How they find you
~ Megatron ~
One morning while Megatron was on the bridge with Soundwave and some Vehicons Soundwave picked up a life signal. He realized that it was some sort of Cybertronian escape pod. Megatron raised an optic brow when Soundwave walked over to him. Soundwave showed Megatron the signal on his visor.
"You never cease to disappoint me, Soundwave. Since Starscream is unreliable I will go see who has landed." Megatron said, praising Soundwave.
Soundwave nodded his helm before he turned back to what he was doing. Megatron turned around and walked out of the bridge. Once he was on the flight deck he transformed and flew away. Thankfully, the escape pod was nearby. As he transformed and landed near the pod he saw how small it was.
"Strange." Megatron said to himself as he walked over to the damaged pod.
The door to the pod was cracked open a little. Megatron carefully removed the door and saw you. As you came out of stasis you opened your optics and saw a large gray mech. You looked up at him curiously with your O/c optics. Normally Megatron would have just offlined you like he did with the other sparklings as they were sent away from Cybertron, but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to do it.
"Hello there, little one." Megatron said as he picked you up.
You made clicking and chirping sounds as you looked up at the strange mech who picked you up. Megatron knew what he had to do, so he commed Soundwave for a groundbridge.
~ Starscream ~
One night while Starscream was taking a moonlit flight he picked up a strange life signal. He tried to ignore it, but his curiosity got the better of him. He searched around for a while before he found the place where the signal was coming from. Once he was on the ground he saw a small Cybertronian pod without a door. He quietly walked over to the pod, gasping in shock when he saw you staring up at him.
"A- a sparkling!" Starscream said as he picked you up.
You looked up at the Cybertronian who picked you up, thinking that they were a femme with a mech's voice. You made happy clicking and chirping sounds as Starscream held you. Starscream had a better look at you and realized that you were a seeker sparkling. He quickly checked something else and found out that you were a femling. He decided to keep you and raise you as his daughter.
"Don't worry, little one. I will raise you as if you were my own." Starscream said softly, his sire coding coming online.
~ Soundwave ~
As Soundwave searched in a forest for a relic he deployed Lazerbeak so that he could fly around. Everyone always thought that he was completely emotionless, but that wasn't true. When he finally found the pod he realized that it was a sparkling pod, not a relic pod. He quickly knelt down and carefully opened the pod. When he opened the pod you slowly came out of stasis.
Lazerbeak flew over to see what was going on. As you slowly opened your optics Soundwave took his visor off so that he wouldn't scare you. As you looked up at the dark mech he picked you up. He decided to do something that he hadn't done in thousands of years.
"Hello there, little one." Soundwave said, his voice raspy after not using it in a long time.
You smiled as you looked up at him. Soundwave smiled as he looked down at you. He refused to leave you or offline you, so he decided to keep you as his own and raise you. Lazerbeak chirped happily as he looked at you.
~ Knockout ~
After Knockout got done winning another street race he was going to com Soundwave for a groundbridge. But when he got a Cybertronian signal he decided to check it out. He followed the signal until he came to some woods.
"The things I go through in order to impress Lord Buckethelm." Knockout groaned as he transformed.
He ducked under branches and stepped over rocks and bushes. Eventually, he came to a clearing where he heard something. He recognized the sounds of a Cybertronian sparkling. He quickly ran over to where the sounds were coming from and found you. He picked you up and cradled you against his chassis.
"How long have you been here?" Knockout softly asked you.
You blinked a few times, wondering who this new mech was. Knockout took his scanner out of his subspace and scanned you. To his relief you were perfectly healthy. He also found out that you were a femling.
"I can't just leave you here, so you're going to be my femling." Knockout said, putting his scanner back and smiling down at you.
~ Breakdown and Airachnid ~
Shortly after Airachnid ended up on the Nemesis she noticed how Breakdown would act around her. She was used to mechs throwing themselves at her, but she had a strange fondness for Breakdown. One day while they were out on a mission together Breakdown would stutter each time he tried to flirt. About an hour into the mission Airachnid found a small pod.
"What do you think is in it?" Breakdown asked, looking at the small pod.
"There's only one way to find out." Airachnid said, tearing the door off of the pod.
Breakdown's optics widened when he saw you recharging inside the pod. When you came out of stasis and looked up at Airachnid she felt her carrier coding come online. Normally she would offline any sparkling that she found, but this time she couldn't do it.
"What do we do with it?" Breakdown asked Airachnid curiously.
"We're going to raise it, of course." Airachnid said, taking you out of the pod and holding you before dropping it.
You looked up at Airachnid curiously, not sure what to think of her. Your gaze soon turned to Breakdown. Breakdown couldn't help but think that you were the cutest sparkling he'd ever seen. He decided that maybe helping Airachnid raise you wouldn't be so bad.
~ Dreadwing ~
While Dreadwing was on his way to Earth he got a strange signal coming from Kerberos. Naturally, he decided to check it out. He made sure to find a safe place to land his ship on the strange planet. After a while of searching he found a sparkling pod. He took it aboard his ship before opening it.
"By the Allspark!" Dreadwing gasped when he saw you.
You slowly came out of stasis after the door to your pod was opened. You looked up at the strange blue and gold mech who was looking down at you. Dreadwing carefully picked you up and cradled you against his chassis.
"It looks like I'm taking you with me, little one." Dreadwing said softly.
~ Shockwave ~
As Shockwave searched Cybertron for resources thousands of years after it had been abandoned he stumbled upon some old abandoned sparkling escape pods. They looked to be unused, except one that had it's door closed. Naturally, he decided to check it out. He picked the pod up and took it back to his makeshift lab. Once he was back at his lab he carefully opened the pod, only to reveal you.
Since he hadn't seen anyone around for a long time he decided to keep you. Shockwave quickly checked and saw that you were a femling. You looked up at the one opticed mech curiously. Oddly enough, he felt a warm feeling in his spark as you looked up at him.
"I suppose that it is logical that I take care of you." Shockwave told you.
~ Predaking ~
Predaking vented as he flew through the sky one night. As he flew he spotted Stonehenge and decided to check it out. For something humans made, he was impressed. He was dragged out of his thoughts when he saw something laying in the center of the large stones. Cautiously, he transformed and walked over to you.
"What the…?" Predaking asked as he looked down at you.
You looked up at the large mech and made nervous clicking and chirping sounds. Predaking's sire coding came online and he picked you up. He had heard about sparklings, but he had never seen one before. He couldn't believe that you were just out where anyone could find you.
"Do not worry, little one. I will care for you." Predaking said softly, cradling you against his chassis.
~ 5t3v3 ~
One day while 5t3v3 was doing his job like normal he got yelled at by Starscream for not working hard enough. He ended up getting sent out to check an energon mine. Naturally, he did as he was told. As he searched the energon mine he heard a strange sound.
"Hello? Is someone in here?" 5t3v3 called out.
When you heard a voice call out you started clicking and chirping louder. After a while, 5t3v3 finally found you. He carefully picked you up and cradled you against his chassis.
"Where did you come from?" He asked you curiously.
You looked up at him and blinked a couple of times. 5t3v3 knew that he couldn't just leave you in the mine all alone, so he decided to sneak you aboard the Nemesis. He hoped that he would be a good sire for you.
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