"Hop in," He said while walking around to the driver's seat. I got in the old silver car that looked questionable and buckled in. He clapped his hands and rubbed them together. "Now, lets have some fun." What did I get myself into...
"Can I have a hint to where we're going?" I asked.
He shook his head. "Just go with the flow. Like I said, live a little." He then turned on the music as high as it can go and the song was 'Livin On A Prayer' by Bon Jovi,
"Tommy use to work on the docks!" He sang. I laughed at how out of tune he sounded. "Come one cupcake, sing with me!"
"Whoa! We're half way there, whoa oh! Livin on a prayer! Take my hand we'll make make it I swear!" We both sang at the top of our lungs while laughing. I have to admit, I haven't had this much fun in a long time. Scratch that, I've never had this much fun. And it was with the person I'd least expected, Cole Meyer.
I laughed when he started to pretend to play the guitar in the solo. "Cole! Eyes on the road!" I scolded while laughing.
He also laughed and then continued to drive. When the song ended we we're both breathing heavy from singing so loud. "Here we are," Cole announced.
I can't believe he took me here.
A bar.
"Cole, I can't go in there!" I said in a panicked voice.
"I'm only picking some stuff up, relax." He opened his door and got out. "Come on, Cupcake, don't want to be out here alone." He said as he shut his door.
I looked at my surroundings and realized he was right, I didn't want to be out here alone. It was dark and people were making out every where. I followed him and he slung an arm around my shoulder. "Whatever you do, do not leave my side." He whispered, I nodded and we walked into the building.
It was loud and dimly lit. Everyone looked like they could eat me... Even the women. "Tom, can I have two bottles?" Cole asked the man that was now in front of us.
"Sure thing bud, but who's this pretty lady?" Tom asked, eyeing me, making me extremely uncomfortable. Cold quickly stepped in front of my slightly, blocking off the man's gaze. "Aw come on Cole, don't you want to share?"
"Just get the stuff," Cole said through clenched teeth. It was weird seeing Cole this serious because he's usually always joking or annoying the crap out of me.
About five minutes later, Tom returned with a paper bag filled with only God and Cole knows what. Cole roughly grabbed the bag and turned around, holding my hand to take me back to the car. He opened the door for me then quickly went to his side. He placed the bag in the bag and drove off without a word.
"What was that all about?" I asked.
He turned his head toward me but not taking his eyes off the road and smirked. "Just business, Cupcake."
"Here we go again with the secrets." I sang out.
Cole chuckled. "Do you like the beach?"
I nodded. "Yeah."
"Good, because that's where we're going."
"Um, it's like nine o'clock, a little late don't you think?"
"Who cares. Stop being all negative and chill. In fact, I have a very good way to take your edge off."
"W-what is it?" I asked nervously.
"You'll see," He sang.
Fifteen minutes later we're walking down the boardwalk towards the deserted beach. "We can do anything we want here." He says as he pulls out what's in the mystery bag. "I brought my friends, Jack and Jose." He said referring to the bottles of liquor.
"Cole, I'm not drinking." I told him seriously.
My first beer was with him in his room and that was awful, how does he expect me to drink whiskey or tequila?
He smirks. "Yes you are, Cupcake." He holds out the bottle for me to take. "Just a couple drinks to get you loosened up."
I sigh. "Just one drink..." I take a swig and feel the burning liquid go down my throat. I start coughing and Cole laughed.
He took a drink of the tequila and made an 'ah' noise of satisfaction. "Now that is good,"
* * * * * * *
You may be asking what's happening, but I can't give you an exact answer. All I knew was that I was dancing around a fire that I don't remember starting and singing 'Thrift Shop' by Macklemore. Cole laid on the ground laughing his ass off while clenching his stomach. I guess I gave a pretty entertaining show. On top of it all, I am gone, completely wasted.
"Cole! Lets go in the water! Come on!" I yelled as I ran as fast as I could towards the water, splashing around in it. He just stood there, knee deep and watched me.
I ran towards him and jumped, wrapping my legs around his torso and arms around his neck. "Say, if you're a bird I'm a bird!" I demanded.
He laughed. "Cupcake, if you were a bird I'd shoot you then eat you."
I gasped and jumped down. "How dare you! I thought you were my friend, Cole, but friends don't eat each other!"
He put a hand on my shoulder. "Fine, I'll share some with you."
"Cole, I'll be the one you're eating!"
"Oh well then sucks to be you!" He taunted.
I started twirling like a mad women and yelling random things that I don't even know where it came from.
I stopped and fell down on my back, I'm staring at the stars and the giant moon that I once thought was cheese, not caring that I was now completely covered in sand. Cole laid beside me close enough that I could feel his body heat radiate on mine.
"Do you ever think that we're the aliens and humans lived on the moon?" Cole asked.
I think about what he said for a few minutes, of course nothing is making sense in my drunk mind at the moment. "No, but I'll become a scientist and fly to the moon to see if it's true."
He turns his head s that he's looking at me. "Promise?"
"Promise," I reassured.
"Pinky promise?" He stuck out his pinky.
I giggle and shook his pinky with mine. "Pinky promise."
For some reason I had a strange urge to grab his hand, so I did. I observed it and how long his fingers were. His hand was massive, I'm talking Harry Styles kind of hands. His skin is toned and some light sun spots covering them. "You have large hands." I put his hand on my face and he laughed.
"Maybe you just have small hands." He says while taking one of my hands and observing them.
"Nu uh. My hands aren't small!" I argued.
"Alright cupcake, your hands aren't small."
"I know." I smile.
Then it's silent. My hand is still in his larger one and we continue to look up at the sky, completely drunk. The warm air swept through causing chills to run up my body. I'm too drunk to think of what even happened with Elizabeth, or the consequences that will come of me sneaking out. Right now I'm completely fine with where I'm at and even who I'm with.
* * * * * * * * *
I heard seagulls making noises and the warm California air hitting my skin.
I'm outside.
And I'm laying on a chest.
Cole Meyer's chest.
The last thing I remember is coming to the beach.
Oh shit.
I quickly stood up and wiped off all the sand on my body. Looking down, Cole is still sleeping. "Hey, wake up!" I shouted. He groaned and shielded his eyes from the sun. "Cole, seriously! I have to get home. I'm missing school already." I said, my head is pounding and I feel like puking.
"I'm up, I'm up." He slowly stood and stretched.
"Come on!" I said, pulling his hand up the beach.
"Whoa, I have a hangover, you think I can drive?"
I looked at him with wide eyes. "I need to get home! My dad is-" I quickly cover my hand because I'm about to- too late. I puked inside the blue garbage bin that is randomly at the beach.
"This is your first hangover isn't it?" He asked with amusement evident in his voice.
"What do you think?" I snapped.
"Come on, lets just go in my car before we get sunburned." He placed his hand on the small of my back and lead me up to his car, opening and closing the door for me. He started it and turns on the air conditioning which I'm very thankful for at the moment.
"How are we getting home?" I asked while rubbing my forehead.
He shrugged his shoulders. "Give me an hour or two and I can take you home. Until then, let me sleep." He says while reclining his chair.
Holy crap, my dad is going to kill me. "I have to at least call my dad." I said as calm as possible. I find that the more I'm freaked out, the more Cole jokes around.
He nodded and sat up. He rummaged through the glove compartment of his car and pulled out his cell phone and handed it tok me. "Thanks." I said.
I dialed the house phone number. It rang a couple times before Jake answered. "Hello?"
"Hey Jake, it's Diana."
He lets out a breath. "Jesus Christ! Diana, I've been calling you all night! Where the hell have you been?!"
"I'm sorry, I was with Cole and-" Jake cut me off.
"Did you two hook up?!"
I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't see it. "No! We... Went to the beach."
"The beach? Why the hell did you go there?" He asked in a disbelieving tone.
"Well actually, we're still here."
"Why? Come home. Dad hasn't noticed you were gone because he was dealing with Elizabeth but he will notice when he gets back from work tonight!"
At least there's one thing good that came out of Elizabeth coming for dinner.
"I'll be back before six. Call the school and tell them I'm sick. I have to go, bye!" I hung up before he had the chance to reply.
"Daddy troubles?" Cole asked. He's laying down on the sat with his arm covering his eyes.
I reclined my chair and close my eyes. "No he didn't notice I was gone, but he will if we're not home by 6."
"Well, Cupcake, it's 7 am, we have plenty of time."
I sat up and looked at him. "No, no more messing around. I really need to go home."
Now he's sat up and looking at me. "I think it's fun messing around with you." He smirked.
I glared at him. "Cole..."
He puts his hands up in surrender. "I said I'll take you home later. Sleep now."
I groan but does as he says. Cole will be the death of me.
We pull up the the front of my house. I get out and then he does too... "Um where are you going?" I ask.
He chuckles. "I'm taking a nap at your house." He tells me.
I scoff. "Like hell you are! Go home!"
"Listen cupcake, I'm tired and my house is the last place I want to be." He tells me.
I cock my head to the side slightly. "How come?"
"So can I please come in?" He asks, completely ignoring my question.
I decided not to push the question. "Fine..." We start walking up the stairs to the house. "So secretive." I mumble, hoping he didn't hear.
"Like I said, curiosity killed the cat." And he heard...
"Come on." I opened the door and Jake was laying down on the couch, thankfully sleeping. I put my fingers to my lips, signaling Cole to be quiet. He nodded and we both walked upstairs to my room.
Closing the door behind me I see that Cole is laying on his stomach on my bed. "Cole, get off." I said. Right now I have a major headache and just wanted to sleep.
"Chill out Virgin Mary. I won't touch you if you sleep next to me." He said.
I scoffed. "That name is even worse than cupcake!"
Cole threw one of my pillows at me. "Shh, I'm sleeping."
Rolling my eyes, I get into the bed next to him and scoot over to the edge as far as I can go without falling off. Cole started to snore and I hit him in the back of the bed to make him stop. "What the hell?" He said rubbing his head.
I laughed. "That's what you get for snoring."
He playfully glared. "Oh yeah? Well paybacks a bitch." Without another second going by he gets on top of my, straddling me, and tickles my stomach.
"Oh my gosh, Cole! No! I can't take it!" I say in between laughs.
"Say Cole is the sexiest beast you've ever seen your life, and you have naughty dreams about me."
He stopped tickling me for a minute, letting me catch my breath. "What? No."
"Fine then, cupcake." He began tickling me again with an evil smirk on his face.
"Alright! Alright!"
"Say it..."
"You're the sexist beast I've ever seen!"
"I have dreams about you." I say.
He smirks. "What kind of dreams?"
"Please don't make me say it." I plead. He starts to tickle me again. "Fine! I have naughty dreams!" I say in between laughs.
He laughs and gets off of me. "See cupcake, was that so bad?"
I hit his chest. "Shut up."
"You two look like you're having fun." I sit up and see my brother scowling and leaning against the door frame.
God, how long has he been standing there?!
"Oh hey Jake!" I say awkwardly while rubbing the back of my neck.
"Hi Diana, have a good time last night?" He asks sarcastically. Yup, he's beyond pissed.
"Actually, it was pretty eventful." I tell him truthfully.
"Why is he here?" Jake says, referring to Cole.
"Cole is here because he has-" I cut myself off, thinking about what I could say. I can't tell him about the whole drunk episode I had yesterday with Cole.
"My car ran out of gas." Cole lies. It always amazes me how Cole keeps his calm in such weird or awkward situations. He's probably a secret agent that's under cover and is just pretending to be a high school student. Yes I have seriously thought about this.
I turn my head to him. "It did?" I ask, being stupid and forgetting that he just lied.
Cole nods his head and then I remember that it's just an excuse. Hopefully Jake decided to be stupid today and not realize it... "Oh yeah! It did. Totally out of gas. Zip, none, nada, no gas." Yes, I babble when I'm nervous.
Cole hits his forehead with his palm and shakes his head. Jake just stares at me like I'm stupid, which is very much the case at the moment. "Uh huh. Well then let me get you some gas and you can go home." Jake says.
I groan. "Jake, just stop. He can't go home because he forgot his... House keys! Yeah, he forgot them." I lied... Again.
Cole nods. "Yeah, I'm forgetful like that." He says while shrugging.
Jake clicks his tongue. "You are terrible liars. I thought I taught you better than that Diana!" He scolded. I rolled my eyes. He's more disappointed in me not being able to lie properly than sneaking out last night. Ladies and gentlemen, my brother.. "Just make sure you're gone before dad gets home." And with that he left the room.
I lay back down roughly. "You know, when I didn't talk to you I never got in trouble. In fact, I was the definition of 'good girl'." It's true. The last time I got in trouble was in 8th grade for putting my gum in Cara's hair because she was being annoying. Apparently my reason for doing something like that was and I quote, 'completely outrageous!'.
Cole laughs and lays back down. "Then it's a good thing I came into your life, huh?"
"No! Everything is so complicated."
"Life's complicated, cupcake. Better get use to it." He tells me. Everything Cole says always has me thinking... I mean as in really thinking about what he says. His words always seem like they have a double meaning to them.
"Cole, why don't you want to go home today?"
He turns his head to look at me. "Curiosity killed-" I cut him off.
I poke him in the ribs. "I'm serious."
He shrugs his shoulders. "So am I, some things are better if you don't know."
"That's a lame excuse." I say.
"Listen Diana, it's better for both of us if you don't know. Can you stop asking now?" I know he's not playing around because he only uses my name when he's being serious.
"Fine..." I say. He sits up and gets off the bed. "Wait, where are you going?" I ask, also sitting up.
"I'm leaving."
"Why, I thought you said-" He cut me off.
"I'm really not in the mood to argue." He opens my bedroom door. "Bye." And with that he leaves, leaving me a little bit confused.
Let me know what you think(:
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