Chapter 18: Something That's Been Awaited, Yet Avoided
It took waaayyyyy too long to publish this chapter. But I did it! And tbh... I'm very proud of how it turned out. It's more serious than the past chapters... Hope you enjoy!
Also, robots can produce tears in this story lmao. And hopefully, so will you hehe.
(Y/N) and Astro had made it official. They were now a couple, which in some ways, made things less awkward. But Astro was extremely happy about it, nonetheless. He suggested that that they could go down to the Surface and reveal the news to the other kids. (Y/N) knew that at some point, she would want to tell her family, she just wasn't sure when.
"Should we go today? Unless you're uncomfortable, then we could go tomorrow?" Astro asked. Both him and (Y/N) were sitting in his room as they discussed how they'd break the news to their friends.
"How about we go today and I'll pull Cora aside and tell her first. That way, at least one person there knows?" (Y/N) suggested. She immediately knew Cora should be the first person to know. Mostly because she's most likely to keep a secret out of all the Surface kids. Especially better than Zane.
"Good idea! When should we go-" Astro began to ask before his father knocked on Astro's bedroom door. Tenma burst in with a smile, and his smile brightened when he saw (Y/N).
"The new prosthetic is finished." He exhaled with his hands extended. (Y/N)'s eyes widened and shock took her over her face. She was so happy that she froze. Astro, on the other hand, didn't know what to think. He was, of course, incredibly happy that (Y/N) would be able to walk again. But he also couldn't help but worry about the possibility of (Y/N) wanting to leave the tower. Seeing her face every morning as soon as he woke up was something that he'd grown to be excited for. So excited that he'd fall asleep with a smile knowing who's gorgeous features he'd get to admire as soon as he opened his eyes. But despite how saddened he would be if (Y/N) chose to leave, he knew whatever she chose would be best.
"Finished now? Like- Like, right now?" (Y/N) asked. Tears formed, but didn't fall. Her mouth was left agape. Tenma simply nodded and grinned brighter. Astro looked from his father to his girlfriend. He hid his sadness and smiled instead.
"Well?" He asked. (Y/N)'s eyes locked with his own. "You ready?" (Y/N) was still for a second, as if everything that she had just been ecstatic about, had disappeared. Everything that she had waited for, had become something... meaningless.
"I..." She began. The confusion left (Y/N) speechless. Tenma notices her hesitation and backed out of the room to give the young lovers some privacy.
"I'll meet you guys in the lab." He noted and closed the door.
(Y/N) continued to watch Astro, as if she was asking him to make the decision. Astro saw her expression and kneeled in front of her as (Y/N) stayed seated on the bed. She looked away. "Hey..." Astro said calmly as he held both her hands gently. She looked back to him with just her eyes, while her head was faced to the ground. "I'll be right there with you." He promised. (Y/N) smiled slightly, but it vanished a second later. Her eyes flickered to the ground. "You want to talk about it?" Astro asked carefully.
"...Will I have to leave the tower?" (Y/N) asked. Astro was taken aback. He wasn't exactly sure if he knew what (Y/N) was upset, or scared about. He sort of assumed it had something to do with the daunting surgery. Of course, that could be another part that (Y/N) just hadn't mentioned yet. "Leave Metro City, and go back to the Surface? Leave your dad, Orrin... you?" Her eyes flicked back up to Astro, whose eyes were still glued to (Y/N)'s (E/C) ones. Now this wasn't something he had thought about.
(Y/N) was worried about leaving him? Afraid of going back to the Surface? But that's her home. Or, at least... it was? Astro hadn't thought about that part, just that he enjoyed spending time with his, now official, girlfriend. He was so worried about missing her, that he never wondered if she would miss him.
"Not if you don't want to." Astro decided on his answer. He could've said how he didn't want her to leave, how depressed he'd be if he wasn't able to see her face as soon as he woke up. But as hard as it was, he knew that this was a decision that (Y/N) had to make on her own. It was her life. But he would be there every step of the way, until she made up her mind, whenever that was. "But..." Astro chose to add. "I would love for you to stay here... with me? Just a little longer?" He admitted hopefully.
(Y/N)'s genuine smile returned as she held Astro's hands tighter. She soon let go and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. Astro hesitated for a second before he hugged her waist from his kneeled position behind her thighs. His head rested on her chest.
"I'm really glad I met you." (Y/N) whispered. Astro smiled and closed his eyes, a couple tears were forced out as he blinked. His head further relaxed on her chest, and his arms tightened around her waist. He was glad he met (Y/N) too.
I updated... I finally updated...
First off, I want to apologise for it taking so long. Second, I also want to say how grateful I am to the people who voted/commented on the A/N I posted on here, in another book, and in my announcements. You have no idea how much that means to me.
I don't know how long it will take for me to upload the next chapter, but I hope it won't take too long.
And! I have a question :) After the book is finished, should I make oneshots of the kids in their teenage years? Or something like 5 years into the future? It doesn't have to match up with the exact storyline. For example, it could be a oneshot of how all the teens would be in high school. Or if they all went on a road trip together. Or how annoying it would be to have to deal with a drunk Zane. You get the point :) Let me know if you're interested!
- Chalupa
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