End of time
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"So guys, how is married life?" Felix asked.
"Well we had married couple tennis with Jeongin and Seungmin, the family jewels were not happy." Minho stated.
"So not good at tennis." Felix said with a chuckle.
"Nope." Jisung said.
"So, Felix, you and Hyunjin, what is going on there? I mean fans even got your ship name trending." Minho mentioned.
Jisung's face lit up seeing Felix hold a smile back.
"Omg, you guys are back together!"
"We are and he has been really just there. I mean when we were dating back then he was there, but it almost seems like now he is trying to make up for those years we weren't together, but we are in a really good place now." Felix told them.
"That is nice Felix, we are happy for you. Though, have you talked to Skylar?" Minho asked.
Felix bit his lip and nodded, "She's apologised profusely for everything, I did forgive her a couple days after she apologised."
"Well, at least she feels bad about it." Jisung said softly.
Felix hummed agreeing.
"So any plans of picking up where you guys left off?" Jisung questioned.
"No, not yet. We were about to get married where we left of and it's been years so I think it is best that we just wait and learn each other again- in like the sense of personality and habits and stuff, we know each other's y'know pretty thoroughly." Felix answered.
"Hey Lix, I just got a message from Hyunjin with a bunch of chick emojis, that is followed by a text with a knife, rabbit emoji, and squirrel emoji, any idea what that means?" Minho asked, beginning to text Hyunjin back.
"Shoot, what time is it? I told Hyunjin I'd be home by 2:30 to spend time with him." Felix said.
"It is 2:50." Jisung told him.
Felix stood up and grabbed his stuff.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow! I have to go."
"So fast?" Minho questioned.
"Yes, I have a surprise for Hyunjin and I really wanna show him. Bye!" Felix said leaving quickly.
"Thirty bucks says it is the song." Jisung stated.
"You're on."
"I'm home!" Felix called out.
"You're late." Hyunjin pouted, pulling Felix into an embrace.
"Lost track of time with Sungie and Min, apparently they went to married tennis with Jeongin and Seungmin, and Minho's family jewels didn't have a good time."
Hyunjin laughed softly and kissed Felix.
"Well, as long as you are having fun. I bought some ice cream, figured we could watch a movie and cuddle."
Felix nodded, "Before we do that I want to show you something."
"What is it?" Hyunjin questioned, pulling Felix to the couch.
"Here put these on." Felix muttered, handing Hyunjin headphones.
Hyunjin simply did what the younger asked and put the head phones on.
"It is called End of time." Felix told him softly, then pressing play.
The instrumentals rang softly, followed by the sound of Felix's sweet vocals. Hyunjin could hear some of the backing vocals, which he concluded was Seohyeon. However, the lyrics stuck with him the most.
By the time the song was over Hyunjin was in tears.
"Ah, Hyunjinnie, don't cry." Felix said quickly.
Hyunjin pulled the headphones off and pulled Felix onto his lap.
"That was a beautiful song, Angel... I love it." Hyunjin said softly.
Felix smiled, his freckled cheeks bunching up, "Took six years to make, I'm happy you like it."
"I love it, Felix. Like I love you."
"I love you, Hyunjin."
"Till the end of time?" Hyunjin questioned.
"Yeah, until the end of time." Felix said softly.
And Strangers the unnecessary and unneeded sequel is officially over! I hope you enjoyed this! Maybe now I will finally get around to finishing other stories! Also sorry on the wait for my other stories. I hope to get those done soon.
Okie dokie, I love you! Have a good day/night, bye!
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