𝟐𝟒: 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐏𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐍𝐞𝐰𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐫
had to add this iconic picture of our main character cause wow!!
As I open my eyes, a tear dropped across my nose and onto my pillow. I guess I was even crying in my sleep. Last night was a blur because of all the crying I did and because most of it felt like a horrible dream. Getting in a car crash, Draco showing up in my room, having sex, him leaving to Astoria. I feel as though I've had too much to handle for one lifetime. Sometimes I lay in bed at night hoping for an end or a good thing to happen for once. And yet bad things keep occurring every day.
I turn my body around, careful not to move Theo since he's gripping my waist so tightly. When I turn, I see his face resting close to mine, his nose slightly brushing the tip of mine. All though last night was a blur I remember what he said to me. That he'd wait. I see him now, like this, peaceful and gorgeous and I can't help but let my emotions for him take the better. I don't know how I could ever break his heart because he's not the one I really want and I don't want to use him because I'm afraid of hurting him either. It's not fair to me or himself that he's holding on to whatever hope he has of having something with me.
Even if Cressida and I haven't spoken, if she were to find out I have a relationship with her father, it would hurt her. Not only her, it would hurt Thomas the most because he confessed his love to me and I shot him down. I understand his frustration, I didn't let him down easily but it was my birthday, he didn't have to tell me then. I was already having the worst day and he just threw that on me. But to find out that months later I'm with his father, he would never forgive me and I don't think I could ever forgive myself either.
I scan Theo's freckled face as the sun shines on his perfect skin and I lift my hand gently, moving a curl away from his forehead. He moves comfortably and his bare chest rubs against my breasts, making me realize my robe must have come undone while I was sleeping.
"Are you watching me sleep?" he whispers quietly, keeping his eyes closed but rubbing his thumb on my lower back.
I smile with a small laugh and cover his mouth with my hand. "You have horrible morning breath Theo." I inch closer to him and squint. "But yes, I was watching you sleep."
He chuckles and releases his grip around my body before lying on his back and rubbing his face with both hands. A small, tired groan comes from him as he pulls the new blanket over his face to block the sun. I can't help but smile and feel normal watching him like if were a bickering couple, speaking in bed before breakfast.
"I'm going to brush my teeth and prepare breakfast." I whisper with my hand on his chest, feeling familiar and comfortable. "There's a spare toothbrush in my bathroom and towels if you want to freshen up."
"Mhmm." he hums quietly, still too tired to speak or get up now instead of waiting.
I shake my head with a sigh and tap his chest before getting up and that causes him to open one eye and watch me walk away in my bra and panties. As I step into my bathroom, I shiver as my feet touch the cold, porcelain tile. I grab a fresh white robe off the steamer and put it on, letting it warm up my body as I brush my teeth. Bridgette is probably awake too, since she's used to the time difference of France. She probably even made herself something because she was too hungry to wait for me. I'm actually glad she came however. She's been my good friend since I can remember and I need a normal age good friend who isn't someone who's dad I've hooked up with.
Once I'm done brushing my teeth, I tap my toothbrush on the side of my sink and put it back into the cup in my cabinet. I take my robe off and place it back on the steamer before heading back out and going straight to my wardrobe. I struggle to open the wooden doors and when I do, all my coats and dresses are hanging there on wood hangers. I grab the one shirt that's hanging there and put it on; it's a sheer black long sleeve with jewels along the stitched lines, that cost a fortune so I can't fold it.
I close my wardrobe and open my drawers next to it, grabbing a pair of black trousers and grabbing boots from the drawers on the other side. While I'm sliding my boots on, under my straight trousers, I hear my phone ring on my side table. The noise causes Theo to groan and squeeze himself between the pillow under his head as I answer the phone and step out into the hallway.
"Hey, it's Cressida." her voice sends my heart sinking into my stomach. "Can we talk? I can go to your flat. I'm near by doing some shopping and I couldn't help thinking about you and how we haven't talked in a while."
I pause for a second, looking back at my bedroom door where Theo is inside, sleeping on my bed. My car is wrecked and I have no intention of leaving my flat but that means she has to come here and I have to kick him out. I've hurt him so many times, why do I have to do it again? I groan quietly and walk back into my bedroom, covering my mouth to whisper into the speaker.
"Yeah. I'll see you in a bit Cress." I hang up the phone and rush over to Theo, the heels of my boots clicking loudly against the wood floor. "Theo." I push him gently. "Cressida is coming, you have to go now."
He shoots up from the bed and I flinch as a natural reaction, watching him say nothing but start to grab his things. I step back, allowing him to run around the room with messy hair and watch as he stumbles to pick up his belongings. He puts his shirt on and places a kiss on my cheek before grabbing his wand off my side table beside him. "I'll call you."
"Okay." I smile as I watch him apparate and I can't help but blush that he placed that kiss on my cheek like it was a daily thing. It did feel normal though. "Okay, then." I sigh once more before turning back around and heading to the kitchen where the smell of coffee strong.
My heels stomp loudly as I walk through the long hallway and into the outside dining area. I slide open the kitchen door and see Bridgette humming as she cooks with just a t-shirt on, swaying her hips to the muggle music on the radio. She seems much more relaxed here than she ever was back in France. I don't think I've ever seen her like this, so alive and happy.
I smile as I lean against the sliding door and watch her. Her head bouncing to the music and her little hums as she flips the breakfast sandwiches she's making on the flat pan. And even the way she's tossing her hips to the sides with a little sassy hair flip.
"Nice dance moves." I startle her, causing her to yelp as I pour myself a cup of coffee from the French presser. I peer over her shoulder at the breakfast sandwiches and I practically drool. "Are one of those good smelling sandwiches for me?"
"Good morning." she extends her words with a smile as she places one on a glass plate with some fruit on the side. "Yes, this is yours. How was your sleep? Or did you not sleep with that hot piece of man in your bed?"
I grab a grape off my plate and hum in reply to Bridgette's question as I takes a seat at the dining table, immediately taking a bite into the delicious sandwich. I practically moan at how good it tastes. Bridgette sits across from me, chewing on a blueberry and bringing her knees up to her chest while picking up her sandwich.
"We're just friends." I finally reply while wiping butter off the side of my mouth with my thumb. "I guess he wants more but I'm in love with someone else." Before she can question me about who it is, I continue. "But please, we can't talk about Theo anymore or that he was here because his daughter is on her way here."
"The infamous Cressida?" Bridgette exaggerates and laughs quietly. "I thought she turned full bitch and stopped talking to you?"
Bridgette and I both take a pause as we continue eating. With every bite I take, my smile just grows bigger and bigger. I swear I am not exaggerating when I say these are really good. I'm glad she's here now because I'll have great food and a great friend who's my age.
"She did turn full bitch and stop talking to me." I reply with my mouth full and my hand covering it. I swallow the food and continue speaking with hand gestures. "Apparently she want's to talk. I'm a bit nervous as to what she wants to talk about but I suppose I should relax until I find out. She does most of the talking anyway so I just have to sit there and look pretty."
"She sounds so weird." Bridgette squints and leans back in her chair. "However, please do speak in the living room because I want to hear this."
I shake my head with a small laugh, realizing how much I've missed this; having a normal conversation that both people are enjoying. I bring my coffee up to my lips and take a sip as Bridgette pours herself another glass of wine. Sometimes I don't understand how I did that every morning back in France. It's normal and kind of a rule to have white wine with your breakfast and even lunch. Maybe that's why wine doesn't affect neither me or Bridgette the way it affects everyone else I know. I practically grew up with wine.
My doorbell rings throughout the entire place and Bridgette looks up at me with raised eyebrows and a concerned look on her face. I feel my body tense in my chair at the thought of Cressida already being here and I wipe my mouth clean before getting up. Bridgette watches closely and eagerly as I walk with loud stomps towards the living room door, hesitating to twist the door knob but I do. And when I open the door, Cressida is standing there with shopping bags on her arms and wrinkle between her worried eyebrows. I guess it's as scary for her as it is for me.
"Come in." I move aside and she walks through, placing her bags down; I lock the door behind her and slide my sweaty palms on the sides of my trousers. "We were just having breakfast do you want to join us?"
"Oh sorry." I add and shake my head. "My friend Bridgette moved in with me. I went to Beauxbatons and brought her back with me. Come I'll introduce you."
Cressida nods excitedly and eyes me down, probably screaming happily inside at how good my outfit is. I know she's secretly proud of how much better my fashion has gotten. I fold my hands behind my back and walk back into the kitchen – with Cressida on my heels – where Bridgette is already fixing up another plate of food with a wide smile on her face. She looks up when she hears the clicking of my boots and her smile shines onto Cressida's dull face. It's not custom for Cressida to smile and I know that but I know it hurts Bridgette when people don't smile back.
"Hi, I'm Bridgette." she extends her hand out. "It's nice to finally meet you."
Cressida takes her hand and shakes it firmly. "Cressida, nice to meet you too." she follows me to take a seat and sits up straight. "Sorry, if I'm interrupting."
"No, you're fine." Bridgette replies and waves her hand in the air as she grabs the coffee pot and the wine. "Wine or coffee? I hear you brits drink coffee with your breakfast."
Cressida seems almost offended by Bridgette's choice of wording; however, she quickly calms herself down, realizing this is my friend and she can't boss her around the way she does with everyone else. I smile at Bridgette and wave her off as I take the coffee pot from her hand and pour some into a ceramic mug for Cressida. She takes the mug from my hand and takes an awkward sip from it, looking down at the food on her plate. Crap, I forgot she doesn't eat bacon because she thinks it will make her look fat.
"You can give me the bacon." I chuckle softly, making her relax after hearing that I remembered. "Here put it on my plate."
"So, how are you liking England so far Bridgette?" Cressida tries to break the tension as she bites down on the sandwich and her eyes roll to the back of her head.
She takes another bite and Bridgette smiles back. "Well, I just arrived yesterday evening but so far from what I've seen it's quite lovely." She takes a quick pause to finish chewing before continuing. "But, how did you and Violet meet?"
"In a corridor at school, she was just sitting there alone so I approached her." Cressida laughs and turns to me, still laughing. "What were you doing there anyway?"
I gasp and form a bubble in my mouth as the memory comes back into my mind. "Uh- nothing really." I reply with the shake of my head before bringing my mug up to my shaky lips. I wish to never speak about that every again. I'm utterly humiliated.
"Did you ever tell Violet anything about her fashion?" Cressida continues talking to Bridgette, warming up. "It was god awful when we first met."
"Dozens of times!" Bridgette shouts back with a sharp giggle, making her cheeks flush. "God she would wear these tights under her skirts at parties it was outrageous!"
"Bridgette!" I laugh softly and feel my cheeks turn red with embarrassment. I rest my forehead against the palm of my hand and shake my head softly. "I don't do it anymore. We don't have to bring up how hideous my tights were."
"You look a thousand times better now." Cressida chuckles and smiles at Violet. "But uhm can we talk now? I mean I really don't mind Bridgette listening I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten in between your problems with Thomas; you don't have to love him back and I understand I can't be mad about that. You have control over your own emotions and I shouldn't make you feel like crap because you didn't reciprocate the same feeling my idiot brother pushed onto you. I'm sorry I didn't speak to you on your birthday, I guess I was just jealous that you have a life without me in it and you're friends with Draco and Scorpius and Elaine and I should've understood that instead of pushing you away with no explanation whatsoever. I really hope we can be close again, and Bridgette if you're coming to Hogwarts, I hope we can be friends too."
That sounded like a sincere apology to me and it makes me feel like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Now I can finally go back to having a partner in potions and having people to sit with during breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. Although, Thomas and I, it may take some time for us to get back to normal but I'm sure it will be soon. It's been months, he must have moved on. Hopefully. I know it's going to be hard to adjust back to the way things were before but I miss my friends and with Bridgette here now, I'm positive things will change. Maybe Bridgette and Thomas will get along and I won't have to worry about it anymore. It's not like he's my husband or anything, he's allowed to date my friends.
"I forgive you." I place my hand on top of Cressida's and squeeze it gently. "And I'm sorry for making you feel that way too. You were my first friend I get it, and I adore you. I could never replace you with Elaine or Scorpius or Draco. We're going to be fine, okay? I promise."
Cressida lets out a relieved sigh and squeezes my hand back, turning red like she's been holding her breath this entire time. "Gosh, I really thought you were going to kick me out and totally tell me off but I'm glad were okay." She throws her head back and takes a breath before looking back at me. "So, how are you dealing with the news?"
"The news?" I question with a confused smile on my face.
"Yeah, about your...dad?" she looks around at mind and Bridgette's confused expressions and furrows her eyebrows. "Wait did you not hear that Kingsley Shacklebolt retired from Minister of Magic? It was all over every front page of every newspaper. Even Mrs. Reality wrote an article about it."
"Mrs. Reality?" Bridgette questions.
"It's complicated." I shake my head and look back at Cressida. "But what does this have to do with my dad, I mean is he okay? Was there another scandal, was it his fault?"
I haven't heard about my parents whereabouts in what seems like forever. Of course, I would love to know how they are and keep up with their lives but I've been busy as is. Now this. I can't handle another drama to this family.
"Violet." Cressida gasps with a small chuckle. "Your dad is the new Minister of Magic."
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