Alpha Q
"I learn something in the interviews from time to time."
Q is for questions. I was asked to ask my parents some questions; I decided to interview my mother. I am supposed to copy everything she says.
Q: What is the strangest thing I have ever eaten?
A: ...For you, I guess it would be seafood...because you've always been so adamant that you don't eat it.
Q: How did you and dad meet?
A: Uhh, um, Spring break. I was at the beach with my friends aaand... he was headed to the mall to go get a haircut.
Q: What about me frustrates you the most?
A: Procrastination, your laziest sin.
Q: What were your interests from childhood to adulthood? How did they change?
A: Um,... childhood I loved unicorns, still do, but now I love more realistic animals. I always enjoyed crafts.
Q: Who were your imaginary friends?
A: Don't recall having imaginary friends. (Me: Well, that's boring. Mom: Sorry.)
Q: What was the weirdest thing I did as a child?
A: You were obsessed with drinking coffee in the morning with Opa. Um, it was always mostly milk with a splash of coffee,... but you were just like a grouchy old woman if you didn't have it.
Q: Where do you see me in ten years?
A: ... Finishing college, hopefully establishing a career.
Q: What kind of trouble did you get in as a child? How did your parents handle it?
A: I got grounded a, I mostly got in trouble for not doing my chores. I once got in trouble for sneaking out...of state to go to a concert.
Q: What school did you go to?
A: Elementary was Rupel... Um, middle school was Elender. Highschool I went to John Eric, I went to University of Phoenix for college
Q: Where do you see yourself in ten years?
A: Um... By then, I'll probably be a grandparent. Hopefully, traveling more.
Q: What was your favorite gift as a child?
A: I wouldn't say it's my favorite, the most special was, uh, this... Spanish doll, it was, uh, it looked like it was porcelain but it was styrofoam. It was a Spanish bride...and...I, I didn't have the money to buy her because I was Christmas shopping and my mom surprised me with her [the doll] because she was proud of me for being selfless.
Q: Which family member do you/did you most admire and why?
A: Um,... I always admired my dad the most because he was hard-working, determined,... and honest.
Q: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A: A vet.
Q: Who was your childhood idol?
A: Mmm,..mmm, I didn't really have a childhood idol. I can't really think of anybody.
Q: What did you feel the first time you saw me?
A: Um, excited, happy, love... Oh, and accomplished.
Q: How is your parenting style different from your parents?
A: Umm, I think I'm more relaxed than my mom wasss... Being the oldest my mom was very hard on me...because...I was pretty much the test case for my other siblings.
Q: What can you tell me about my birth?
A: It was fast and were induced labor...and after all the others, I figured you'd take a couple hours, but you came within two hours.
Q: What was my favorite item when I was younger?
A:'d have stuffed animals you would swap out from time to time... Um, you had Uni.
Q: What are you most proud of me for?
A: Um, I'm proud of you for doing so well with band...and, willing you are to help people.
Q: What was your most memorable childhood experience?
A: ...Um,...I think family vacation was most memorable...because when I was growing up...we didn't take family vacation until I was in middle school.
Q: What was it like the first time I went fishing with you and Opa?
A: was, well, actually one of the most memorable fishing trips with him...He, he...told that story...over and over many times.
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