Kyle x Depressed reader
-Requested by Mad_Hatter269. Thanks, you were the first to request.-
-I do not own south park, any of its characters or you-
Your point of view
Summer break was over and I had to go back to the hell that is known as high school. There were jocks picking on the smarter people, there were the snobby girls that were constantly staring at boys hoping somehow magically that they'll date them. There are nerds that are constantly getting shoved into lockers and getting beat up. And then there's me.
My Name is Y/n L/n. I am 17 years old and I go to south park High, and its not exactly the place I wanna be right now. High school is worse then middle school. There's harder work and its hard to fit in. I used to have four friends I hung out with but over time we all drifted apart.
Stan was sweet and caring, but still a little stupid.
Cartmen was cruel at times, but was soft when he wanted to be.
Kenny was a little pervert, but he respected my personal space.
Then there was Kyle. My major crush in middle school and now. But he doesn't talk to me anymore. Non of the boys do.
So over time I fell into a state of depression and I felt worthless. I still see them at school but nobody talks.
The only person from middle school I talk to is Butters. And he's still sweet and innocent.
I was sitting in the cafeteria with Butters as he was talking about his comic books and his superhero movies, but I spaced out.
"Y/n?? Can I ask you something??" He asked as he poked my arm.
"Sure, what's up?" I asked with my emotionless voice.
"What happened to you? You used to be bright and bubbly in middle school, then high school hit and you're just. Not the same." He explained.
"I don't know. I just feel upset about the guys and all. I really liked hanging out with them." I said remembering our memories as a small smile came upon my face, but it quickly faded.
"Oh yeah. I dont know what happened between you guys." He said poking his food.
"I think I'm gonna go for a walk." I said as I stood up and left the cafeteria.
But I didn't know that a group of girls was following me.
Kyle's point of view
I walked through the halls of the school with my headphones over my ears and looked down at my feet. I have been regretting the day me and the others split up. We dont even know why we did. I didn't want to but it just happened. I missed them all hanging around, even when Cartman called me a Stupid Jew. I especially missed Y/n. She just drifted away with everyone else. I try to build up the courage to talk to her but I feel sick in the stomach every time.
I was about to walk around the corner when I heard a muffled cry for help. I slipped my headphones off my head and heard something I hear to many times.
"St-Stop it!!" Wait a minute! That sounded like Y/n!
I raced around the corner and saw her curled in a ball on the ground as Wendy and her group of friends beat her.
"Hey!" I called as I raced over to them.
The all stopped and looked at me.
"Scatter!!" They cried running in different directions, as Y/n was left crying on the ground with blood dripping down her face.
"Y-Y/n??" I said kneeling next to her as she squeezed her eyes shut.
She slowly opened one and looked up at me and gasped quietly.
"Kyle?" She asked as I helped her up slowly. She winced in pain and more tears fell from her dull e/c eyes.
"Are you okay??" I asked as I hugged her shaking figure. She seemed shocked but slowly clung to my chest and cried. "Shh, its okay now. I'm here."
"K-Kyle. I-I've missed you. So much." She cried. I slowly stroked her hair and made 'shh' noises to calm her down.
"I've missed you too. Everyday." I said as she looked up at me with her glassy eyes and tear stained cheeks.
I cupped her cheek and placed my forehead on hers and kissed her soft, tender lips. She was hesitant but she slowly kissed back and put her arms around my neck. I could taste her salty tears and a little blood but I didn't care. I loved her so much and I needed her to know. We parted slowly and stared into each others eyes. I noticed that hers were not the bright e/c they used to be. The were dull, and nearly grey. She was depressed.
"I love you Y/n. I always have." I said running my hand through her hair.
"I love you too Kyle." She said with a small smile and she once more put her lips to mine.
Today wasn't all that bad
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