Chapter Twenty-Nine
Jenny sat criss-crossed on her motel bed, reading through John's journal with a focused frown. "This guy writes like a caveman." She commented as Sam and Dean turned and looked at her. In the last week, she hadn't found anything that could help the three track down the missing Winchester.
"You know, maybe we should call the Feds. File a missing persons report?" Jenny and Dean frowned at Sam's suggestion, which he had been saying for the last month since they started going back on cases together.
"We've talked about this. Dad would kill us if we had the Feds on his ass." Dean waved his hand around as Jenny shut the journal, tossing it to the side.
Sam shrugged. "I don't care anymore." On the other side of the motel, Dean's phone started to ring. Dean got up, walking over to his duffel bag that sat next to Jenny's feet. "After all that happened back in Kansas, I mean...he should've been there, Dean. You said so yourself. You tried to call him and...nothing." Sam furrowed his brows.
"I know!" Dean snapped, Jenny looked down at him. Dean groaned, rummaging through his bag. "Where the hell is my cellphone?"
"Front pocket." Jenny muttered and Dean looked up at her for a moment before opening the front pocket of his duffle bag, pulling out his phone.
"He could be dead, for all we know." Jenny's eyes widened as Dean stood up, pointing angrily at Sam.
"Don't say that! He's not dead. He's not— He—" Jenny paused as she went to stand up and comfort him, looking back over at Sam before staying in her spot, sinking deeper into the bed.
Dean flicked his phone opened, scoffing in disbelief. "I don't believe it." Dean mumbled, Jenny frowning up at him.
"What is it?"
"It's uh— it's a text message. Coordinates." He waved his phone before walking over to Sam, taking his computer.
Jenny stood up, walking over to stand behind Dean, leaning over his head to watch him type the coordinates into the search bar.
"You think Dad is texting us?" Sam frowned as Jenny shrugged.
"He's given us coordinates before, hasn't he?"
"Jenny, he can barely work a toaster." She frowned at Sam as he raised his brows, hoping she would recall the one time John had set a toaster on fire trying to make toast for them.
"Sam, it's good news! It means Dad is alive." Dean interjected into the conversation as Jenny looked at what popped up onto the screen. Rockford, Illinois.
"Hey, I know a kid there." She smiled softly as Dean frowned, looking back at her.
"You do?" Jenny nodded, not going into any further detail as Sam looked between the two.
"Where do the coordinates point?" He asked as Dean clicked his tongue.
"That's the interesting part. Rockford, Illinois."
"Interesting how?"
"Because. A cop killed his wife then himself... Right after coming home from checking out the Roosevelt Asylum." Jenny stood up straight as Dean turned the computer to Sam, who read through the news article.
"Okay, I'm not following. What has this have to do with us?" Sam frowned as Dean snapped his fingers, pointing to him.
"Dad earmarked the same asylum in the journal. Let's see..." Dean stood up and walked over to Jenny's bed, grabbing the journal and flipped through it's pages. "Here. Seven unconfirmed sightings, two deaths– till last week at least. I think this is where he wants us to go."
"Wait— Your dad is putting us on a job?" Jenny frowned, Sam sharing the same look as the older Winchester shrugged.
"Well, maybe we'll meet up with him? Maybe he's there?" Dean suggested as Jenny slowly sat down where Dean was just sitting, a frown on her face.
"Maybe he's not? I mean, he could be sending us there, by ourselves, to hunt this thing." Sam stated as Jenny nodded in agreement.
"Who cares! If he wants us there, it's good enough for me!" Dean argued, Sam sighing at his brother.
"This doesn't strike you as weird? The texting? The coordinates? The month long silence and now we are suddenly being put on a job?" Jenny crossed her arms at Dean, who scoffed loudly.
"Guys! Dad's tellin' us to go somewhere, we're going." Dean shut the journal before stuffing it in his duffel bag. Jenny sighed quietly, walking over to her own duffel bag.
"And I didn't even get to enjoy this bed yet." She complained before slipping her shoes on.
Jenny opened the door to a bar, letting Sam and Dean through before walking in. The place was dim and looked like it desperately needed a remodeling, like most bars usually do. Not to mention it horrifically smelled like puke and a disco party.
Jenny and Sam separated from Dean as he walked away, the two sitting down at a table, watching Dean carefully.
At the bar, a man took a long swig of his beer, the three Hunters walking over. "Daniel Gunderson?" The man turned around at the sound of his name, nodding. "I'm Nigel Tufnel, the Chicago Tribune. Mind if we ask you a couple of questions about your partner?"
"Yeah, I do. I'm trying to have a beer here." Daniel turned back around as Jenny frowned at his harshness. She and Sam shared a looked before he picked up a menu, pretending to read through it.
"That's okay, I swear it won't take that long. I just want to get the story in your words." Dean continued to push as the man shot him a glare, waving his hand up.
"A week ago, my partner was sitting in that chair. Now he's dead. You gonna ambush me here?"
"Sorry. But I need to know what happened." Sam gave Jenny a look before he stood up, walking over to his brother and shoved him.
"Hey buddy, why don't you leave the poor guy alone! The man's an officer! Why dontcha show a little respect!" Sam yelled as Dean's eyes widened in confusion. He looked over at Jenny, who shrugged.
Dean looked back at Sam before walking off, out of the bar. Jenny set her menu down, following Dean out.
"Did he have to shove me so hard?" Dean complained as he rubbed his chest, turning to Jenny, who shrugged.
"He didn't have to shove you. He could have just yelled." She chuckled as Dean frowned at her, dropping his hand. The two sat down at an outside table, Jenny resting her head in her hands.
"When you said you knew a kid around here... How did you meet them?" Jenny shrugged as she played around with the salt shaker.
"She should be close to two years old now. Apparently when she was born, a ghost had latched itself onto the mom. She took the ghost home and shit went downhill for them. But... I got rid of it, and now we're good." Jenny smiled at the memory of the little girl, wondering what the family was up to.
"Well... Who knows? Maybe we'll run into them." Jenny nodded as she leaned back in her chair, staring at the salt shaker before sucking in a deep breath.
"Did you ever think about having kids?" Dean's eyes widened as Jenny looked at him with a frown. He thought for a moment before shaking his head.
"No... Can't say I have."
"Before I met back up with you and John... I met this guy. Another Hunter." Dean's interest peaked for a moment as Jenny shook her head. "There were a few months where I told myself 'You got this, Jennifer. You can finally have a life.' And then we started talking about having a family and... Then he didn't come back from a hunt."
Dean's expression softened as Jenny sniffled, smiling half-heartedly. "I told him to not go. Because neither of us had gone in a hunt in a year because of each other. He said he'd be fine and... He wasn't."
"Jen, I'm so sorry." Jenny shook her head, looking back at Dean with that same sad smile. "I can't lie to you... I never expected you to tell me something like this."
"Well... I can't keep secrets forever."Jenny stood up with Dean, the two walking to the Impala and sat in the hood. The two looked up at the sky, Jenny still smiling. "His name was Leo. He reminded me of you a lot."
Dean paused, looking at Jenny as something seemed to have clicked in her mind. Before he could ask anything, Sam walked out of the bar. The two looked at the young Winchester.
"Shoved me kind of hard there, buddy boy." Dean joked as Sam shrugged.
"Had to sell it, didn't I? It's called method acting."
"What?" Dean frowned as Sam rolled his eyes.
"What did he tell you?" Jenny asked, hopping off of the car.
"So, Walter Kelly was a good cop. Head of his class, even-keeled, he had a bright future ahead of him."
"What about at home?" Dean asked as Sam let out a sigh, trying to remember.
"He and his wife had a few fights, like everybody, but he was mostly smooth sailing. They were even talking about having kids." Jenny and Dean's eyes widened, Sam frowning at the expression they shared.
"Uh— Alright." Dean cleared his throat. "—so either Kelly had some deep-seated crazy waiting to bust out, or something else did it to him." Sam nodded as Jenny rolled onto her heels, pressing her lips together awkwardly. Sam frowned again for a moment as he notified a tear stain on Jenny's cheek, looking at Dean with concern.
"Okay. What did he say about the asylum?" Sam cleared his throat, shoving his hands into his pockets.
"A lot."
Jenny took the motel room keys from the receptionist, walking out of the office and back to Dean and Sam. "The motel rooms don't have any couches. So one of us is sleeping on the floor tonight." Jenny smiled as Sam rolled his eyes, nudging his brother before grabbing the keys and walking away. Dean's head whipped around to his brother, shooting him a glare before slowly turning back to Jenny, who had her hand balled into a fist.
"Rock, Paper, Scissors?" She suggested as he stayed quiet for a moment. Jenny frowned at no response, while Dean looked like he might pass out from how long he was holding his breath. "Dean?"
"Why don't you uh— Why don't— uh— Right... Why don't you just share a bed with one of us?" Jenny's eyes widened at how nervous Dean was acting, her hands dropping.
"Share— oh. Yeah- That could work... Uh... Well. Right." Jenny pressed her lips together before smiling awkwardly. "It's just for a few nights, right?" She shrugged, patting Dean on the shoulder before following after Sam. Dean took in a deep breath, leaning against his car.
He felt like he was sixteen again. Before he actually had the ability to talk to a girl, or before he had his first kiss. He couldn't understand why he was so nervous suggesting something like that. It was literally just sleeping arrangements. There was nothing else behind it. Especially since Sam was going to be right next to them.
When Dean got into the motel room, he only noticed Sam, who had the biggest grin on his face. "Why are you so happy?" Dean asked as his brother shrugged.
"No reason. We should start heading to the Asylum soon before Jenny passes out."
"I heard that." Dean looked around in confusion before spotting a closed door, most likely the bathroom.
Inside, Jenny's knuckles had turned white from gripping the sink, staring at the faucet with giant bug eyes. Nervous? Why the hell am I so nervous? She thought to herself, looking in the mirror.
It had been a while since she had actually looked into one.And she could clearly blame the damn Bloody Mary case for that. There was a small scar under her left eye now, possibly from that case when a shard of glass had cut her. Not to mention that her cheeks were beet red.
"Jenny we're going to leave without you." Sam called out from the other side of the door.
"Alright I'm coming." She turned the faucet on, splashing herself with icy cold water before walking out.
Her and Dean's duffle bag's were now on one bed together, Sam's things laid out on his bed. That same smirk was still on the young Winchester's face as Jenny glared at him, Dean no where in sight.
"I will shank you, Sam." The boy raised his hands in defense, chuckling.
"I'm just doing what you two can't."
hehehe bed trope
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