Chapter 5
I glanced out of the massive windows for what felt like the thousandth time. And still, no fresh snow. Of course the slops were already covered, making the white surface gleam with sunlight, but it wasn't currently snowing. And thank god too. After driving nearly two hours to get here from my apartment I could barely make it up the hill in my SUV. For now I could only hope that it wouldn't snow and be thankful for my all-wheel drive car. The sooner I got through this session the sooner I could go home. I ambled back to the center of the mountain lodge and placed the final touches on my set.
I let out a little hiss when my finger got caught in a clasp on my light stand. I jerked my hand away and placed my finger in my mouth, sucking the blood off.
"So you really don't date clients, hey?" Tyson pushed, trailing behind me as I moved to make sure my camera was set up properly with the right lenses and a good flash that would assist the natural light coming through enormous lodge windows.
"I really don't date at all anymore, but much less clients." I just wished he would go away and let me do my job.
"Then how do you feel about casual hookups with clients?" he pushed, quirking an eyebrow.
And I had to admit that, without all of the gear on, he was quite attractive. But that would never be enough to make me break my rule and no amount of attractive features would be enough to conquer the arrogance that just poured off of him. as my eyes dripped over him the cocky smirk on his lips only grew and I knew that he thought I had cracked at the idea of having sex with him.
Oh, if only he knew.
"I'm not the kind of girl who does casual hookups at all. If I were you I would stop trying before this gets uncomfortable," I suggested.
"I'm not the kind of guy who gives up easily," he whispered, his lips close to my ear, unbothered by all of the other people in the room.
I rolled my eyes and nodded my head at Graydon who was watching the whole exchange with wary eyes. At least he was sweet enough to behave himself, I only wished he would keep his friends on tighter leashes.
"We're ready to start whenever you are," I announced, forcing a smile.
A young woman who also worked for the magazine propped herself up on a small stool, smiling so hard it was like her cheeks were straining to be released. She was beautiful, gorgeous really, with those blue eyes and blonde hair, but her words and expressions were so forced it was almost unnerving. Regardless, she asked pointed questions and I moved around, taking photos. I was careful to be discrete and to take photos when she was asking instead of when he was replying.
They wrapped up quickly and Jackson moved in, following the same procedure with varied questions and a more upbeat attitude.
"We're ready for you, Hudson," I stated when Jackson had finished.
Hudson didn't seem to care. He stayed sitting on the wooden bench beside Satan himself. His head was tipped towards Tyson who was speaking to him, a confident smirk on Tyson's face. I was about to call him again, already impatient when Hudson and Tyson shook hands, almost like sealing a deal before he got up and settled himself on the armchair in front of the interviewer.
As questions were asked I milled around behind the scenes. While I peered through my camera I saw the way the corners of his eyes crinkled when a smile took over his face. It seemed that when he grinned like that, flashing those perfect teeth, he had the same power as Jennifer. He could light up a room with joy the same way that she could. there was no casual coolness to him like Connor and his teammates boasted, but there was this soft warmth to him. His interview was finished shortly.
When Tyson took his place it was all loud chuckles and flirty giggles. His voice was rough and every once in a while he made an inappropriate comment that made the pretty woman laugh and lay her hand on his arm. I repressed the urge to roll my eyes and did what I could to get decent pictures of him as well. Once his interview was finished the journalist stayed a while longer, keeping the majority of her attention focused on Tyson.
I just began tearing down my equipment, feeling a little annoyed that I was going to have to drive another hour and half to get back into the city after the four interviews that had lasted about an hour total. Unfortunately, that wasn't something I could complain about. Work was work. My reputation and rebuilding my career was all that mattered.
And getting home safely before the storm hit.
"Hey," Hudson said softly, standing beside me.
"Hey," I grunted, folding up some of the lighting structure.
"You come in from Calgary, right? How was your drive in?" he asked.
"It was fine. I'm just hoping I get out of here before that damn snow storm hits."
As I straightened up I noticed that the cute blonde was still talking to Tyson, but he was no longer paying any attention. Now his eyes were locked on me. I just huffed and hoisted a heavy bag on my shoulder. Now I wanted to leave before the snow storm and the shit storm that would come from his mouth.
But apparently I was worried about the wrong person because Hudson stepped closer, looking like he wanted to touch me. "The storm isn't supposed to hit for another couple hours. How about you come have supper with me? I mean, if you do get stuck in a foot of snow because of me this isn't the worst place in the world for that to happen, is it?"
A thick arm was flung around Hudson's shoulder and Tyson's full form appeared beside him.
"She doesn't want to go out to some random, greasy restaurant with you," he denied, shaking his head. "She wants something nice, something proper. She is from the city after all, she's not a ski bum like you. How about I take you to the best steakhouse Banff has?"
"Actually, I don't want to go anywhere with either of you," I corrected. "I'm not risking getting stuck here for anything. If you want to treat me to something nice then you can help me load these bags into my car."
Both men almost lunged to grab the three remaining bags stuffed with my gear. The attractive blonde was left in the middle of the lodge, staring at me as I left.
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