How you met
Sam- It was a day like any other. Well, for you at least. You were reading in the library on this stormy day. The library happens to be pretty old. "This book isn't very interesting...Maybe I can find a better one in the mythology section." You get up and put your previous book back. You walk towards the mythology section and find a book on gods and goddesses that looks interesting. Sadly, it's on the top shelf. You jump to try and get it, sadly it doesn't work. You huff in annoyance. Suddenly, a muscular arm reaches over you and grabs the book, and hands it to you. "Here you go." The kind stranger says. "Uh, th-thank you." You blush at the sight of him. Not only is he kind and muscular, he is also very good looking. "Sam, I'm Sam." He holds out his hand for you to shake with a smile on his face. "Y-Y/N." You reply as you shake his hand.
Dean- You being the amazing friend you are, decided to go to a car show with your friend Y/F/N. Obviously you didn't really want to go, but you didn't want to disappoint Y/F/N. You didn't mind too much though. You've always had an interest in older muscle cars. After about an hour of looking around, your friend and yourself get separated. "I'll look for Y/F/N later. I think I'll look around a bit m-" Before you can finish your thought, you spot a black 1967 Chevy Impala. "Nice car huh?" A gruff voice says from behind you. You spin around to see an incredibly good looking guy behind you, with what can be described as fan fiction perfect lips and candy apple green eyes. You blush slightly at how close you are. "Y-yeah! The '67 Impala is a guaranteed winner for the competition! If the owner enters it, that is." The beautiful stranger smiles slightly. "I might just have to enter then. I'm Dean by the way." He holds out his hand for you to shake. "Y/N." You say with a small smile as well, as you shake Dean's hand.
Castiel- You never considered yourself a religious person. You didn't even believe in heaven. It was obvious there was no "greater power". If there was, they sure as hell didn't want to help you. You were raised in the hunting life. You were also raised in an abusive family, until your hunter mother and father bit the dust when you were 13. After they died, you moved in with your uncle Robert Singer, but he just likes to be called Bobby. Of course during those first 13 years of your life, you had your fair share of self harm, but you stopped after Sam, Dean, and Bobby found out. Sam and Dean were also raised in the hunting lifestyle, and all three of you "idgits" thought of each other as family. When Dean came back from Hell, you went with him and Bobby to find out who and what brought him back. This "what" was an angel. His name was Castiel. You didn't trust him. Not at all. "I am Castiel, Angel of the Lord." He said when he introduced himself. "Yeah, well screw you and all your little 'angel' buddies!" Venom was pouring from your voice. Cas did his famous head tilt. "I do not understand." You held back tears as you said, "Forget it," you were about to walk past him, but as you do so, you poke a finger in his chest. "Just know, I don't care who you save or what you do. I will never trust or praise you." And with that, you left the old barn, and a confused angel.
Gabriel- You're a huntress, in a way you are at least. The Winchesters and Bobby don't let you hunt, you just help them with research and stuff. The one time they let you help on a hunt, is the one where you meet the archangel Gabriel. Not him when he's the trickster, but when he is the Gabriel. Through each and every show and commercial you went through, you and both of the guys noticed that you are always one of girls in the background wearing a skimpy outfit or one of the important characters. You didn't have to go through the bad things like the boys, it seemed as though the "trickster" went easy on you. When you met Gabriel, when you knew who he really was, you were surprised to say the least. "Well, it seems as though you two knuckle heads and the lovely lady figured out who I am." You blushed slightly, but not enough for anyone to notice. You zoned out for the rest of their conversation. You were to busy looking into his beautiful whiskey eyes. "Come on Y/N!" Dean said from behind you. "C-Coming!" You hesitantly removed your gaze on the archangel. After Dean had pulled the fire alarm, Gabriel was left smirking, realizing that he had an admirer. And their name was Y/N. "We'll meet again Y/N. I'll be sure of it."
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