September| Part 8
Chapter 15❤
"They're so cute!"
"Mum, don't you think this is just a tad bit creepy?"
"Nonsense Darling, this is just perfect. Look at them all snuggled up together."
"I think you need to lay off those romance novels, especially that 50 Shades rubbish."
"Go tell that to your porn magazines, don't think I haven't found your stash young man. Oh and hold these please, try not to smudge the ink."
"Wait! What?"
"A mother has her ways, I thought you'd be a little more creative than underneath the second tile on the first row of the floor in your bathroom."
"Ha! No, it's the third row."
"Thanks son."
"I'm such a fool!"
"You think I didn't know that already?"
"You're a meanie, I'm leaving you now to continue on your- your stalking pedo stuff!"
"Love you too."
I finally popped an eye open, only see my mother beaming at my bedroom door with a polaroid in hand. Her smile was so big, making a show of her shining pearly whites. Quite frankly, she looked like she had just won the lottery.
"Oh, you're awake." she said.
"Yep, Mum, why are you holding a camera?" I asked.
"To take pictures of course silly."
"You and Tommy looking all cute together!"
Now, any normal parent would have scolded me to the next century if they caught me in bed with a boy, fully clothed or not- but my mum? That was a whole other story.
"Oh my cream cheese puffs!" I sighed.
"Now madame, you need to get ready for school. You have 15 minutes to leave the house." she told me.
Okay, that was fine, I hadn't missed another day of school.
"Did you just say 15 minutes?"
"As in a quarter of an hour, 900 seconds?"
"Tommy! Tommy! Get your fat behind up. NOW!"
"Sorry babes." my mum said.
"How long have you been standing there?"
"10 minutes?" she replied.
"Taking pictures?"
"I couldn't help myself! Even if this film costs so much money."
That was my mother for you...
"It's OK,"
She left after that.
You must be thinking, You slept for 18 hours? What about dinner, or a shower, or brushing your teeth?
But I did get up after a 2 hour nap yesterday and hung around with Tommy until everyone came home. I had my dinner, a shower, brushed my teeth and got into bed by 10:30pm.
However, Tommy insisted that he slept with me to 'Keep me safe from Jake in case he tried anything again'. Despite the fact that I knew Jake wouldn't try anything again, I let him stay, telling myself that it was only to stop him pestering me.
"Tommy, I said get up!" I exclaimed once more, no sat up and moving to shake him.
Finally his eyelids lifted, granting me with the sight of his blue eyes. He looked up at me through his fringe, his gaze dazed with remaints of fatigue.
"Mornin'," he stretched up and yawned, his muscles flexing.
Not that I noticed anyways.
"Right back at you bro." I said, trying to sound cool.
Tommy paused and looked at me.
"Don't ever, ever say that again,"
"Okay, okay." I put my hands up in surrender.
"Why are you shirtless?" I said, peering down at his fine, toned, muscular chest.
Enough of that Tammy!
"I usually sleep bare or with briefs on, but I thought you wouldn't be very comfortable with that so I did the next best thing and took my shirt off,"
"Well, don't do it next time!"
Next time?
"Whatever, you didn't seem to be complaining when you were snuggled against this fine, toned, muscular chest." he scoffed.
Was he a mind reader of what?
I scoffed right back.
"You can't use that against me, I was asleep!"
"Whatever helps you sleep at night Tammy, oh yes that's right, it's my chest." he teased.
I picked up my pillow and wacked him round the head with it.
"Anyways, we need to get ready for school. We now have," I paused, peering at the clock on the wall of my room, "10 MINUTES!"
I jumped out of bed and ran to my ensuite. I splased cold water on my face, which effectively woke me up further, combed the knots out of my hair, applied some mascara and ligloss before exiting my bathroom to change.
I was rummaging through my wardrobe when a voice interrupted me;
"You know I'm still here right?"
I turned around to see a smirking Tommy, sat up on my bad with his back resting on the headboard.
"Get out!"
"Alright Tam, calm your boobs," he replied, purposely moving slowly towards the door.
"Now." I snapped, which made him hurry his pace.
Still smirking, he closed the door.
I was exiting French, on my way to lunch, with Lucy, when she decided to try one of her puns again, we were walking past a guy eating a banana,
"I find his attire very APPEELING!"
"That one was horrible LuLu!" I told her.
"My puns aren't that bad, they're just TEARABLE," she said tearing her French homework in half.
"Ha ha very punny" I said dryly
"Tell me about it,"
"You know I'm not sending you a pic of my sheet right." I warned jokingly.
"Please?" she asked.
"Nope," I replied, hoping she didn't realise I was just pulling her leg.
"I'll just ask Max, my loving, caring boyfriend, who is always there for me-" she tried.
"That would have worked, if he was in our French class," I scoffed.
"You're mean," she pouted.
"I was joking Lulu, calm your boobs," I laughed.
"Calm your boobs? That's a new one."
"Yeah, Tommy said it this morning."
We continued to walk in silence before Lucy spoke up again,
"Listen Tammy, I'm sorry for not calling you yesterday but Mum confiscated my phone because I used an extra 200 minutes off of my contract, talking to Max," she apologized.
"It's alright, I had Tommy to keep me company anyways," I reassured her.
"Yeah... so I've noticed you and Tommy spend an awful lot of time together..." she trailed off, her tone holding accusation.
"No. Nothing is going on between me and Tommy, we're just good friends that have slept in the same bed twice." my eyes widened as I realized what I had just said.
"Same bed? Twice! Oh my sperm whales!" she shrieked.
"Keep your voice down, he was just keeping me company."
"Yeah, I bet he was also keeping you very warm. I hear he sleeps naked." she said, waggling her eyebrows.
"Shut-up and where the heck did you hear that from?" I asked.
"Zoe told me who said Clara had told her, who heard it from Mason, who was told by Laura, who overheard it from Maya who was standing next to Olivia, who apparently heard Tommy telling you." she explained.
"That female dog!"
"So was he naked? Is it true?"
"Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't." I teased.
"Tommy, Tommy, Tommy." she tutted.
We both shrieked as we heard a voice from behind us.
"Tommy? What the heck? Were you listening to our whole conversation?" I asked.
"Only from the part about me maybe or maybe not sleeping naked." he turned to Lucy as he finished speaking ", which is true by the way."
Lucy fist pumped the air whilst I groaned.
"Oi Tommy, my man!" another voice exclaimed.
We all turned around to see Mason Turner waving. And yes, I was aware that my name is not Tommy but what can I say, if someone randomly shouts down the corridor, I'm going to turn around.
"What's up Mason?" Tommy smiled.
"I just scored a date with these twins, and told them you'd come along to be one of their dates. What do you say?" he asked.
Lucy and I raised our eyebrows beside them.
"Who are these twins?"
"April and June." he said.
Lucy snorted aloud at that but managed to disguise it as a cough.
"Are you okay?" Mason asked.
"I'm fine, just a little cough." Lucy replied.
Mason was a nice guy, he wasn't a player, but was popular within the girl population of the school with his blonde hair and green eyes. He rarely went on any dates so April and June were probably the talk of the school at the moment.
Now, April was a lovely girl, the only problem was June. Let's just say that when she opened her mouth, she never closed it again. They were both cheerleaders meaning that I was also acquainted with both, I just wished that I was less acquainted with June. She was also lovely, but she would be even more lovely if she could shut her mouth for five minutes.
Or forever.
Whichever works best.
"And which one am I to date?" Tommy still remained calm but I could tell that he was silently thinking 'please not June' 'please not June'.
"Is that a yes man?" Mason beamed.
"Answer the question please,"
By now my cheeks were red as I stood in silent laughter.
"Oh here's the thing man, I'm busy on every day that has a vowel in it."
"Nice try, but you're coming. I really like this girl," Mason argued.
"Yes but please, why me?"
"Everyone loves you, that's why."
Tommy's 'seriously' expression must have urged him to confess his true intentions.
"Okay, okay, June has some massive crush on you and April doesn't want to go without her sister and her sister won't come without you. It's a one off, please." He begged.
"Fine, but if she thinks it's more than a one off, there'll be hell to pay." Tommy warned.
Mason fist pumped the air, quite similar to how Lucy did it earlier, said a million thank you's and continued his journey down the corridor.
"Tammy No Middle Name Lovell!" a voice called.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, Annie threw a tantrum when she found out both you and Tommy weren't at school yesterday and I mean proper full on with throwing tables and chairs and hitting people." Lucy supplied quickly.
Well, better late than never.
"I don't have a middle name thank you," I said, turning around to face the one and only Annie.
"I know, that's why I said- oh wait never mind. Stop confusing me!" she stuttered.
"So...?" I trailed off expectantly.
"So what?" she asked, looking confused.
"You called me."
Or more like shouted my name incorrectly...
"Oh yes, why weren't you in school yesterday? And you!" she cried, pointing to Tommy.
"I was ill." I informed her.
"--And I was looking after her." Tommy supplied.
"But why were you together?" she pouted.
"Well he was being a good friend and we kinda live together so..." I trailed off again, waiting for her to get the point.
However, I was granted with a blank and clueless expression.
Did this girl take a dip in Brainless Lake or what?
"I don't want you two living together anymore. Tommykins, my Daddy can buy a new house for you. I can call him now." she said, pulling out a bejewelled, pink iPhone.
"No, that's not needed thank you, I am fine with my current accommodations." Tommy reassured.
"You can live with me instead then." the bimbo continued.
Flashes of Tommy and I's conversation the day before came back to me and I clenched my fists at my sides.
"That's great, I'll get right on to it." she smiled.
"Listen Annie, I'm just going to be frank now. I don't like you, it will never happen, I am not looking for a relationship or a casual hook-up whatever you call it right now. .." he said with a tone of frustration..
"Will you like me in a week from now?"
Kill me now!
"Jeez woman! Get the message. He doesn't like you, he never will... and never means not even in a week from now. Now please leave, the amount of dignity you have left is smaller than the amount of atoms that make up your pea sized brain!" Lucy snapped.
I raised my eyebrows at her boldness.
"Atom?" she asked, her bottom lip quivering.
"Alright that's it, I'm out of here, go tell your Daddy to buy you a tutor or some common sense, preferably the latter." Lucy sighed, walking towards the canteen.
"Sorry, Annie." Tommy said before following Lucy.
Annie's eyes had turned red, her eyes shining with unshed tears. I honestly was sorry for her, but she needed to learn that she couldn't have everything she wanted, whenever she wanted it.
"One day Annie, you'll find your Ken, a boy who will make you happy and buy you shoes," I told her, using the right words to appeal to her tastes.
"You think so?" she stuttered.
"I know so." I confirmed before walking towards the blue doors leading to the canteen.
Follow my Instagram account @graceful_silence
Votes and comments are appreciated :)
Pic of Tommy to the side ------->
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