So, you teach here? (requested)
It was an unusual afternoon for Taylor. Blake called her a few hours ago, asking her to pick James up from school. The 8 years old girl wasn't feeling great and definitely needed to go home as soon as possible but Blake had an important interview that she couldn't miss.
Taylor agreed without thinking, only asking for the school's address. She has never been there before. Of course she was close to the Reynolds family but they've never asked her to pick any of the girls up. It must be urgent, she thought.
It didn't take her long to get there, it was a short car drive. The building was huge. It was one of the best private schools in the State.
'Great, how do I find her classroom?' Taylor sighed and started walking towards the entrance.
She was standing in the middle of the hallway, looking from her left to her right. Then from her right to her left.
'You look lost' she heard a woman's voice coming from behind her.
'I'm looking for someone. Actually, I'm here to pick up James Reynolds' the singer smiled sweetly at the girl.
'You're lucky, I'm the head teacher of her class. My name is Y/N. You're Taylor if I'm not mistaken. Blake texted me that you're going to pick her daughter up today. Not that I didn't recognize you..' you added, whispering to yourself but Taylor heard it just fine. She smiled at you and nodded her head. 'Follow me!'
You two walked up to the second floor. Taylor found this school really amazing. It had everything and more that a student needs. She was sure that their education is also high quality. Plus, they hire super hot teachers. She just smirked at her own thought before entering the classroom you stopped at.
It didn't take long for James to recognize her mom's best friend that she adored oh so much.
'Taylor!' the little girl squealed and ran into the blonde woman's arms.
'Hey! Long time, no see, huh?!' she kissed James's forehead. 'I missed you.'
'I missed you, too. Thank you for coming' she smiled sweetly.
'Of course' the singer stroked the girl's cheeks before turning to you. 'Do you know what happened? Is she sick?'
'Well, she said her stomach hurts really bad, but to be honest, I think it was more like a 'I just wanna be home and spend some more time with my mom and dad' disease' you chuckled.
'Let me just test it' Taylor grinned. 'It's such a shame your tummy hurts, little one. I wanted to take you to IHOP to get some lunch, some pancakes and maybe your favorite ice cream bowl but looks like we have to do it another time' she sighed dramatically.
'I mean, it's really not that bad. I think it could handle some pancakes and some ice cream' James smiled innocently.
'Oh yeah? You think so? Maybe we should just go straight to my place, tuck you in bed and just relax, hm?'
'No need. It can handle some junk food and some fun time with my favorite Auntie in the whole world.'
'Smart kid, really smart' Taylor smirked at her friend's daughter. It was clear that James is perfectly fine. Maybe you're right and she just wanted to spend some time at home with Blake and Ryan.
'Looks like you had a fair point' Taylor giggled when James went to pack her bag. 'They love her a lot, trust me, they just had been really busy.'
'You don't need to say anything about the situation, Taylor. I get it. Little kids are like that. I used to spend a lot of time with my mom but still wanted more, so sometimes I pulled the good old 'I'm super sick, please come and get me' card on her as well' you giggled at your memory, along with Taylor. 'Sometimes, you just don't feel like being around your class and your teachers and there's nothing wrong with that.'
'So you teach here?' she asked, mentally facepalming herself. What a dumb question to ask as a conversation starter.
'Obviously' you chuckled and pointed at the name tag on your desk.
'Miss. Y/L/N. How cute. I wish I had a teacher like you. Or not, I don't know, I would've paid no attention to your class, I would've been distracted' the singer winked.
You blushed deeply and after a few seconds of silence, you were about to say something but James showed up nest to Taylor and took her hand in hers.
'I'm ready. So, can we go to IHOP?' she hopefully looked up at the older woman.
'How could I say no?!' Taylor playfully rolled her eyes. 'It was nice to meet you, Y/N. Maybe I will see you around?' she turned to you with her whole body.
'I'll be here' you let out a little laugh and said goodbye to them.
'I have a mission for you' Taylor said seriously and put the last bite of her pancake in her mouth. 'You gotta give Miss. Y/L/N my number the next time you see her.'
'What? Why?' James asked a little bit confused.
'Just do it, girl. I bought you a big plate of pancakes and a strawberry shake' Taylor shrugged.
'And what should I say to her?'
'What is she teaches you guys, again?'
'Biology' James sighed.
'Just tell her that singers are not as busy as actors with three kids, and that being said, I would have some time for private biology lessons' Taylor grinned and finished her coffee.
(A/N: I'm taking requests, Loves, so feel free to leave a comment here or message me.)
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