And finally they arrive...
The Hogsmeade trip day came two days later. Well the day was okay. Terry was sitting opposite me looking nervous in the commons waiting for Fels to come down from the girls dorms. Fels walked down wearing the green and pink cardigan paired up with jeans.
“Where are you going?" he asked her. She raised an eyebrow.
“Am meeting up with Bailey Turpin-"
“Why? What has he got that I don't?" he asked getting straight to the point. She looked terribly confused.
“What are you talking about?" she asked.
“Don't you see it Fels?" he asked getting desperate.
“See what exactly?" she asked crossing her arms in front of her chest, getting annoyed that he was stopping her from her study date especially when she had begged Turpin to teach her Runes. I rolled my eyes at them both.
“What do you see in Turpin that I don't have?" he asked.
“Well for one, intelligence. And two... I don't know what does it matter?" she asked her voice rising.
“It matters. It obviously matters you dumbass. I don't know why you don't see it but it sure hurts me when I see you with other guys because it matters. You stupid woman it matters because I love you." he blurted out. She looked at him like he had gone crazy.
“You called me a dumbass." she repeated calmly. But it was the 'calm before the storm' calmly. “You- how dare you? You called me stupid? You are the one who's stupid. Bailey Turpin is a girl. You idiot she's not some guy am dating!" she shouted. “And you have made me late for my study date!" He looked shocked as he looked at a snickering Vegs sitting beside me cause I avoided his eyes but he recovered immediately.
“You neurotic woman I just told you I love you and all you care about is I called you stupid." he shouted
“You called me neurotic? How dare you?" she shrieked. “You are nothing but a pig- wait a minute... you love me?" she asked uncertainly.
“Yeah no matter how bloody psychotic you are, I don't know why, but yeah that's exactly what I have been-" he was cut off by her throwing her arms around him as her lips landed on his. People in the common room watching them argue froze for a moment not realizing exactly what led to that but soon smiled and the girls 'aww'ed while the boys whistled to cheer them as they kissed off each other's faces.
“I guess your twisted truth worked." Vegs whispered in my ear and we both chuckled watching them both.
“Who told you Bailey was a boy?" she asked.
“Shine." he told her pointing at me with his chin as he wrapped an arm around her waist. She turned to look at me with narrowed eyes.
“You idiot! Why did you do that?" she asked sternly but laughter laced her tone.
“Well for starters you were madly in love but needed to get your heads out of your own arse and really look at each other and secondly I never said anything about Turpin's gender. I said she told me she is going with Bailey Turpin this Hogsmeade weekend and I told her the green and pink cardigan looks good on her with jeans." I shrugged as she sat down beside me and crushed me in a one arm hug.
“And you never told him the details deliberately." she laughed ruffling my hair. I grinned.
“I may have missed mentioning them, yes." I replied with my impish grin going broader. “But that certainly did a lot of good." She and Vegs laughed and so did Terry as he watched Fels dreamily.
So after that we went to Hogsmeade and as we were returning stuffed with candy and Zonko. Just as we entered Dad dragged me away for a little talk.
“What did you tell Dumbledore?" he asked sitting me down in the chair.
“Well actually it wasn't me-"
“You could have told me before telling him!" he demanded. I narrowed my eyes. So what?
“Moody told him first. And I was there only to deliver a message about Harry-" I started but he again interrupted me.
“What about Potter?" he asked raising his eyebrows.
“His scar has been hurting again." I said and his hand flew to clutch his left forearm as his brows furrowed in thought.
“How do you know that?" he asked.
“I er, I- " I stuttered for a long pause before deciding to tell the truth. “I got a letter from Sirius." I said finally.
His eyes narrowed to slits. “Black?" he asked.
“How many other Sirius you know Dad?" I drawled in a bored tone.
“I want to see it. You have it right now?" he asked. I shook my head no. He raised an eyebrow.
“I burnt it." I replied shrugging. His eyebrows travelled up his forehead as if questioning me. I folded my arms against my chest in reply.
“Fine." he huffed and got up. “You may go."
I got up to leave and my hand was upon the door handle when he said something that made me stop in my tracks. “I bet you prefer him to me as a father." he sneered. I turned to see him working with his potions cabinet.
“What are you talking about?" I asked. He turned. His black eyes glinted with something I couldn't quite place.
“Oh you know very well what am talking about." he said crossing his arms. “He doesn't tell you don't go out with Weasley. Am sure you prefer him." I knit my eyebrows in confusion at that.
“You know what you are not thinking right-"
“I am thinking perfectly right." he yelled. “Why do you like him anyways? Because he's Gryffindor?" he asked. I narrowed my eyes.
“No, why are you asking me that? Did you like Lily because she was a Gryffindor?" I shot back.
“Don't effing compare." he hissed. “You want to go out with boys fine. Why does it have to be the Gryffindor riffraff? What is the problem with the Slytherin boys?" he asked.
“Sirius doesn't like them. You don't like the Gryffindors. If I think about the house nonsense I will end up single forever." I said exasperated.
“What's wrong with the Ravenclaws or Hufflepuffs?" he asked. I raised an eyebrow.
“You tell me. The Ravenclaws are all either too busy to look at girls or are compulsive jerks, as for the Hufflepuffs, I like boys Dad... and then again.... I don't know many Hufflepuff boys..." I trailed off.
“You know Diggory." he shot back. I looked at him as if he had gone completely mad.
“Diggory?" I asked going hollow blankly remembering the Headboy. The guy who is the heartthrob of Hogwarts at the moment. I shook his image out of my head.
“Please Dad I did rather kiss the giant squid." I said.
“Why what's wrong with that boy? He's nice enough." he suggested.
“No Dad, anyone but him." I said as I remembered his face. His eyes, his hair, his silent demeanour, his walk too much like... like him. I sat down in the chair opposite his and pushed back my hair.
“Why? I have even seen that guy staring at you sometimes. And he's certainly better than Weasley. Then why?" he asked insisting and I knew he wouldn't back off without an answer.
“Because he reminds me too much of him." I said surprising myself with the hurt in my voice.
“Who?" he asked but then his lips curved into an inaudible 'Oh!' as he said his name next. “Vladmir!" he said as if in realisation but his name still had the power to sting me hard.
“You still haven't gotten over him?" he asked. I shook my head.
“I don't know. When am around Fred I forget all about him. He's very easy to live with, you know? Like laughter and happiness personified. Like a fresh breath of air that doesn't hurt me. But Vladmir he was air at first. Now Dad he's like toxic fumes. If I breathe in it hurts and it hurts if I let go. It hurts to even talk or move and my lungs burn for fresh air everytime I think of him. Especially now." I said and muttered the last part under my breath but he caught it.
“What do you mean now?" he asked narrowing his eyes.
“Nothing." I answered getting up and walking out.
One week later, a day before Halloween, the schools were set to arrive. It said on the noticeboard that we would be let off early by an hour cause of that. Which meant I would miss Divinations and get to avoid the prediction that trials lay ahead and grave danger in my path, along with getting my birthday moved to January.
After the lectures everyone assembled on the grounds. The heads of houses were straightening out their students trying to create better impressions. Pansy was told to button up properly while I was told to straighten my tie. Draco, Crabbe and Goyle stopped snickering and trying to push people to get to the front as Montague towered over them and told them to shut up. Everyone had their theories about the arrival of the houses.
“Stop making noises that will make people think you are a horse, Mr. Higgs." Dad told Terry calmly who stopped snickering at me.
“First years in front." he ordered and we were all soon enough standing with our backs straight and eyes looking forward as he passed everyone of us hissing instructions. I heard a second year tell his friend that the Durmstrang arrive in poofs of red and black smoke. I snorted and Terry looked at me for explanation. I shook my head to say nothing. And then Dumbledore said “Aha unless I am very much mistaken, the delegation from Beauxbatons approaches!" People started looking all around in excitement.
“Where?" Perry asked clutching my hand even as someone pointed to the skies. Every one looked up. “There." someone else pointed to the huge powder blue carriage dragged by seven winged horses each the size of an elephant. Everyone almost, gasped aloud in awe.
Then it drew even closer to the grounds making the first three rows of students jump back. And finally it landed down with a crash that made Longbottom jump and the clumsy idiot landed on my foot.
“Get off!" I said pushing him away. He got away blushing and muttering sorry. The horses tossed their heads and rolled their large fiery, red eyes.
“They have brought only select students, I reckon." Vegs whispered. “Usually it takes seven carriages to transport the students." I nodded even as the door opened and a first year stepped out dressed smartly in the pale blue uniform and fumbled for a few moments with the base of the carriage as golden steps unfurled.
And next moment out walked the largest woman I had ever seen. Dressed in all black satin, the woman had olive toned skin and large black liquid looking eyes. She would be handsome, but for her beaky nose. The woman was as large as Hagrid! A few people gasped as they saw her.
She had pulled back her shiny black hair into a knot at the nape of her neck. “Madame Maxime." Vegs drawled lazily. “Suits the name." Terry whispered and we snickered as Vega rolled her eyes. “She's really very nice actually." she muttered.
The woman walked forward and Dumbledore started to clap. The student body all followed suit as many craned their necks and stood on tiptoe to get a better look at the woman.
Her face relaxed into a smile as she extended her hand for Dumbledore to kiss, who barely had to bend.
“My dear Madame Maxime! Welcome to Hogwarts!" he greeted.
“Dumbly-dort!" said Madame Maxime in a deep voice. “I 'ope I find you well." she said with a thick French accent.
“In excellent form, I thank you." Dumbledore replied.
“My pupils." she said carelessly waving a hand behind her to point out the students dressed in handsome powder blue silk robes, many of who were shivering. Some of them were wearing shawls and scarves, but none was wearing a cloak.
“'As Karkaroff arrived yet?" she asked.
“He should be here any moment. Would you like to wait here and greet him or prefer to get inside and warm up a trifle?" he asked.
“Warm up I think." she replied looking at her shivering students. Vegs waved at a few of them who waved back. “But ze 'orses-"
“Our Care of Magical Creatures teacher will be well up to the job I assure you. At the moment he is a bit caught up with his- er, charges." he said.
“My steeds- er, require forceful 'andling. Zey ar' very strong." she said doubtfully.
“I assure you Hagrid will be well upto the job." he told her kindly with a smile.
“Very well. Will you tell this 'Agrid that they drink only single malt whiskey?" she said bowing slightly.
“It will be attended to." Dumbledore replied bowing back.
“Come." she said to her students who followed as if imperiused.
We waited quite some time for the Durmstrang party to arrive. We shivered slightly as we stood with no sign of arrival. The only sounds being that of, the snorting and stamping of Beauxbatons' horses.
“Do you hear that?" Ron asked suddenly and lots of people concentrated to try and hear what he was.
“The lake. It's the lake!" someone pointed out suddenly and everyone was looking at the lake. The smooth black surface of the lake started to bubble and formed waves that washed over from the centre to the banks. A whirlpool formed and from it's vortex a mast rose from it and I knew it was the ship rising. It rose slowly, skeletal and pirate looking with the resurrected deck. The dim, misty lights shimmered at potholes like ghostly eyes. Finally with a sloshing sound it emerged entirely and the bubbling stopped. Mainly it was only the senior year students who had disembarked from the looks of it. But I guess some had been allowed to bring their younger siblings. I recognised the shiny golden hair of Tony and Sera instantly as they got off the ship and followed after Karkaroff with the others. Karkaroff wore special coat of sleek silver furs while the others had thick, matted furs.
“Ah Dumbledore!" he greeted heartily unlike the gaurded Madame Maxime. “How are you, my dear fellow, how are you?"
“Blooming thank you, Prof. Karkaroff." Dumbledore replied. He moved forward to shake Dumbledore's hand with both of his.
“Dear old Hogwarts!" he said in his usual saccharine, oily tone that made you wonder. He smiled baring his yellow teeth as he looked up at the school but the smile dud not reach his eyes. “How good is it... to be back here... Victor come along into the warmth." he beckoned Krum forward. Tony caught my eye and waved. I waved back.
“You don't mind Dumbledore... Viktor has a slight head cold." he explained rubbing his hands as Krum walked forward.
After some more talking the entourage was ready to move back inside the school. Vladmir approached me as a wierd warmth settled in the pit of my stomach and we hugged as he lifted me off my feet slightly.
“Hello sweetness!" he growled softly and my heart beat faster just at the sound of his voice.
“Oh look who we have here!" I heard someone sneer behind him and I looked past him to see Marina standing right there crossing her arms over her chest with her lip curled into a very ugly sneer. I guess she's here cause of her older brother.
“Hi Marina!" I greeted coldly with a sickly sweet smile plastered on my face and I could practically hear Mir roll his eyes.
“C'mon Vlad let's go." she said linking her arm with his elbow and practically pulling him away. He gave me an apologetic smile as he let her. I smiled back as I waved at him.
I turned back to see the others staring at me. “What?" I snapped angrily. I did not even realize I was angry! Great! That girl has started affecting me yet again.
“What was that?" they asked. Before I could say anything Vegs answered for me.
“Ex-issues guys. Don't ask." she told them.
“How do you know?" Terry asked her.
“She's my twin. Obviously I know!" she snapped back at him and dragged me away. “So that was Marina Lis?" she asked. I nodded a yes.
“I would say keep her away from Fred." she whispered to me. I grinned.
“Nah she's not his type." I replied.
“Doesn't look like Vlad's type either." she said. I nodded knowing full well the real reason why he went for her. And I felt a natural but powerful surge of anger at me for ever letting him go. I entered the Great Hall and settled at the Slytherin table.
The Beauxbatons had settled at the Ravenclaw table and the Durmstrang were looking around. They decided to join our table. I frowned as Vlad and Marina sat opposite me. Looking at me a huge smirk settled on her face but I decided to ignore her despite the boiling of my blood.
She started playing with his hair so I decided to look up at the staff table where Filch was setting up extra chairs. He put up four extra chairs. I think the squib has finally lost it. There are only two extra people.
Okay Shine, calm down I told myself taking a deep breath as I downed a goblet of water. Not poor Filch's fault Lis found a seat opposite me. The goblet refilled itself and I drank another goblet still staring at Filch. Tony and Sera slid in beside me and that kind of distracted me.
“Hey guys!" I muttered cheerily enough.
“Hey Sha! Long time gal." Sera said hugging me and I relaxed.
“Yup really long. Two whole months right?" I asked. She chuckled. “So how's school Snape? You guys have OWLs this year at Hogwarts, right?" Tony asked ruffling up my short hair. I nodded slapping his hand out of my hair.
“It's funny. Your short hair, you know! Let's give you the dragon." he said chuckling and again starting to play with them. I rolled my eyes knowing there was no point in trying to stop him.
“Where's Adrian?" I asked Sera.
“Lover boy's with his girlfriend." she said pointing with her chin at Adrian and Vegs getting all comfy. I shook my head as I looked back to the staff table to make my 'dragon' lay down and Tony groaned.
“It was looking good on you." he grumbled.
“Oh shut up Tonton!" I said using the annoying nickname one of his many ex gals had given him. Sera giggled as he gaped at me.
After everyone had settled down, the headmasters entered the Hall. As Madame Maxime entered every Beauxbatons student stood up and remained standing until she had sat down at the staff table, disregarding the snickering of the other students.
A/N: Okay so yeah... new chapter... this was supposed to go up two days back but I forgot so here it is now...hope u guys like it.
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Oh n yeah if that Terry scene reminds you of Ugly truth yes I was watching the movie and I loved that one scene when she ignores every love you statement of Gérard butler and finally realises what he's trying to say... so um yeah
have a good day guys!!!
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