Killua was watching Bakugou throw a fit outside exploding trees and such. He leaned against the windowsill, slightly concerned. "Something wrong..?" Bakugou yelled angrily. "THAT STUPID DEKU GOT IN!" Oh. Killua had never met him, since he didn't go to school. However Bakugou talked about him a lot, none of it good. Killua had to admit he started hating the whiny bastard too, even though he'd never actually met him. Although, the story seemed wrong. "Didn't you say he was quirkless though?" You couldn't be a hero without a quirk in this society.
Bakugou kicked the tree he'd been bullying roughly, causing it to fall with a crash. "He does have a quirk! That extra was hiding it from me for years! Does he think he's better than me or something?" Killua snorted. "So what if he has a quirk? He's still a whiny little bitch." Bakugou groaned, scowling at the tree husk. "I know, but it still pisses me off. That loser doesn't deserve to be there." He spat. Killua hummed. "Sounds like a pain in the ass."
"BOYS!" Mitsuki hollered, from inside. Killua shouted down to her. "YEAH?" Mitsuki stomped upstairs, looking fairly pissed off. "You guys really need to get out of the house, me and Masaru can't get a moment of quiet time! Out, you can come back for supper." Killua glanced down at Bakugou, who was looking up at them. "FINE! OLD HAG!" , "THAT'S NO WAY TO SPEAK TO YOUR MOTHER!" Killua whistled and walked away, strolling outside and deciding to not get in the crossfire of that screaming match. After about ten minutes of screaming, Bakugou exited the house and fell into step beside him. "Guess i'll go hang with Tsubasa and-"
"No." Bakugou shot a look at him. "Eh?" Killua despised the people Bakugou hung out with, especially because they didn't even genuinely like him. "Really? Those suck ups? They don't even actually like you." Bakugou scowled at him. "The hell do you mean? We've been friends since we were little." Killua scoffed. "Have they ever complimented you?" Bakugou let out a huff, kicking a pebble. "Yeah? A lot actually. Dumbass." Killua shook his head. "No, that's praise. Have they ever genuinely complimented you about anything except your physical strength and capabilities?" Bakugou paused, thinking. Killua scowled. "They don't care about you, just your talent. They hope if they stick with you long enough they can ride on your victory." He spat.
"You've only met them twice though, how could you even tell?" Bakugou asked, a bit confused. He let out a chuckle. "Oh Katsuki, I've dealt with shit like that most of my life, I've found it's best to get rid of those people before their words start getting to you." Bakugou didn't reply to that for a few moments. "Guess I'm not hanging out with Tsubasa then." He said, gruffly. Killua's eyes shined. "Casino?" Bakugou shot him a glare. "Eh? Are you kidding me? I can't gamble, I'm gonna get into U.A." The snowy haired teen let out an exasperated sigh. "I know, I'm just joking." Although not really, he did genuinely want to go gambling but he knew Bakugou would never agree.
The two ended up aimlessly walking around the city for a few hours, with no idea on what to do. "Man this is boring." Killua grumbled. Bakugou huffed. "Tell me about it, but that old hag won't let us back in for three more hours. Killua groaned. "I have the perfect idea but I know you won't like it." he knew for a fact Bakugou wasn't into sweets. Bakugou gave him a dry look. "At this rate, I don't care." A sly grin cracked across Killua's face. "I know this place that has amazing cupcakes-" Bakugou let out a bark of laughter. "Absolutely not, that's dumb." Killua's grin didn't falter. "Oh come on Katsuki, don't you want to crush me in arcade games?" His roommate shot him a quizzical look, very confused. "The cafe also doubles as an arcade, are you sure you don't want to go?" Bakugou smirked. "I'm gonna murder you in those arcade games."
"SON OF A-" Killua hissed as bakugou landed the last hit, sending his video game character flying offscreen. "Hah! Loser!" Killua scowled. "You got lucky, that was all" He placed his hands behind his head with a roll of his eyes. "Sure, say what you want. You're still a loser" Bakugou said snarkily. Cocky asshole. He grumbled internally. Then, something caught his eye. It was a shiny board on the wall, it seemed to be a dartboard. Although it seemed to be made of plastic. "Hey Katsuki, up for a game of darts?" Bakugou laughed. "Oh you're on, bitch" The two walked up to the machine, and Killua felt a dart in his hand as Bakugou put in the cash to play. Oddly shaped, and rigged. I can tell they're tilted.
However, Killua had a vast advantage over Bakugou for this game. Not only was he a master at darts, but he knew how to throw rigged ones. "Alright, you first." Bakugou grabbed one of the darts, then to Killua's dismay he threw it with all his might at the machine. "DIE!" Killua snorted as the magnetic dart couldn't get a grip and fell to the ground. Bakugou growled. "Hah!? But I hit the bullseye! Why don't I have any points?" Killua burst out laughing, causing the infuriated Bakugou to turn his glare on him. "THE HELL ARE YOU LAUGHING AT?" Killua gained his composure, then tossed one of the darts at the machine. The dart stuck magnetically to the bullseye, and an annoying little jingle played as he won some points. "Katsuki, you can't just throw it as hard as you can. It has to have time to stick, or else you don't get the points."
Bakugou grumbled under his breath, then threw the dart again. This time, his throw was better, but because of how the darts were rigged it landed in the bottom right corner instead of near the middle. "HAH!? THIS IS BULLSHIT!" Killua tried not to start laughing again as he watched Bakugou throw dart after dart, raging at his inability to get anywhere near the bullseye. "A game of darts can't be won with brute strength, I've been playing this game since I was three, you aren't winning this katsuki." Bakugou flipped him off. "Shut up, I'm concentrating." Killua grinned, then decided to taunt him some more. "It takes a little thing called skill."
Bakugou eventually stopped his attempts, fuming. He glanced around, then let out growl. "I still beat you at every other one here, weakling." Killua chuckled, he'd actually let Bakugou win several of those games. He knew Bakugou had a fragile sense of self worth. He needed to constantly prove he was better than anyone to feel like he was worth something, which was a very depressing mindset. Gauging your own worth off of other people's performances in comparison is something that will always end badly. I really hope I can beat that mindset out of him, but I don't really know how to. He glanced at the clock, then hummed. "It's almost time for dinner, we should cash in our points for prizes." Bakugou scoffed. "Who the hell wants shitty prizes? Most of it's for toddlers anyways."
Killua rolled his eyes. "Well, usually. But here you can cash in points for exclusive points only sweets. And I don't know about you, but I sure as hell want one." Bakugou shrugged. "Whatever, you can have my points then. The satisfaction of beating you to a pulp in all those games was enough." he said, with a haughty look. Killua's eyes shined and he snatched the points card, then made his way over to the bakery section of the arcade. His eyes scanned over all the decadent desserts, then he gasped when he laid his eyes on a particular one. Are those chocolate robots!? The young man currently working there gave him a smile. "Hey there, you interested in those? 125 points a pop!" Killua slapped down his points card. "I don't know how many points i have, but I want all of them." he said, firmly.
The young man blinked, then shrugged and did the math, then dropped eleven chocolate robots into a bag and handed it to him. "Have a nice day young man!" Killua salivated a little at the smell, he couldn't wait. Hell he didn't even know they sold chocolate robots here, he sure as hell hadn't been able to find them anywhere else. I can't fucking wait.
1429 words
To be continued...
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