Chapter Twenty: "Up In Flames"
Mark kept his back on Sean, allowing him to dress without his wondering stare. The blush that burned his cheeks just wouldn't go away. What would Wade think about what he'd seen? Would he tell anyone? He wanted to go ask him but didn't want to leave Sean on his own. A soft tap at his elbow drew his attention to the side. Sean held out his hat for him and he took it, carefully putting it on his head with a shaking hand. Sean was dressed now as he stepped closer to whisper over his shoulder in a thicker Irish accent that made Mark shiver. "It's fine. I'll watch your back." Huffing Mark mumbled out to himself. "Ya... But you should be more-" Before he could finish, Sean's lips met his own. The kiss was brief and fleeting, but stole the words he was going to say. With one last smile, Sean fixed his own hat and led the way out the door. Mark trudged after him, his heart heavy. He needed to get himself together. Downstairs, Wade was chatting up a woman that sat on a piano flirting with him. Bob tugged on him trying to get him to leave, but it wasn't until he saw Mark that Bob forcefully yanked him away. Wade opened his mouth to scold Bob but stopped and instead chuckled out devilishly. "Morning, Jack."
Mark tensed on the last step, while Bob looked confused. Rolling his eyes, Sean chuckled back. "Top of the morning, Wade." Wade tapped Sean's arm as he passed, slipping out in a low voice. "You smell nice. Had a nice scrub?" Mark placed his hand on his pistol, bracing himself to shoot. Shoving Wade playfully, Sean told him coolly. "As a matter of fact, I did. You should have got one. You stink." Wade laughed, shoving Sean away, before trying to grab him as he said aloud. "Ya? Come here. I'll muss you up again!" Sean squealed dashing out the door. Bob watched them go, then turned his eyes on Mark's hand that hovered over the handle of his gun. The locked eyes in silence for a moment, before Bob asked him cautiously. "Mark? You alright?" Forcing his hand off his gun, Mark nodded, shrugging out. "I'm just tired. I need coffee." Bob nodded subtly, until Mark was beside him. Then over his shoulder, Bob whispered to him very softly. "Sheriff... You are getting awfully protective of this boy. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you..." Mark's dark eyes locked with him, prompting Bob to mumble out. "Good thing, I know better."
Mark waited until Bob left, before taking a shaky breath and following him out. Nathan beckoned them over to a gunsmiths shop, his eyes occasionally peeking inside the window. Mark scanned the area for any deputies, but it was too early in the morning. Most people were only just getting up to start the day. Stomping up the steps to the door of the shop, Mark knocked. From inside, an older man called out. "We're not opened yet. Come back later." Nathan shared a long look with Mark, before Mark stepped back. Swiftly, Nathan moved in front of the door and kicked it open. Withdrawing his gun, Nathan ordered the old man. "Hands up, Gunny!" Mark waited until everyone filed in, keeping watch for anyone that saw anything. When he was sure it was clear, he backed into the shop and closed the door and blinds. Behind the counter, the old man calmly told them. "If you want the guns. Take them." Sean and Bob walked around looking at the shelves of ammo and wall racks lined in rifles. While Wade looked over pistols along the counter. Nathan kept his gun on the old man, but Mark casually told him. "We don't want your guns. We want some answers." The old man shrugged, asking a bit half-heartedly. "What kind of answers are you looking for?"
Mark stopped beside Nathan, retorting firmly. "Iron Hills ordered a shipment of guns. What kind were they? What did he want them for?" The old man lowered his hands to the top of the counter, confidently regaling. "Ah, those. I'll admit it was an odd shipment. The Mayor ordered a few crates of short barrel shotguns." Nathan raised an eyebrow, asking shortly. "What's so odd about that?" The old man inhaled deeply, blurting out. "Because he ordered empty shells to go with them. Along with some equipment to make his own shotgun bullets. I asked him what they were for. He said... He was in the middle of a project. A project that required him to try making his own." Nathan blinked, turning slightly to face Mark as he mumbled out quietly to him. "He has a gun shop of his own. Why order out for something like that? And why? It makes no sense." Mark shifted his weight to one foot as he thought it over and said coolly. "He didn't want whatever he's doing to be easily tracked... Hired hands. A shipment of guns." Nathan stiffened, asking curtly. "An army?" Mark shook his head, replying confidently. "No. If he wanted an army, he wouldn't give them short barrel shotguns. They need close range. Very close... Besides, the hired help was for the mines. They wouldn't know the first thing about handling a-"
Mark drifted off, but Sean was the one who finished off in a stunned tone of voice. "Oh my god... I think I know what he's doing." Bob only managed to say 'what?' before a voice called out. "Alright, boys! Come on out now!" Wade slunk over to the window to peek out, informing them. "It's the Pinkertons... Mark, what do we do?" Nathan rushed to the back door, then cursed as he told Mark. "They deputies here. They're surrounding the place, Mark!" Wade and Bob removed their guns, while outside a Pinkerton called out. "No one has to get hurt! You boys just come on out. Nice and slow. You've got nowhere to run." Everyone looked to Mark. Taking calm breathes, Mark glanced around before looking up. Grinning, he pointed to the attic and told them. "Up to the roof. Go!" Wade jumped to grab the rope, yanking down the hatch, then let Bob lift him up to climb inside. Once Wade was up, he reached down and Bob helped Nathan up into Wade's awaiting grip. Mark walked over to the window, trying to by them time as he yelled out. "You couldn't have picked a worse place to corner us, assholes. We can outlast you in ammo alone."
Bob beckoned for Sean, but he hesitated and backed away toward Mark. Unable to wait, Bob climbed up on the counter and let Nathan and Wade pull him up. Then they called to Mark and Sean. Outside, one of the Pinkertons stated out. "I think it is the perfect place to corner your gang, Sheriff." The old man behind the counter ducked with a loud curse as something smashed through the window. Mark whirled around to see the bottle smash across the floor, spraying alcohol all over the ammo on a shelf as the fire clinging to the cloth spread to follow it. Mark cursed, yelling up to the roof. "RUN! GO!" Nathan cursed loudly, yanking the others away from the hatch. Mark barely ran to Sean's side to pull him down before the fire ignited a few boxes of ammo, the bullets firing wildly into the air to a sound like popping popcorn. More flaming bottles were thrown in, causing the old man to flee from the building where he was gunned down by the deputies. Clinging to Mark, Sean yelled out over the popping ammo. "What do we do? We can't stay here! If it hits the kegs in the storage room-!" Mark didn't wait for him to finish.
Getting to his feet, Mark grabbed Sean's belt and yelled out seriously. "Stay close! It's going to get hot!" Running over to the burning counter, Mark wrapped an arm around Sean and hefted him up onto the counter. Sean yelped as flames licked at his legs, while Mark snapped out. "Jump!" Without thinking, Sean leapt toward the hatch to escape the flames. His hands barely grabbing the edge of the hatch. Faint gunshots came from outside, along with Nathan's commanding voice. Mark couldn't focus on it. Stepping into a flame, Mark grabbed Sean's leg and pushed it up, until Sean pulled himself up. With a groan, Mark yanked his leg back out of the flames, thankful that his leather chaps took most of the burn. Sean turned, reaching down for him, despite Mark telling him to run. Frustrated that he wasn't leaving, Mark tried to climb up on the counter, but it crumbled under his weight. Coughing from the thickening black smoke, Mark yelled up. "GO!" From the hatch, Sean yelled back. "Come on, Mark! I'm not leaving!" Groaning, Mark kicked a shelf over and rushed up the burning wood. Jumping at the end, he reached for the hatch and missed but Sean caught him.
Pulling him up into the dark smoky attic, Sean pulled on Mark's gun strap over his chest and pleaded out. "Come on! We've got to keep moving!" Mark coughed loudly, crawling a bit, but for he got up to run. Sean led him toward an open window in the attic ceiling where the others had gotten out. As they ran, Mark heard a deep groan from the wood beneath them and yelled out a second too late as he grabbed his arm. "SEAN!" Sean ran over the weakened wood, the boards giving way beneath him. Sean screamed as he fell, but Mark clung to his arm. Sean whimpered, glancing down to look at the roaring fire that had engulfed the floor below. Straining against the hot air and smoke that make his eyes water, he tried to shift enough to pull Sean back up. As he shifted though, the boards beneath him began to groan and dip under the weight. Sean screamed as flames threatened to curl around Sean's boots to pull him down. Their hands getting sweater by the second. Gritting his teeth, Mark didn't care if he hurt himself as he forced his muscles to pull Sean up. A few boards, gave out, forcing Mark to lose his hold and having to try again, but he eventually got him up.
Mark could barely see and his coughing grew worse as he pulled a staggering and coughing Sean behind him. Just as they reached the window, Mark hefted Sean up and pushed him out into the dawn. Only to hear Sean scream as someone grabbed him a dragged him away. Quickly climbing out himself, he saw a deputy trying to wrestle Sean into submission. When he couldn't get a good grip, he started punching Sean to disorient him enough to push him off the roof. Sean tumbled the down the side of the roof, but cling to the edge with a cough. As blurry as Mark's vision was he shot the man still standing before he could kick Sean off the roof. Then whirled to shoot another man that attempted to rush him from the other side. Creeping down the singles, Mark grabbed Sean's hand and pulled him up, encouraging him to run across the rooves of the line of other buildings. Men seemed to be shooting form all over, but Mark didn't stop to see how it was going. Sean stumbled but kept up with him as they reached the end. Skidding to a stop, Mark cursed. There was no way down. Whatever the others had used was gone. Sean coughed violently, dropping to his knees as he struggled to breathe.
Mark only saw one option, but it wasn't promising. However, in their condition. It was better than nothing. Pulling Sean to his feet, he asked him seriously. "Jack? Do you trust me?" Wheezing for breath, Sean nodded. Mark nodded to him, then hefted him up into his arms. Turning to face the drop, Mark jumped. Sean tucked his face into Mark's neck, clinging to him. Mark closed his eyes, his feet slamming into the sheet of metal to bust it open. They fell through it easily and splashed into the deep cool water of the water tower. The water tower was deep and dark, but after all the heat he'd endured, the water felt amazing against his skin. Releasing Sean, he grabbed only his waist and helped guide him back up to the surface. Sean spit water, coughing as panicking a little as he clawed at the metal sides of the tank. There was nothing to hold onto. Mark pressed him up against the wall, cooing into his ear as he treaded water to keep them both up. "Easy. I got you." Sean shook his head, panting out. "Mark, we're gonna drown like rats... we're trapped..." Pressing himself completely to his back, Mark kissed his neck and purred out in a soft whisper. "No. We're not. Calm down. I've got you."
Mark winced in pain. The tips of his fingers hand managed to find a metal ledge, but it cut into his fingertips. His words comforted Sean enough to calm down, before he asked in a whisper. "What are we going to do?" Mark glanced up at the missing metal sheet in the ceiling. They were hidden as long as they stayed away from the hole. Licking his lips, he whispered to him. "We wait. With any luck, the others will lead them away." Sean turned in his arms, placing his hands on Mark's face to whisper in a shaky voice. "Did I ever tell you that... small places and heights are not my thing...?" Smirking, Mark watched the droplets of water roll down Sean's face, upon whispering back. "You're with me. I'm not scared of them. I won't let anything happen to you." Tilting his head back against the metal, Sean asked with teary eyes. "What does scare you, Mark?" Mark risked cleaning soot off Sean's pale cheek, staring into his bright blue eyes when he breathlessly answered. "Deep water..." Sean's eyes drifted down to the water between them, before chuckling out. "But you jumped in here..."
Mark nodded, bringing his lips closer to Sean's when he added still breathless. "Ya... Because my fear of losing you was worse." A smile spread over Sean's lips. Mark started to lean in but hesitated. Prompting Sean's hands to cup his jaw and pull him into a tender kiss. Mark kept the kiss brief, too scared that he'd let go of the wall to hold him. To his surprise, when the kiss ended, he asked Sean softly. "Why didn't you go up with the others? Were you scared of the height?" Sean shook his head, his lips moving back to brush over Mark's when he answered in a low heavy Irish accent. "No. I just couldn't do it without you. Mark... I think I'm in love with you." Mark blushed, giving him a little smile, his voice barely a whisper when he shyly said. "Ya? Why do you say that?" Sean's hands massaged Mark's shoulders, while he mumbled out in embarrassment. "Because... you make me feel special. Wanted. I even like when you get a little jealous..." Mark narrowed his eyes on him playful, coaxing a bright smile from Sean. Mark opened his mouth to tell him how he felt, until a voice outside called out. "The others are gone. But there is a sheet missing from the tower. Wanna check it out?"
Sean tensed, but Mark covered his mouth to listen better. Someone was climbing up the ladder and toward the metal door. The door squealed as it began to turn, and Mark quickly gestured for Sean to take a deep breath. Once they both did, they sank beneath the dark surface without a ripple as the door swung open. To Be Continued...
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