The deafening roar of a thousand voices bounced off the four walls of the arena. The adrenaline spike buzzed, feverently, in the atmosphere just as the tangy scent of perspiration flittered within its essence. The stifling heat coupled with the rising dust created a thick cloud of peppery mist. Its sting brought tears to my eyes and losing sight of the fighters, I brought a finger up to soothe the pain.
My vision returned with renewed clarity and now before me stood Aryn on one side of the ring and Rae on the other. Vicious glares were exchanged and lean, muscled bodies, poised for attack. The cheering was louder this time as both white-wolves and normal lycanthropes, seated on opposite sides of the ring, hollered in support of their fighter. Flags were waved, aggressively. Hardy veins, bulged, against tight foreheads, topless wolves beat, viciously on their hairy chests and harsh obscenities escaped the lips of she-wolves who weren't far off in the brutality expressed by their male counterparts.
This was insanity.
The loud bang of the gun went off and in that split second both Aryn and Roy ran towards each other. Fangs sprang out with elongated intensity and ominous snarls stood testament to the deep rift between our kinds.
"Stop it! Are you guys crazy?" I screamed as they hit each other with forceful grunts. Aryn lashed out with a claw towards Rae's cheek. Five deep lines appeared on his face and no sooner had they appeared than they coloured with rich, red blood.
Roy growled much in anger rather than in pain and barreling into Aryn's stomach, he thrusted him against the iron pole. A sickening crunch of bone reverberated round the ring and the cheers of the white-wolf race increased with maddening intensity.
The blood lust was very palpable in the atmosphere and with great difficulty, I shuffled among the crowd and pushed against sweaty bodies as I tried to get near the ring.
"Aryn! Rae! Enough of this madness!" I begged with a hoarse voice. My plea was drowned in the sea of sonorous voices and I watched on as they went against each other with brutal vengeance.
"Please someone, anyone get them to stop," I cried, grabbing the shirt collar of a male and shaking him vigorously. He continued to cheer, oblivious to my distress, with his empty gaze fixated on the match.
Time was running out as their bodies degenerated into a bloody mess of torn tendons, broken bones, swollen facial features and disgruntled bald patches. Still they faced each other, blood dripping down their form and exhaustion plaguing the air around them.
I pushed the male, irritatedly, from my way and continued to struggle against the torrent of bodies. All too soon, the cheering stilled and I looked to the ring. Aryn had cocked a gun and was now pointing it towards Rae. A maniacal smile lined his blood stained teeth and his cold, blue eyes glinted with malice.
The large crowd was nowhere to be seen and I realised that I was the only one standing in the arena.
"Aryn, don't," I choked out with tears falling down my cheeks. "Please. I'll be yours just let him be,"
My plea fell on deaf ears as he pulled the trigger and sent a series of shots in Rae's direction. For the first time, I realised that I was unable to control any element and with an ear-splitting scream, I watched on as each bullet pierced Rae's body.
I couldn't run, I couldn't feel, I couldn't hear my own voice nor the gun. I could only watch. Watch as his body was thoroughly deformed by the bullets. Even then Aryn wouldn't stop.
I jolted up from the bed with a start and took a hurried sweep of my surroundings. The familiar interior decoration of a room I had come to call mine, greeted my hazy vision and I let out a ragged breath in relief.
I was safe. They were safe. It was all just a bad dream.
Suddenly, a clatter of items followed by a dissatisfied mutter, emanated from the ensuite bathroom and I tensed up, instantly, at the unknown presence.
I registered the fact that I was clad only in a cotton shirt which was soaked, partially, in sweat and my head pounded with electrifying intensity. Much like the beating of a thousand drums. Nevertheless, I stood on alert and attempted to crawl out of bed when Dina strolled out the bathroom.
"Oh no, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up," she chirped out an apology and I had to place a finger by my ear to block out the cheery, high-pitched sound.
"Silence is all I beg of you," I rasped, closing my eyelids with a grunt. My throat was dry and it hurt to even utter a few words.
"Wait here," she whispered, shuffling away from the bed. I tried to pry my eyes open to regard her actions but the thought alone caused a dull throb deep within my abdomen.
I was so exhausted and I couldn't even attribute the feeling to any one thing.
Had I cried so much that I drained myself emotionally? Was it the guilt of accepting my mate despite his ancestors' transgressions that wore me down? Or had the tussle between the mate bond and my love for Rae begun again?
I tried to connect to Ava, yearning for whatever comfort that she could provide but I couldn't even muster the energy to initiate the mind-linking process. The tears tickled my eyes in frustration and feeling for the pillow, I screamed and bit into it.
"Hey, Yil. What's wrong?" Dina's concerned tone wafted up to my hearing and I kept a firm hand on the pillow lest she tried to pry it away from my face.
"Just leave me alone," I groaned, my voice was muffled against the cushion and so the words came out as a comedic grunt.
"I wish I understood pillow talk, no pun intended, but I don't," she laughed, softly. "What's wrong Yil, talk to me?" she implored, placing a palm on my rigid knuckles.
I shook my head, defiantly, and kept the pillow to my face.
"I've got water, you know? Might do you good," she enticed as I gulped down with difficulty. I was in dying need of a drink.
I placed the pillow, wordlessly, to the side of the bed and collected the glass which she held out. Tipping back its form, I quaffed down the thirst quencher with relish. The drops that slid down my chin were not exempt from the assault as I stuck out my tongue to catch every single one. Its cool substance did my throat good as well as lessened the pulsating throb in my head.
"Whoa someone's thirsty," she joked with a radiant smile. "Would you like more? I can go and get you another glass if you'd like more," she offered, kindly.
My attention had soon shifted from her presence and onto a certain item which I had dropped before collecting the glass of water. I sourced out its fluffy material but I couldn't seem to find it.
"I put them away on the settee," she pointed to the sofa which was relatively far off and I wondered how she had carried all four plush pillows over there without me knowing. "You were quite engrossed with quenching your thirst so it made carrying them all the more easier," she answered my unasked question and I had to keep myself from groaning.
Just freaking wonderful, now I couldn't avoid her.
"What's wrong, Yil? Why do you look so tired and why are you ignoring me? Have I offended you in some way?" she questioned, softly with deep, blue eyes that drew me into their depths.
How could I tell her that her ancestors were the ones who had actually offended me? Where would I even start?
"Of course not. I just had a rough night that's all," I dismissed, hoping she wouldn't inquire further.
That hope was soon dashed, however, when she asked her next question.
"Did you have a nightmare, perhaps?"
Scenes of macabre dreams flashed within my memory in an instant just as a sharp pain seared the insides of my abdomen. I refrained from doubling over with a soft growl and I caught her facial features twist into an expression of utmost concern. Before, she could utter a word, I spoke up.
"I never fully realised that it was you," I lied with a blink of my eyes and a soft chuckle. "I'm so glad you're looking much better," I diverted the conversation and from her frown, I could tell she didn't appreciate the diversion. "How are you feeling now?" I asked, genuinely wanting to know if she was fairing better than before.
I hadn't seen her ever since the day at her birthday party, only getting routine updates from Aryn who filled me in on her progress.
"I was quite scared when you experienced that crisis," I moved a stray strand of hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear with a tired smile.
"I'm much better, thanks for asking," she answered, holding my hand in her own. "Some days are harder than others but all in all, I'm okay," she murmured, absentmindedly with her eyes looking out the balcony.
I could imagine Kiba's reluctance to bond with her still hurt as painfully as it did on the first day. Unfortunately, it would only increase in intensity with each passing day.
"Now what of you? What's wrong? And don't even tell me it's nothing because clearly you're going through a lot," she turned back to me with a determined look and waited for my answer.
Okay, so I just found out that your ancestors tortured and enslaved my ancestors. Then Rae, my lover, has just made the trip into this pack and Aryn obviously isn't very pleased. Now, I'm faced with the dilemma of having to help out the regressing lycanthrope race due to the pact I made with Aryn. Or damn all of you to death and refuse because of past trespasses that you have no idea about or involvement in. What would you advise?
I longed with all my heart to say my internal monologue out loud and it was in times like these that I really missed Zena. She would know what to do. However, I just couldn't bring myself to divulge all that I knew to Dina. She was going through enough already, I didn't need to make her anguish even much more unbearable.
"I had a terrible dream," I whispered, racking my brain for a convincing story that would throw her off my back. "It was quite disturbing and it felt so real," I continued, deciding to tell her snippets of the things that were bothering me.
"Would it be too much to ask what it was about?" she probed, gently.
"Maybe," I chuckled, lightly at her persistence and she giggled. "I really don't want to talk about it. I just want it out of my mind,"
"Sure, I understand you. I wouldn't want to reminisce on a bad dream as well," she agreed with a slow nod before she enveloped me in a warm hug. "But a hug can go a long way in shaking off the ghastly grips of a bad dream," she whispered as I relaxed into her embrace. "My father would always say that and guess what?..." she paused as her melodic voice nursed me into the calm depths of peaceful existence. "....It worked all the time," I could sense the smile in her voice at the memory and gently she released me from her embrace.
"I don't remember him that much because Alpha Aryn said that he died when I was much younger but I can hear his voice sometimes when I sleep,"
"How do you know it's him then and not someone else?" I furrowed my forehead, quite confused at the differing memories she was able to hold when she was aware and when she wasn't.
At times Aryn was a brother and at other times an Alpha. Just the way her father was very much alive in her memory sometimes and at other times he was dead, a figment of her imagination.
"I know because when you love someone they hold a dear place in your heart. They become a part of you like the lungs that guarantee your very existence and you can never forget what they sound like, smell like or look like," she explained, getting up from the bed and going to open up the curtains.
The dim sunlight flooded, gently, into the room to highlight the truth of her words and I regarded the falling snow in a daze.
While she might have mixed up the familial relation she bore with Aryn and didn't remember that her father was in fact alive, she never really forgot either of them. Or the love she bore for each of them.
"It's a very cold day today but come on let's make the most of it," she stated, excitedly. "Have you ever been sledding before or better still have you ever built a snowman?" she bounced, slightly with glee and I couldn't help the grin that widened up my face.
I was hurt by what I had learnt regarding her ancestors' past but I didn't have the heart to condemn all regressing lycanthropes to death. They deserved a chance at a full life and I couldn't have their blood on my neck. So in the end it was either them or my happiness.
"....Or what about a snow fight? I promise you'd love making snow angels as well," she continued as I placed my legs, gingerly, to the side of the bed and got off. "I'll help you with getting ready and then I can show you..." she paused just as she got near me and gasped. "Shit! Lloyd's going to chew my head off, no doubt," she panicked, turning around and walking towards the door.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"Nothing to worry about, I forgot it's time for my tablets and Llyod was charged with the role of making sure I take them. You know how she rants for hours on end when I forget," she rushed out with an animated laugh and a roll of her eyes. "I'll be back soon and then we can go sledding, okay?" she promised, before she disappeared behind the door and down the corridor.
I chuckled, fondly, at her behaviour and channelled a soft breeze towards the door to shut it. Surprisingly, she stuck her head through the small opening and grinned. "I forgot you haven't had any breakfast. Is there something you'd like in particular? I could bring it up to you,"
"A piece of fruit would be okay," I smiled as she furrowed her forehead in thought, not quite expecting my small request. "I'm not too hungry, I promise. Now go and take your tablets before Lloyd comes to hunt you down," I joked and she grunted in frustration.
"I'll bring you a full platter regardless," her voice rang down the corridor as she ran farther away from the room.
"Sure," I murmured.
She loved to see everyone fully satiated and content so I knew I'd still get the whole breakfast deal.
I moved towards the ensuite bathroom to brush my teeth and facing the mirror, I combed through my unruly hair. Dark circles beautified the underside of my dull green eyes and my hollow expression reiterated perfectly the confliction, I wrestled within.
I needed a run in wolf form. Too bad I was too weak.
I changed into a black tee and a pair of white-washed jeans. My hair was placed in a high ponytail and my form, cocooned in a thick red coat. The snow covered the whole valley in its regal essence and walking to the balcony, I angled my face up to the sky and shivered at the icy kisses, placed onto my cheeks by the falling snow flakes.
The fairy lights decorating the garden caused a soft jingle as they swung back and forth in the wind. It's picturesque pond caught my attention and wanting to feel the snow crunch beneath my boots and freeze up within my palms, I made the decision to take a short walk to the garden. I left a brief note, addressed to Dina on the bed and sauntered out of the room.
Thankfully, the pack house was quiet save for the dinning area which buzzed alive with the animated chatter of pack members having their breakfast. I breezed past it's entrance with lightning speed and headed straight for the foyer where I exited the pack house. I walked, speedily, through the snow lest someone had seen me and wanted to exchange a few pleasantries, only stopping when I was far away from the cabin and in the garden maze.
I took in an icy breath and buried my palms deeper into my coat pocket. Then, I squished my boots into the snow and made a small dent before I kicked it out, testing out its crunchy structure. Bending down, I placed a finger to the small dent that I had made and drew out my name. The frigid feeling transferred shock waves that elicited a slight shiver within my form and I smiled at my reaction.
Zena would surely complain as would any Forlin.
I looked back to my snow writing and noticed that I had added a new name. Rae. I had met him in worse shape than I had thought possible. His sunken features looked back to me in pain and I had to bite my lips to refrain from crying. I yearned to be near him, to provide him comfort and thinking back to my decision to come here, I noticed that subconsciously I had been fuelled by an innate desire to feel some false sense of closeness to him. The garden was situated next to the medical center and Rae was harboured in one of the rooms there.
I looked up to the building and had to curb the urge to stray into its structure. I couldn't strain my relationship-or rather whatever was left of it-with Aryn any further. My ears perked up at the gentle sounds coming from the pond and I brightened slightly at the fact that some ducks were waddling carefree on its surface.
I didn't bring anything to feed them with but maybe just maybe I could ask the pack doctors for a morsel of bread. Then when they went to fetch some I could dash in and out of Rae's room.
All I needed was a glimpse of his face. Maybe a caress of his hair as well. Holding his hands would be nice too.
My thoughts carried me towards the pond and stopping, abruptly, I caught sight of a figure clad in a thick black robe, standing by the banks of the pond. There were no waddling ducks in sight rather the steady water bending, taking on a series of shapes and sizes, was the reason behind the soft sounds and splash. I felt content to watch the illustrative story pan out for as long as it needed to but he stopped his hand movements and inhaled deeply.
"What cunning little plan do you have on your mind now?" he rumbled, amusement dancing in his tone as I moved closer, compelled by his allure. "Would dunking me into this freezing water be apt in describing that plan?" He cocked an eyebrow as I stood by his side.
"Not quite. How about placing a snowball down your robe?" I giggled, cheekily and he smiled.
"Some people just never change," he shook his head with a sigh, freeing his golden locks of the snowflakes that lay, lazily, atop their form.
The healthy glow was back in his alert eyes and his stance was one of energetic confidence.
"How are you feeling? Are you much better now?" I turned serious and twisted my fingers, inconspicuously, in anxiety. When he had fallen to his knees my life had flashed before my eyes and I truly believed that I had lost him to the cruel hands of death.
"I told you not to worry, didn't I?" he smiled, turning to look at me and with quick movements he untwisted my fingers and placed them into my coat pockets. "You always did have that bad habit," he muttered, before he met my gaze again. "I'm okay, Yil. I admit, I was quite fatigued from my journey into this pack but I'm better now. The healers here have been so kind and welcoming especially the she-wolf named Star. She was so patient with me when I freaked out because of the unfamiliar surroundings," he chuckled.
"Yeah, Star is a sweetheart," I dismissed, seeing through his ruse to throw me off his lie. "But you weren't fatigued from the journey. It was because of me, I caused you pain,"
"Yil, I...." he started but I interrupted his attempts to argue to the contrary.
"I know I caused your pain because I felt it as well. Each passing day away from you was so difficult and even then I thought I could imagine your anguish. I just never thought it would be to this extent," I choked out, recalling his weak, broken demeanor to my mind. "I would never have left you if I had known you'd be hit so hard. Heck! I would never have been so persistent in getting you back if I knew finding my mate would hurt you so bad," the tears fell from my face as I sniffled and tried hard not to give into hyperventilating. "I'm so sorry Rae. I really am. Please forgive me,"
With a restrained growl, he pulled me to him and enveloped me in a fierce hug. His heart beat, accelerated, in time to my own as he petted my hair and whispered soothing words of comfort into my ears. I hugged him back with all that I had, refusing to let him go.
He was where I belonged. I couldn't understand why I felt this way but all I knew was that he was home. My home.
"I'm trying so hard to let go of you, Yil. Of everything we ever had but it's so difficult," he muttered against my hair, placing a kiss to my temple.
Then don't let go, I wanted to shout out. Surely I was insane to even ask that of him.
"But I have to. It's the only way you'll be able to welcome your mate fully into your heart..." he paused, moving away from me. Reflexively, I held unto his waist and swallowed a whine of protest. He smiled, sadly, at the action but stayed put close to me. "...and it's the only way I'll be able to move on," he continued, holding my gaze as I awaited his next words. "I have to reject you, Yil," he finished, solemnly.
At that moment, I felt a bitter taste settle at the pit of my stomach just as my heart splintered into a thousand pieces. It thrummed wildly against my ribcage and in all honest, I believed it was going to escape the confines of my chest to rest among the icy snow. My breath caught in my throat and my palms felt clammy to the touch.
Rejection was a concept that was reserved solely for mates who would rather be apart. It freed the wolves from the electrifying mate bond and while it was painful at first with time the wolves learned to live without one another. On many occasions they fell in love with other wolves and formed new bonds with them.
Now in the case where you were not the mate of a wolf you so happened to be intimate with and both parties wanted to free themselves of their shared connection to be able to accept their respective mates, whole heartedly. A rejection could be employed as well.
Both parties had to agree to the rejection and looking back to Rae, I finally understood the reason behind his travel into the Black Moon pack.
"You want to reject me?" I stupidly asked.
Of course he wanted to reject me. Damn it Yil! You have a mate for goodness sake and he deserves to find happiness with someone else. I had to stop being selfish and clingy. It wasn't fair on him and neither was it on Aryn.
However, despite my logical reasonings, I found myself drawing away from him, not wanting to be rejected or to reject. What was wrong with me?
"Yil, it's for the best. For both you and I," he persuaded, pulling me back to him as I avoided his gaze. "You'll be free of your feelings for me and be able to move on with Aryn and I'll be free of my feelings for you," He grasped my chin and angled it towards him as I cried, bitterly with a vigorous shake of my head.
"I understand it'll be hard for you," he swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing from the action. "Who am I kidding? It'll be hard for both of us but think of the bigger picture. We get to move on, finally," he whispered just as his own tears spilled out. "The decade I spent loving you would forever be the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm going to cherish that till my last breath but sadly we have to let it all go," he placed his forehead to my own as we sobbed in silence.
His heady scent filled my lungs and I became painfully aware of his closeness. His eyebrows had fluttered shut as the tears fell, freely, from his eyelashes and his lips trembled slightly from his sniffles. I wiped the tears from his face, slowly, and lifted his head. His eyes were still shut, no doubt waiting for me to utter the hurtful words of rejection but bringing my face closer to his with little to no thoughts about consequences, I stole a kiss.
His eyes shot open at the contact as I tightened my grip on his waist and leaned into him. Grabbing the base of my head, he growled into my mouth and gave into my demands. My tongue explored his intoxicating depths with relish, teasing, stroking and coaxing more from him. If this was my last time with him then I wanted to make it memorable.
My hand went under his shirt and I trailed my hand down his V-line. I wanted all of him and it was a shame I couldn't have him out here in the snow. His hand grasped my wandering fingers in his own as he kept giving just as much as I took.
I couldn't let him go no matter what and for that I'd be eternally apologetic to Aryn who didn't deserve to be deserted by his own mate. But what could I do when my heart refused to heed to the law of nature?
An incessant applaud clashed through the sensual haze that shrouded my mind and breaking from the kiss, I sought out the disturbance. My face drained of all life and my heart stilled, momentarily. Aryn stood by the vine decorated arch, clad in a hooded coat and an ingenuine smile placed on his lips. His eyes were hidden from me as he continued to give off slow time-ticking claps. Once he was sure that he had grabbed our attention, he strolled, lazily, towards the pond with his hands deep in his pockets.
"Don't stop on my account. Please do continue, I love a good show," he breezed, far too relaxed as Rae and I disengaged from each other.
My once still heart began to throb, painfully, at an increased pace and with clammy palms, I tried to voice out an explanation. A statement of defense, maybe. Denial sounded generic and went along the lines of "Trust me Aryn, it's not what you think it is," Because it is.
It was safe to say that I was caught between a rock and a hard place.
"What's the excuse now Rae?" He drawled, a hint of restrained rage and disgust lacing his tone when he addressed Rae by his name. "Is it a mistake? Are you going to offer another heartfelt apology? Or better still crumble to your knees in another pathetic display of weakness?" He taunted, the glint of the sun reflecting against his partially drawn fangs.
He was seething within, I could sense it. Rae tensed next to me and attempted to throw in a word when I interrupted him.
"It was my fault, Aryn. I kissed him and I'm aware that I shouldn't have done that but I just can't let him..."
"A spineless wolf," Aryn gave into a hearty laugh, cutting off the rest of my sentence. "Doth the innocent, fair knight require his maiden in shining armour to plead his case?" His hood had shifted, slightly, to reveal the cold, vengeful eyes of a man that I couldn't even reconcile to the past playful image of him that I held within my mind.
"Spineless?" Rae scoffed, taking a step towards Aryn as he's eyes sparked with electric defiance. "Would you like a demonstration of what this spineless wolf is capable of?" He questioned, stopping just a few paces away from Aryn with an arched eyebrow and an amused smile.
The whole scenario was oddly familiar to a repressed memory, struggling to make its way into my chaotic mind.
"Of course," Aryn shifted his weight to stand firm and placed a finger to his chin in mock thought. "Since you've openly expressed your wish to challenge me for the affections of my mate. Then how about a fighting match to prove our individual prowess and agility," he suggested just as the repressed memory pushed past my chaotic boundary. "Whoever emerges as the winner gets to be her mate...." he explained.
My stomach lurched as a restless ship, plagued by a tempest and I had to breath in, slowly, to control the urge to heave. A dark cloud of foreboding hung over my head as vicious scenes of my nightmare came alive within my mind.
"You two are not seriously considering this absurd match?" I stood between them and turned each way to regard their facial features. "I don't need anyone fighting for my hand or any of this chivalry nonsense," I failed to control the tremble in my voice as I desperately tried to steer them off the destructive path that they had decided to walk down on.
And all because of what? My selfishness?
"What of the loser?" Rae questioned, still with his heated gaze on Aryn. "Does he suffer the loss of his romantic interest forever?" He emphasized.
"Are you guys deaf? I said there won't be a need for a fighting match. I'm not a prize that you can just fight for! I have a say in all this!" I shouted, waving my hands in front of their faces to get their attention.
"That's correct..." Aryn confirmed with a small chuckle before he removed the hood from his head to bare his full face. "...but the winner also gets to decide his punishment," he added, lowly.
"Losing her is punishment enough," Rae countered with a frown.
"Oh that's nothing," Aryn laughed, darkly. "Think about it, this scenario involves a pained, betrayed mate and an insulted, hurt lover. I'm sure you'd want a slice of personal retribution inflicted onto me just as I would," he persuaded never breaking his gaze on Rae.
Rae stood, ruminating over the idea and I laughed hysterical. At that point you could very well conclude that I was mad, off my rocker, insane....
"That's where you got it all wrong Aryn," I gasped, holding unto my belly as he quirked his eyebrows at my sudden change in behaviour. "We white-wolves pride ourselves in our ability to forgive and most importantly we don't engage in meaningless testosterone filled fights aimed at...." I was encased in a metaphorical bubble of confidence from which I delivered my speech, oozing with surety and honour. However, all at once it was utterly deflated by the phrase that sent shock waves through my system.
"I accept," Rae rumbled.
I was sure to have sustained a whiplash injury from the force it took to turn towards him, aghast. "Are you insane or have you forgotten our clan codes?" I hissed, trying to draw his unwavering attention from Aryn to myself.
Just reject me and save yourself the trouble, I pleaded through the mind-link, catching the fleeting gaze that he directed my way. Let me deal with this. It's my fault you're in this situation. If only I hadn't been so clingy and selfish. Please just do it and walk away, I rushed out, wanting to shake off the adamant look on his face.
"Very well then," Aryn put out a hand and directed it towards Rae with a slow smile.
Rae, please listen to me. This isn't who you are. It isn't who we are. The plan was to reject me right? Then do it, I persuaded, relentlessly as I held his gaze.
It's no secret that I'm reluctant to let you go and if I have to fight for you then so be it, he replied, smiling inconspicuously at me before taking Aryn's palm in a firm grip. Thus, sealing his fate and making his ultimate decision.
Aryn's face held the faint traces of undiluted glee and his orbs sparked with animosity. Likewise, Rae's features were hardened with thundering hatred and his stance was predatory.
This was going to end badly. I could feel it.
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