Glitter-Meowing Chaos Part 2
The door to the magical room slams open and two figures stumble in, the light reflecting off of the glitter coating them.
Spider-Man starts attempting to brush the glitter off of his costume and fails spectacularly, instead creating a cloud of glitter floating in the air around him, "I will forever be traumatized by glitter. It's one of the worst things ever invented."
"I mean, glitter was basically invented by accident."
Spider-Man pauses for a moment, "Yeah, that makes sense. But that doesn't change the fact that I am never going to get rid of this glitter. I'll have to burn this suit and even then I'll still manage to find it everywhere. I swear it's worse than dog hair. At least having dog hair everywhere means you probably own one of the fluffy beans."
There's a pause before Spider-Man turns to face Emrys, his voice taking on a hopeful tone, "Can't you just... magic it away?"
Emrys hesitates, "Magic doesn't usually work like that."
Spider-Man lifts an eyebrow, "Usually?"
Emrys shifts his weight uncomfortably, "Well I seem to be the exception to a lot of rules when it comes to magic. Don't ask me why, I'm still trying to figure it out myself." His voice lowers to a mumble, "Nobody seems to be able to give me a straight answer, especially magic itself."
"So does that mean you'll try? Please?"
There's a pause before, "Yeah, why not. I mean, it shouldn't hurt anything."
Spider-Man stares at him, "Well that's comforting."
Emrys shrugs, "You never know when it comes to me and magic, but I'll give it a shot. I want this glitter gone just as much as you do." He glances between the two of them and at the glitter that has spread around the room before his irises flash gold and the glitter disappears.
Spidey raises both eyebrows, "Well that was... I don't even know. Disappointing? Plain?"
Emrys nods his head while inspecting the room for any stray pieces, "Yeah, people expect magic to be this grand thing with sparkles and flashy lights when in reality, at its origin, it isn't much at all."
"I mean, it's still magic."
"I guess that's fair."
Emrys crosses the room to greet his rabbit, Gerard, and pour two cups of tea, "You know, you remind me of a best friend I used to have."
Spider-Man walks up to Emrys and accepts the offered cup, "Used to?"
"Yeah, um, he passed away."
"Oh, I'm sorry."
Emrys waves him off as he sits down in an armchair, "It's okay, it was years ago."
"That doesn't mean the pain has gone away completely."
"That's true. But it does mean that it's gotten a bit better. Anyways, you have the same resilience and fortitude that he did. That doesn't mean that he didn't get into trouble though. He was a prat at first. Still was when he died, just not as much."
Emrys smiles, "Yeah. The first time I met him he was actually bullying someone and I asked him to stop. I swear he got better from there, it just took time. And I think that over that time we grew quite close."
"Well it's good to hear that he got better."
"For sure. He turned into a very good leader that helped others in their times of need. He did his duty well and had much honor."
Spider-Man smiles back at Emrys, "Well, in that case I'm honored that I remind you of him."
They both take a sip of their tea before Spider-Man's phone goes off. They both jump at the sudden noise and Spider-Man fumbles for the zipper of his hidden pocket before taking out his phone and looking at the screen, "Oh crap! I was supposed to be home 30 minutes ago."
Emry's stands, Spider-Man following suit, "Well, it was nice getting to know you."
"Same here, Spider-Man. You're welcome here anytime. I think it would be my pleasure to get to know you more."
"I'll keep that in mind." Spider-Man gestures to the window next to them, "Does that window open?"
"It does indeed." Emrys walks over to the window and unlatches it before stepping back to give Spider-Man access to the window seal.
"Thank you so much Emrys. I'll talk to you later!" Giving one last wave, Spider-Man jumps off with a whoop and swings away.
Chuckling, Emrys closes the window before turning to Gerard and remarking, "What a strange kid. But in a good way. He kinda grows on you."
Gerard clicks in agreement before hopping up onto the armchair and settling down for a much-needed nap.
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