Personal Experiences
Just some sad feelings and experiences…
Just some sad feelings and experiences…
Μην με αφήσεις. Δεν θα αντέξω να χάσω κι άλλο ένα αγαπημένο πρόσωπο. Αλλά αν αποφασίσεις αντιθέτως, να ξέρεις πως δεν θα σε ξεχάσω ποτέ.…
This is a book of short stories I write. I'm sorry if they're sad, It's just what I write even though I don't like to read sad stuff sometimes.Anyways, I hope you like this : )…
Margaret Thorman. The girl with the unusual attitude towards life. Unlike her, I haven't been so pessimistic throughout these years. Y'know, the years of our triumph as twins in the world of high school. She has always been the reckless, edgy girl. The girl who wouldn't mind spending the night in the guys' dorm, smoking tobacco with her buddies. But boy, was I wrong. She isn't that girl at all.…
I am Elizabeth. A girl from Greece living in a middle-class/poor family struggling with the search of life's substance. I know what you're most likely thinking - Wow! Another thirteen year old who cries over her 'painful' depression. No, I'm not depressed. I'm just trying to figure out who I am and I get a little bit stressed in the process. -------Hope you enjoy my biography and hopefully you don't hate me after that! Anyways, I'm mostly writing this story for myself so I don't expect anyone to read it. People generally do not like my writing, so please don't expect anything extraordinarily fascinating.…
My name is Ellie Ros. I am 20 years old.I met Ed Sheeran at a park I was gonna meet my friends. For a long time I liked Ed, but there were three things making me can not tell him.1. Jake2. Maybe he doesn't like me3. I'm not good enough for himUntil he tells me he loves me, but I tell him that I can't. I am heartbroken about everything.…
Δεν πίστευα στα αυτιά μου. Τα λόγια που μου ειπώθηκαν παρέμειναν στις σκέψεις μου, σκίζοντας το μυαλό μου σαν ένας ατέλειωτος τυφώνας. Δεν ήξερα τι να νιώσω. "Πέρασες." Πέρασα; Και τι υποτίθεται έπρεπε να κάνω για αυτό; Πέρασα. Γέλασα. Δώρισα στους γονείς μου χαρά, προσποιώντας πως το στιγμιαίο ονειρό μου είχε πραγματοποιηθεί. Είχα ρίξει το βέλος μου στον στόχο. Δεν κάρφωσε το κέντρο. Γιατί, όσο και να προσπαθούσα, το κέντρο ήταν ήδη καμμένο. Καμμένο από το παρελθόν μου, από τις σκέψεις που με έτρωγαν συνεχώς, ανυπομονόντας να με εξαφανίσουν. Και τις άφησα. Τίποτα δεν μου φαινόταν τέλειο πια. Μέχρι που τον γνώρισα.---Γειααααααααααααα. Μου αρέσει κάποιος και πρέπει ειλικρινά να σταματήσω να τον στακάρ- εννοώ να τον παρακολουθώ ειρηνικά. (Χιχι)Ελπίζω να σας άρεσει η ιστορία.Στο όνομα του David Bowie ευχαριστώ σε οποιονδήποτε ξοδέψει άχρηστα τον χρόνο του διαβάζοντας αυτό. Αυτά.…
Just some random shit about me.…
Poems duh you read the title…
A girl in Liverpool. A boy in Liverpool. Prisma is a girl that looks too artificially ordinary. She wishes to just do something and escape her past, but primarily, she longs for John Lennon. John Lennon. A boy with quite a past. He loves Prisma, the girl he protected for a long time. Then there's Paul. The one and only Paul. Who else would there be? Doe-eyed, charming, but most of all, too arrogant for his human brain to take in, though he has a soft spot for Prisma. A mystery lies within Prisma's life. Is it to be solved?------UGHh NO One ReAds Thsis PlLeasee…
"Harlots always go unnoticed."…
I just let out feelings here.…
Emma Coils still lived with her Mom while she was 21. Her Mom knew that everyones' 21st birthday had to be special so she set up something for Emma that changed her whole life. What happenes when Emma gets her birthday wish? Read the book to find out more.I got this idea from my dream.…
Elizabeth Rein is a girl that always was a fan of Ed Sheeran. He was her idol. One day her dreams become true of being a singer. But Ed lies to Elizabeth by telling her he has a girlfriend. Will lies be forgotten or will the scar remain? Read to find out. This is my 2nd Ed Sheeran fafiction.…
Amber Jones is a normal 16 year old teenager. One day her Dad kicks her out with her sister, Caitlin. They are forced to live on the street for a year until Caitlin gets a job and they bought a house. Amber went to school again and met Ed. They become really close friends by time.Read more to find out.Please ask me if you want to copy an idea.If you find a story that copied me, please let me know.I don't (Sadly) own Ed Sheeran.P.S. Dear wattpad, if my book becomes successful, please don't ask me to make it an official book for sale.…