The gala sleepover:
I was sitting by the Panakes tree, stealing all the Alicorn snuggles in the world, with the sun beginning to set even though it was only six in the afternoon.
Suddenly Mr Forkle appeared, "Miss Foster, Sandor." His wrinkly face seemed to have a small smile, "Why are you here?" I asked as Wynn trotted away to find Luna.
In response he held out two pieces of paper, both scrolls but one had the Vacker crest and the other... "I-is that my... Matchlist?"
Mr Forkle nodded, "And this-" He waved the other scroll, the one with the Vacker crest, "- Is Young Mr Vacker's invitation to his Winnowing Gala tomorrow night."
Biana dragged me into yet another dress shop, "Ooh, what about this one!" She held up a very short, sleeveless, teal dress with a deep v-neck, "Nope!" I exclaimed, "In the five hours we've been shopping I think this is the worst dress you've picked out."
She laughed, and I did too, but something caught my eye, an emerald and diamond necklace, "I-I like that necklace!"
Biana gasped, "Oh my! What have you done with the real Sophie Elizebeth Foster?!"
I gently punched her in the shoulder, "Ooh how about that dress?" She rushed over and grabbed a flowing long red dress, that was sleeveless.
I was speechless, "It's like a fancy version of... me!"
"Do a little twirl darling!" Edaline smiled and I couldn't help but smile as I spun. "I don't like the leg slit." Grady grumbled.
I sighed, "I love you too dad." I kissed him on the cheek, "I love you as well mom." I gave her a hug, "Biana's here! Bye!" I slung my backpack over my shoulder and headed out the door.
I don't know why Fitz invited me to his Winnowing Gala, but... it's going to be good to see Biana, and Dex... and Linh, and... not so much Tammy boi.
I dislike the dead slug. But at least I wouldn't be alone in my single-ness.
That thought was depressing.
"You got this, remember; you're not going to see Foster in a cute dress... having fun and blushing and leaning in to- to kiss Fitz."
I stared at myself in the mirror, myself clad in a midnight blue tunic and matching pants stared back at me.
I couldn't lie to myself. I'm happy that she's happy, but, it's going to be awkward... She won't know why I'm avoiding her... maybe I'll hang with Dex.
Except he'll want to dance with Biana.
"You know..." Ro began grinning, her newly painted gold and ice-blue nails gleamed in the sunlight, "It's not too late to sweep our little blondie off her feet and leave pretty boy the broken one."
I glared at her, "Yeah, such a genius plan, except the one of many flaws. I'll make a bet with you about it."
She raised an eyebrow, "And what exactly is this bet?"
It was my turn to grin, but it was a weary grin, one of defeat no matter what the outcome is. "Fitz will propose to her. If he doesn't I-I will tell Foster I love her... and it wouldn't even be a lie."
Ro snorted, "That's obvious, but what if I lose, in that extremely unlikely scenario, what would you gain?"
"You would leave the Sophie issue alone." I turned away and threw my sketchbook and pencils into my bag.
Ro sighed as I walked through the doorway, "Ro?" I called back, "Yeah?" came her weary reply. "I like your nails."
I stepped into the beam of light with one final thought before I entered Everglen's grounds.
I'm still rooting for Team Foster-Keefe.
Sophie was still with Dex, perfect. He doesn't know why exactly he's keeping her occupied but he's doing it for me.
I heard a light tap on the door and I opened it to see Keefe... whose hair...
A/n... I'm pretty sure that's child abuse...
"Dude, we need to fix that." Dex started laughing the moment he saw him. I shot him a look that said, Where's Sophie? He gave me a look as if saying, Don't worry, she's busy with Iggy.
"My dad forced me to do this by threatening Mrs Stinkbottom." Keefe grumbled, patting the side pocket of his backpack, which looked suspiciously shaped like a stuffed gulon.
Keefe tore a hand through his hair, reviving it a little, but not much. I giggled as he growled in frustration, the Dex joined in laughing as well.
"Not you too, Deck! Well, once I fix my hair, what did you want me to get from that dress place?"
Dex shot me a quizzical glance. "Yeah if you take a right as soon as you walk into the door, there's a diamond and emerald necklace. Can you grab it? I can pay you once you get back." I added.
Keefe smirked, "Nah, i'm spending Daddy dearest's money." Dex laughed, "Well Lord Funkyhair, call me 'Deck' again and I'll Deck you!"
Keefe laughed, "I'd like to see you try." Sophie's voice echoed down the stairs, "Wait, Is that.. Keefe?" Her voice was incredulous and she couldn't stop laughing as she stopped in front of him.
She looks beautiful...
The way the dress swirled around her, how it hugged her frame, and how she looked so confident in it. Sophie has always been insecure in dresses but in this one... She must have dropped her crown...
I smirked at her, "Yeah, blame Daddy Dearest." Her smiling face glowed and the scent of panakes flowers wafted towards me, she must be wearing perfume... It was intoxicating.
She walked up to me and smirked. "Yeah... that ruined your hair." She stood on her tippy toes and ruffled my hair, I could feel her warm breath on my cheek. As she slowly put her feet on the floor she met my eyes.
Why- why- why did she have to do that!?! She's the only who's caused me to have butterflies in my stomach, the only who's made me dream of them, the only one I've ever liked... the only one I will ever...
She just thinks of me as a friend. I reminded myself as she stumbled, and I put my hand on her waist before she fell, "Thanks." She whispered before slowly pulling away, her hands brushed against mine, sending a shockwave of warmth through me.
Then clearing her throat she said, "Iggy's going to go insane, I'll go- go pet him- I mean bathe- I mean feed him."
She stumbled up the stairs, as fast as her clumsy self could, and I could just make out her furious mumblings, but not the actual words.
Biana had a devious expression on her face, and I thought I heard her mutter under her breath, "Yes! There's still hope!"
Why, why, why does Keefe have to be here!
Wait... why am I panicking?...
Why did I ruffle his hair?.. Why was there a warmth in my stomach that had nothing to do with the Cinnacreme Dex had made?
And... Why am I nervous for Fitz to see him?
I heard footsteps trodding up the steps, "You know where to go, go straight then take a left. I'll go, um- talk to Dex!" Biana rushed back down the steps leaving the person (who I had a nagging suspicion was Keefe) behind.
I heard him sigh as he walked past my door, he rolled his eyes and then he must've seen me out of his peripheral vision, because he straightened up while running a hand through his hair, "Well, well, well. Sophie, looks like we're neighbors eh? And Biana wants to leave the other rooms alone, she's weird isn't she?" He smirked at me, "I mean not as weird as me. No one can beat than don't you think?"
His ramblings were endearing but almost nonsensical, "I- uh." I stammered, my face heating up, What is wrong with you? Get a grip on yourself, just because Keefe Sencen is in the room next to you with his charming smile, and warm... ice-blue eyes... and gentle arms that have held you in your darkest times, when no one was there for you...
I shook my head and realized Keefe was standing directly in front of me, "Earth to Foster?" He waved a hand in front of my face, I blinked and stared up at him, "Uh, I- yeah?" I asked, stupidly my heart pounded in my ribcage as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.
"Are you okay?" The question was so sweet and subtly hinted with warmth it caught me off guard, and the question was so simple, so why couldn't I answer honestly when I said, "Yeah! Of course I am, why wouldn't I be? I'm better than fine! I'm amazing! Spectacular! Some might go as far as to say I'm-"
Keefe placed his warm index finger on my chapped lips effectively shutting me up, "Some might say you're pretty darn adorable with the way you're rambling like that." His finger dropped from my mouth, but he ran his hand through my hair, effectively making my heart go pitter-patter, and several warm feelings shoot through me that I haven't felt for a long time.
"Hey," I whined trying my best to mimic his sweet voice, "You messed up the hair!" He laughed a sound that filled the air musically. "I don't think I sound as cute as you Foster." He gave me a wink as he picked up his bag, and a gold notebook dropped out of it.
"See you later Foster." He smirked, hastily picking up the notebook, but as he straightened up and rushed out the door a single piece of crisp, colored, paper slowly floated to the floor.
I reached down to grab it as I heard a crash from the room next over, Keefe's room. I quickly hid the paper underneath my pillow before I ran over to peek through the doorway. I saw no one, so doing the only sensible thing, I went towards the noise!
And... who left a pillow on the floor? Y'know it's very easy for a lovesick, distracted, hot guy to slip on!
Foster walked through the door laughing, her already radiant face, glowed with amusement and happiness and something else I couldn't decipher, "Uhm- what was that sound?" She asked, leaning against the doorway, she seemed to have a cute lil' smirk on her face! Aw my girl's- I mean Fitz's girl is growing up!
"It was my shirt falling." I smirked back, and Sophie looked around while raising an eyebrow, "Are you sure? Because it sounded a lot louder than that. But I guess you're afraid to ruffle your pretty hair."
I grinned, oh it's on, "Hm, well FOster? Considering you just called my hair 'pretty' I think it's a pretty powerful object!" Sophie blinked a few times and opened and closed her mouth... before she burst out laughing.
She slumped against the doorway, giggling, snorting, you think of any adorable laugh? She did it. "I was in the shirt." I admitted, just to see her eyes light up and hear her angelic laugh once again.
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