➸ Chapter 8
Kendra Martinez's POV
Oh my fucking gosh! This is it! This is the anniversary of the day I was born.
My birthday.
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I woke up sputtering.
"Holy shit!" I shrieked.
It was so damn cold! I jumped out of bed and reached under my bed for a baseball bat but then I perceive Abby and Ronnie laughing their asses off. Then on, I realized what they did.
"You nasty witches! You woke me up with ice cold water at-" I glanced at my alarm clock, "8 o'clock! There are no classes today!" I shouted at them.
Yet still, they were both laughing like hyenas. I waited till they're finished. "Are you done now?" I asked sarcastically.
"Yeah-" Ronnie spoke but didn't finish her words. Instead, she bursts into laughter. They are starting to make me annoyed with impatience, plus, I am getting cold standing here drenched with water.
I crossed my arms and tapped my foot on the floor; continuously glaring at them both. "Okay, okay. We're done." Abby replied as they put their hands up in surrender.
"Why did you pour water on me? Frankly, I don't appreciate being woken up this early." I gave them a hard look. Then Ronnie spoke out.
"Well, we wanted to give you your birthday present."
What the hell! They woke me up with cold H2O just to give me a gift?
"Oh, and you decided to wake me up by doing the ice bucket challenge on me, huh?" I said sarcastically. Why couldn't they just wake me up like a normal person would? Instead, I'll get a cold that's for sure.
"Okay, damn, chill your beans!" Abby said as she and Ronnie raised their arms in surrender.
Then they shouted, "Happy Birthday, Kendra!" Ouch. I think my ears were going to bleed today. I couldn't help but cringe from the loudness of their voice.
"Thanks!" I am grateful that they remembered but then, I returned to my pessimist self. "Now will you guys shut up and give me my damn presents? I really need to go back to sleep." I said with an irritated voice, extending my arm as a sign for them to hand it over.
I heard them mumble, "Grumpy." but I ignored it and felt the excitement bubble up through my stomach.
First of all, Ronnie gave me a huge box wrapped in a lovely gift wrapping paper. Shaking the present, what did she put in this case? "What's in it?" I asked feeling curious because the box was really big and heavy in weight.
She just looks at me with a just-open-it look. So I did; I followed her instructions and unfastened the gift she gave. And when the box was fully open, my jaw has dropped open, my mouth was agape. I had almost released the present with fright.
Then I saw and heard a flash going off beside me. Someone had just taken my picture.
My agape mouth and horrified face isn't a nice picture to look at.
Anyway, what got me so shaken was the content of the present. There inside, was full of lingerie, toys, condoms, and alcoholic beverages. The presentation and combination was horrible! How could she put it all together in a single box?
My face, as if by impulse, turned an ugly shade of red. I was so uncomfortable and disturbed right now.
They both giggle at my bothered state. Ronnie then cooed, "Look Abby, Kendy Wendy is blushing!" They chortle some more.
"What the hell? Ronnie, why did you get me these things?" I bellowed. I felt really mortified and still they both laugh at my dismayed face.
"I got you these, because you're eighteen already. You could now go to a club, get wasted, and lose your virginity. There's no more use for that fake I.D. you had once." Ronnie said. I'm sure my face was probably dumbfounded. Yes, I had a fake I.D. once when I was sixteen. Why? The answer is that Ronnie got me that and convinced to party and drink.
"Ronnie, you're an asshole!" I closed the box quickly and set it aside. That damn witch startled me this early.
"But you love me anyway!" She smirked. She's lucky that she's one of my best friends because if it was a different person, I would hit the person's head with the said present.
Moving on, the next present was Abby's gift. She gave me a gift wrapped box too but it was slightly smaller than Ronnie's gift but flatter than any way. I started to panic because this might be some sort of prank.
"Is there lingerie and condoms inside?" I asked, alarmed. She chuckled, "No." I am just being cautious. "Is there a scary voodoo doll inside?" I asked once again. "No! Just open the damn box!" She sighed exasperated. What? I can't help it! A disorderly gift is weird enough.
"Okay!" I put my hands up in surrender, proceeding to destroy the coverings of the box.
I gasped once the gift was fully opened.
Inside the flat box, I was a pleased to see a creatively designed scrapbook. With eagerness, I brought it out and flipped through the first pages. The pictures inside consists of the three of us; Abby, Ronnie, and I. The first few pages was us in grade school, middle school, then pictures of our hangouts, sleepovers, and camping. We had shit loads of pictures together as best friends.
Then on, I felt like we were reminiscing the moments. It also showed how close we are together because of how many fun times we shared together; they were my childhood friends as well.
Tears pricked my eyes. It was sweet of them to remember my birthday and I am thankful I got them as best friends. The action of waking me up was long forgotten. "Thank you, guys!" I am appreciative of what they gave so I reached out to hug them. After that long embrace, I took hold of the gifts and put it in my walk-in-closet. Yes, both gifts including Ronnie's gift.
Later, Ronnie, Abby and I went downstairs only to be greeted by my whole family. My mother gave me a special breakfast which had huge stack of pancakes, bacon, eggs, and sausages. My father on the other hand, kissed me on both cheeks.
"Happy Birthday, sis!" Kenneth greeted me with a smile. "Here is your gift by the way." He said as he handed me a big box as well. What's with boxes today? He then locked eyes with Ronnie and his gaze lingered at her.
What is it with them? I secretly ship them though. The Kennie ship has sailed.
I then hurried to open it as well. I couldn't help myself for I was too eager to see its contents.
As I lift the lid of the box, I screamed.
No, there weren't any condoms or drinks. There wasn't anything immoral or bad.
Inside the box, consist of band merchandise. The shirts, posters, and accessories were all here! This is why I screamed in delight. And at the bottom of the gift, there were pieces of paper.
Wait- it is not paper but, tickets?
Frantically searching, my brother bought concert tickets for Pierce the Veil with Sleeping with Sirens, Ed Sheeran, and All Time Low! What makes me so pleased is that they were all VIP tickets!
I screamed my head off and tackled Kenneth with a bear hug. "Thank you! Thank you." I said repetitively. That was one of the best gift I have ever received.
If you are in a fandom. You would understand me.
It was a good thing that he gave me a nice present because I gave him an expensive electric guitar on his birthday. It was a collector's item that he wanted so much. "No problem, ha-ha. My gift beats you two bozos." My brother spoke tauntingly at my friends.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, jerk face." Ronnie said waving him off. I laughed aloud. They were hilarious. I love my family.
Afterwards, I told Ronnie and Abby to just chill at my house and watch movies or something because I was going to my sports class. Yes, I do sports as well.
Hey, don't judge! I might be a nerd but who said I couldn't love sports? I was really fit and athletic. I love swimming, basketball, kickboxing, and etc.
It was influenced by my brother and father. My mother on the other hand, influenced me to climb mountains as a form of exercise.
But today I'm going to my kick-boxing class.
I changed into my black sports bra, black shirt, red Nike pro shorts, and paired it with my burgundy floral roshe runs. Unlike other people, I will not go out of the house without a shirt on.
Today, I am not going to take a car with me. Instead, I will jog for I just wanted to walk around the woods as a form to get to the gym.
Walking outside, I clutched my phone, earphones, and my jug. I needed to come back early so first of all, I told those witches to make theirselves comfortable anyway.
I proceeded to jog all the way to the fitness centre and didn't even break a sweat. Once I arrived, I walked into the doors to see my male instructor, Daniel. He was obviously talking with someone for his back was turned.
However, entering the sports gym, a familiar scent hit me. It somehow reminded me of my mate. As I grew closer to Daniel, the more I smelt my mate. The more his scent washed over me like a tidal wave.
Then it hit me. Oh no.
Behind Daniel was- no way, not him.
My mate.
He just stared at me and didn't even look at Daniel anymore. What is he doing here? How does he even know Daniel? I purposely ignored Archer and greeted Daniel.
"Hey man, why don't we do this now?" I asked sweetly. He replied with a 'sure' and bided his goodbye to Archer.
I didn't even look at Archer anymore and just walked to the private room. That was so damn awkward. Moving on, Daniel and I would always train in a private room. Though it was private, it was still see through, like glass. So when I will punch and practice, I know that Archer could see me.
This sports club is full of men and women, except Daniel. He is secretly gay that's why I train with him. I don't judge him because even though he's homosexual, he is fit and good with the sport he's teaching. Plus, I know he wouldn't try something immoral against me.
Finally, I sighed and I start first with stretching. My warm up consists of: Stretching, 15 minutes of skipping rope, and shadow boxing. Then Daniel and I would train with punching pads, followed by the ladder, then abdominals.
Our session was for good for like 2 1/2 hours. Every time it ended, I feel much fulfilled that my training was productive. Thank the goddess that it is done for today. I was so damn tired and I even broke a few punching bags along the way. When Daniel trains me, he shows no mercy. But I love the feeling of getting tired; it makes me feel satisfied and worth it.
I decided to fill my water jug, just outside by the public gym.
While I was filling my container with liquid, a guy with black hair approached me and whistled, "Damn girl, you've got nice assets over there." He even threw me a suggestive wink. I cringed at his remark.
Ugh men. They're so gross like slobs.
I would rip his tongue out of his mouth if I wasn't a good girl, but I am so I just ignored him and turned my back at him.
Then I felt hands on my body. I instantly got pissed off when he groped my ass. I turned around to punch him but someone already beat me to it.
He was punching the guy in my honour and damn, did he look fine doing it. I watch as his muscles flex when he hits the man. The stranger tried to fight back but he can't even lay a finger on Archer.
"Never touch her again! You hear me? Now scram!" He said menacingly.
The guy with black hair cowered and bolted so fast when Archer loosened his hold on him. Wow, he can't even match him.
Archer suddenly stared at me with his gorgeous obsidian eyes. Wait gorgeous? "Thanks but I could've handled it." I told him, trying to act natural.
"I know you could but he shouldn't have touched you like that." He stated but blushed as soon as he said those words. My wolf felt giddy to see him like this though.
For a moment, Archer didn't say anything and just gazed at me. Why is it so hot in here? I thought. I drank the water that I filled in my water bottle.
A few drops escaped from my mouth to my chest and I saw Archer's eyes darken. Not from rage but from lust. It was obvious that I somehow felt the same. Damn, I should loathe him but I can't.
I was about to walk to him but his reaction caught me off guard. It was like he was splashed with cold water, then he bolted out of the gym.
What the fuck did I do?
Archer Black's POV
It's my mate's birthday today and I plan to get her back.
I intended to buy her a gift after I work out at the gym. I changed into some Nike fit shirt, some basketball shorts, and my Nike shoes. It's just normal sports attire.
I jogged to the sports club near our pack house and was greeted by my old friend, Daniel.
"Hey, Daniel! What are you doing here?" I said as I bro-hugged him. He was a good friend of mine before but then I got busy with Alpha training that we lost contact with each other.
"Well, I'm a kick boxing instructor now. I'm here to train one of my clients. She will probably be here any minute now." He glanced at his watch. What? A girl who can punch and hit? This is something that I got to see.
"Whoa, is it a hot chick?" I said wiggling my eyebrows.
"Yeah, she's very pretty. Hey look! There she is!" He said as he pointed her out.
What the fuck?
Why in the world was she here training? This gym was full of unmated men! Oh wait, there were girls too. But nonetheless, the gym was full guys!
No way, this isn't the lady that Daniel was going to train with. Maybe it was another she-wolf.
I couldn't stop staring at her though. My wolf was panting with need because of her outfit. Yes, she was dressed with normal sports attire but I never thought she'd be really fit. Much less go to the gym.
When she walked in, I saw that she was oozing sex appeal without even trying. Kendra was arousing everyone with a dick. Well, everyone except Daniel. How strange. I watch as she greeted Daniel but continued to ignore me. Am I invisible to her or what?
Damn, that hurt. She continues to disregard and take no notice of me.
Kendra, looking impatient, asks Daniel if they could start now. He turned to me and said his goodbye so they could start their training. They walked together into the see-through private room.
Somehow, out of all the feelings I've felt, I had always hated feeling possessiveness. However, I could not help it for I felt jealousy burning down on me.
One reason is because she was working out with another male and looked to be having fun with him.
Oh, she was the one who rented the private room. I was going to rent the isolated room as well but they said that someone took it already.
I actually chose this gym because it was more complete than the exercise room in the pack house. I didn't know it was my mate that beat me to it so I just did my workout at the public gym. I also wanted to keep an eye out for her.
No wonder she chose this gym as well. This gym is one of the best that had great instructors. Well, look at Daniel.
Some of the weights fell on me. Ouch.
I was really distracted because I can't help but gawk at her. Damn, she can throw a punch. I never thought someone as small as her could be so damn fit and strong. She looked like she had broken a few punching bags as well. Why did I ever think she was weak? I tried to focus on my work out until their session was done.
I saw Kendra at the water station and behind her was a guy staring at her derrière. I glared at the man; though when he touched her butt, I thought I saw red.
My wolf suddenly took over.
How dare he touch what's mine?
All I know is that my feet carried me to them and my wolf had beaten that man to a pulp. I then realized that my wolf was getting stronger, especially when she's near. What if he took control? He would certainly go after his mate.
I turned to look at Kendra, not fully aware of my black eyes. But then I managed to calm down instantly when she touched my arm.
She thanked me for saving her even though we both knew she could handle it.
She was a big girl. A complete woman in my eyes. I couldn't stop staring at her. She even had a body of a goddess like it was made for man to worship. I can't believe she was hiding that all in baggy and shapeless clothes.
Then it felt like the temperature increased to a hundred degrees. It suddenly felt hot that's why she drank her water to cool down but I noticed a few drops escaped her mouth and dripped down to her long, slender neck and even further down to her beautiful breast. I could feel my eyes turning black again.
I felt hypnotized and I can't do anything about it. Even my wolf was panting for her.
What I would do to feel my mate up. I licked my bottom lip in thirst for her but then realized that I was getting turned on.
Oh no, Shit! I now have a hard on. I couldn't help it. No matter what I did, I can't get over her. I couldn't forget or move on from her which makes it so hard. The more I see her each day, the more my feelings grow.
I tried sleeping with a few girls after the rejection but my wolf was rejecting their touches; their touch gave me horrible shivers.
Now that she's here, she's the only one I want to touch, especially, when she held my arm with her delicate fingers. I never thought that a small, innocent act could get me so excited.
Fuck, she was too hot for her own good.
She made her way to me but I quickly bolted out of the gym; I can't let her see me like this. She would just run off that's for sure. I quickly went home, and into the shower. Cold shower that is. I needed to cool off or I will certainly be in pain again.
Damn it! I couldn't stop thinking about her body. It had made me painfully hard. It was like I was in heat and I couldn't stop lusting after her like a teenage boy.
Shit! Stop it! I demanded my wolf as he projected images of our little mate, naked and writhing. He just chuckled at me.
'You know you want it. Why stop?' With that, I blocked my wolf out before it gets unbearable.
Those images were intense but I still don't have a gift for her. Yes, I remember her birthday.
So when I was done, I went my mother's room.
There, I found her reading a fashion magazine. So I approached her saying, "Mother! I need gift ideas for a girl." I said looking for things that can be gifted. I don't know what to get her.
"Why darling? Is that said girl your mate?" She asks without looking at me.
"Yes." I whispered because if she knows I rejected her, then damn, another female devil after my ass.
"Anything would do." She said. What the hell?
"Mother! No it's supposed to be special!" I exclaimed. She doesn't understand! I need a nice gift idea!
"She's your mate, son. She would practically accept anything you give her." Then she asked absurd questions like our future and grandchildren.
I sighed. She doesn't know the situation. It's not easy to win her heart.
"Mother! Can't you see? I rejected her!" I snapped aloud then she shut up. Wow, that was quick. She looked flabbergasted at what she heard from me.
"Wha-what?" She gasped.
"You dumbass! Who's the poor girl you hurt?" She hit me with the magazine she was holding. Ouch. Mothers and their disciplinary actions.
"The Beta's daughter." I whispered for I knew she will get more heated.
My mother looked like she wanted to kill me but then her face turned into a worried one. "Oh no. Kane and Andrea would never forgive me. Isn't she your childhood friend? How could you?" She shouted. "I never raised you to reject your mate!" I look down the marble floor in shame.
Suddenly someone joined in the conversation, "Son, You better win her back. It's the only way for you to find happiness and gain the Alpha position." My father stated with a stern voice. Recovering from my shock, I was stunned that my father heard everything.
"I don't know how. I think she hates me for all the things I put her through." I said. If I was her, I would never even talk to her.
"Well you deserve to suffer for your actions but I know Kendra is a strong girl. Strong enough to lead a whole pack and would make a great Luna." I nodded. Then suddenly, the awful words I said to my mate replayed in my mind.
"You are weak, useless, and not good enough to be a Luna. No one will want you!" My wolf whimpered. I remember my mate's upset face when I spoke those words.
"Here Archer, give this to her." My mother said as she handed me a necklace. What? Why this one? This was the necklace she always wore; the one that has been in my family for centuries.
"No mom, this is yours. I'll find a new one." I gave it back to her but then she replied.
"Nonsense! Take it. I always treated Kendra as a daughter. She's your mate right? This has been in the family for generations and it is just right that you give it her as well." She said with a genuine smile. Handing me the necklace, I watch as it glimmers through the light. It was absolutely gorgeous looking at it.
"Okay, mother. Thank you." I smiled at her.
"Now go get her son. If you don't, you'll never achieve bliss and delight for your life." My father said looking proud of my decision. Can I do this? Maybe I can.
With that, I went to my chambers and change into pleasant clothes. I just hope she would like this necklace. I can't wait to fully have her again.
I will get you back Kendra, even if it is the last thing I would do.
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A U T H O R' S N O T E 💖
Bonjour! How are you guys? First of all, I'm sorry for not updating. It's just that being a student athlete is hard work; I am very busy. I really want to update (Really, I do) but I have everyday training which I get home very late already. Hope you can understand. I am trying to make this story as nice as possible so please have a little faith in me.
Thank you also for giving support to this book. I do appreciate it a lot. Anyway, how do you like the new cover?
Stay tuned, the next chapters will be more exciting.
-Hannah ♡
Fire n gold
by Bea Miller
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