's only two years older than Lucca and Layette! Or like a manic killer that's currently -." Lex stopped and cleared his throat. "That boy is dangerous as hell but looks like he could step out some women's wet dream."
Kaelen smirked as he slapped Lex on the back and laughed. "Wait a what," asked Kaelen as he pretended to be confused by Lex's last statement. "Did you say a women's wet dream or did you mean your own," asked Kaelen with a serious expression.
Lex waved a hand theatrically, "I'm not over my dear sweet Midas so I don't see the little heart throb across the room like that." Lex paused and stared at Sebastian, "Unless he's interested."
Kaelen shook his head at Lex's wishful statement. "When's the last time you've seen Lucca or Layette?"
Lex frowned in thought as he was guided toward the group of men, "I can't say maybe a year or two."
Kaelen nodded as he led him to meet the other men, "Well Lex you are about to be very surprised when you see them again."
Jael Quin quietly walked down the wooden stairs into the servant's quarters. "And just what should I say to her," asked Jael Quin quietly to herself. "The poor girl seems like she'd jump out of her skin if someone besides Sebastian says hi to her."
Jael Quin reached the bottom step and looked around before she walked toward the last door at the end of the long corridor. "I wonder when Kaelen had these apartments added," thought Jael Quin out loud as she stared at the white doors.
Outside Xara's room Jael Quin paused with her hand raised, "Xara, whispered Jael Quin softly as she knocked lightly on the door. "Xara," repeated Jael Quin a few seconds later with another light knock. She waited a few more seconds before she pressed the button to open the door and found it unlocked.
"Xara," called Jael Quin as she looked around the small dimly lit room. Her eyes took in the pale gold tone ceramic floor and the rich cream colored walls. She walked over to a large beige chair in front of a glowing fireplace and looked over the mantle. "Wow," sighed Jael Quin as she reached out to touch the brown wooden frame that sat on the mantle between two exquisite sculptures..
"Kaelen gave me those a few days ago," murmured Xara from her bed hidden in the dark alcove. "He said -."
"It's an original image," whispered Jael Quin in awe. Jael Quin's fingers hovered over the drawing, "This was found in the outlands about fifty years ago in a barren wasteland by Silver Michaels." Jael Quin frowned as she studied the image*, "Because of this a lot of preconceived ideas about the terrain of the outlands were rethought." Jael Quin pointed toward the buildings in the distance, "Before this was found it was believed that a lot of the land was barren and unable to be settled. Besides this hundreds of other fotos were found."
"Fotos," asked Xara inquisitively.
Jael Quin nodded, "That is what we believe the images they captured were called." Jael smiled as she looked at the two statues, "And I believe these were also found in that dig." Jael Quin picked up the nine inch metal sculpture, "Both of these sculptures are thought to be of that tall building with the white points on the top."
Xara frowned at the items and shook her head, "I doubt Kaelen would give me something so valuable. I'm sure they are all replicas." Xara crawled out of her bed and walked toward Jael Quin.
Jael Quin sat the metal building down and studied the lines of the image before she shook her head, "I'm positive it's the original but that's not what I came here to speak with you about." Jael Quin turned to stare at Xara with a puzzled frown, "Why haven't you told Kaelen you're pregnant? And since we are talking about it how far along are you?"
Xara's smile slipped and her step faltered as she stepped away from Jael Quin, "I don't know what you're talking about."
Jael Quin waved away Xara's words, "You've gained several pounds since we've arrived and I can tell you are having the worse morning sickness. And it's obvious to me that Kevin knows as he's always passing you water and tea during meals." Jael Quin frowned as she watched Xara's expressive face, "Have you been to the medic for care? And exactly when do you plan to tell Kaelen?"
Xara body went ridged as she stared at Jael Quin. "You are mistaken I'm not pregnant and if I were why would you think Kevin would know." Xara laughed nervously, "You're imagining things."
"So your plan is to wait until after he marries Ruby to say anything," asked Jael Quin. "At first I thought maybe you and Kevin were having relations but quickly dismissed that. So my next thought was that you are carrying a child for Kaelen and that horrid woman since she can't conceive from an off-worlder?"
"Madame Ruby is seeing a doctor regarding that issue and it has nothing to do with me," responded Xara stiffly. "Madame Ward I am tired -."
"So formal," frowned Jael Quin thoughtfully as she touched Xara's hand. "Just yesterday at dinner you were calling me Jael Quin."
Xara snatched her hand away and took a step away, "And it appears I made a mistake by being so informal with you and Sir Ward." Xara stared past Jael Quin at the painting, "If Kaelen or the council were to even think I was pregnant do you know what could happen to me." Xara watched Jael Quin's eyebrows knit together as she shook her head. "Maybe you should ask Kaelen what would become of me and Sebastian if that were to happen." Xara released a humorless laugh, "If he deems to tell you the truth I'm sure you'd be horrified to realize what your wild speculations could cost me and Sebastian."
Jael Quin shook her head and reached for Xara's hand, "What are you talking about."
"Madame Ward, you are the parent of my lord and master but I will -,"
"Your lord and master," repeated Jael Quin stiffly as she cut Xara off. "Is that all you see him as," asked Jael Quin as she searched Xara's eyes.
"Yes," replied Xara matter-of-factly. "I only see Master Kaelen as a means to an end."
Jael Quin pressed her lips together, "So like that whore he is marrying you are using him."
"He is using me as well," snapped Xara, unconsciously her hand went protectively to her stomach. "He -." Xara paused when she saw Jael Quin's eyes had followed her slight hand movement. Xara quickly dropped her hand and turned away from Jael Quin, "I do not feel well and wish to rest. I request that you please leave me. It is also my hope you don't share your speculations with anyone."
Jael Quin sighed as she stared at Xara's back. "I will share my speculations with Clarence and see what he thinks before I say anything to Kaelen." Jael Quin shook her head, "I honestly thought you were different from that scheming woman he's marrying but I guess I was wrong."
"You were," whispered Xara as she read her head. "I am no better than Ruby so please remember that." Xara climbed back in her bed and hugged her pillow as the soft swish from the door closing signaled that Jael Quin had exited her room. "He'll kill me if he finds out," whispered Xara into the pillow as tears slipped from her eyes. She hurriedly dashed them away and stared at the bruise Ruby had left on her wrist, "And if for some reason he doesn't I'm sure the council or Ruby would."
*Image to the right of Chicago downtown skyline
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