Harsh confession (Soulxreader fluff)
This one, you're a weapon(gun) and you can travel as fast as a bullet. And since you're so fast, you can practically fly. And you've been good friends with Soul ever since u met.
~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~
I sat on one of the candles on the DWMA. I know for sure it isn't going to break unlike Blackstar standing on the spike. Kid would kill me if I did that.
Since I don't go to school here yet, I just wait for the gang to come back. I sighed and layed down. I put my arms behind my head and stared at the sky. I closed my eyes and was about to fall asleep.
A woman screamed in the distance and I shot up and looked in the direction. I jumped off the candle and jumped building to building to get there.
I used my power to get there faster. I stopped on one of the buildings to see a giant kishin tearing someone apart. "NO! STOP THAT!" I jumped and turned my hands into (f/c) guns. I shot it in the head multiple times.
The kishin started blocking my bullets with its sythes and walked towards me. I gasped and dodged its next attack. I zoomed around the kishin to make more copies of me.
It got angry and every single copy of me was hit by it. They all disappeared as I was thrown to the ground and was knocked out.
~Soul's P.O.V~
A few hours ago, I carried (Y/n) to my house. I'm just wondering why she's so reckless. That kishin did a number on her. She could've broken something or maybe worse. If something like that actually happened, I would not be cool with it.
I opened the door to my room and peeked inside. (Y/n) was awake and she was sitting up looking confused. I walked to the kitchen and picked up a glass of water. I walked back to my room and opened the door. "You okay (Y/n)?" I set the water on the table beside her.
"Oh..hi Soul..what happened?" I grabbed a chair and sat with the back of it in front of me. "You were knocked out by that kishin from earlier and me and Maka came and defeated it for ya..then I carried you here, that's all."
(Y/n) fiddled with her hands and stayed quiet. "Why'd you fight it?" She looked at me. "Because someone was in trouble! I can't just-" "That's not the answer I was looking for. Come on
(Y/n), why'd you fight it?"
She stayed quiet. "Dude, this is the 5th time this week I had to save you. And on top of that, this is the 17th time this month." I continued. "Not trying to be mean but..you know you're not powerful enough to defeat anything alone."
She looked at me angry. "I did it because I wanted to try to get stronger! I'm just tired of everyone saying I'm just a weakling and a horrible bodyguard! And anyway, why do you keep saving me? I'm jut fine on my own!"
"Tch, that kishin was about to step on you after you were knocked out, you sure?" "Well if you didn't help me, I would of gotten up on my own!" She stood up on the opposite side of the bed from me. "I'm tired of you always trying to help me!" She turned and faced me.
I stood up. "Well I do it because I don't want you to get hurt! But you're so reckless, I can't even look out for you!" Tears came down her face and I stopped. She pasted back and forth.
"Well I'm fine without you looking out for me! I don't rely on anyone else but myself! I don't need your help! I'm capable of looking after myself! I'm not Maka, or anyone else! I'm just..
In love with you, ok?!"
She gasped and looked back at me. I was surprised. I always thought she would never like someone like me. More tears came out of her eyes and she ran for the door. Out of reflex, I quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a tight hug.
She hugged me back and cried into my chest. We both dropped to the ground. "I..I was always alone..so I never had anyone to rely on.." She said in between gasps of her breath. "I-I sorry.." She started crying even more.
I comforted her. "It's okay, I understand, but I just don't want you to get hurt, that's all." She calmed down and pulled away to rub her eyes. "Thanks Soul.."
"Why are you crying?" I put my hand under her chin and made her look up at me. "Because..I hate yelling at people I care about most.." She said in a whisper that only I could hear.
I wiped her face with my thumb and kissed her on the forehead, then pecked her on the lips. "It's okay." I said, reassuring her. She sniffled and layed her head on my chest again.
"I love you Soul.."
"I love you too, (Y/n).."
My first Soul X reader story yay!
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