Broken - Last part
Hi sorry delay but this is long n I had my struggle with it!
Recap; Swaras true is out! Laksh was right but was hold back by Ragini.
Swara went behind Sans. Sans; Swara leave me alone I need some time for myself. Let me think!
Swara was hurt she had broken the trust of her husband whom she loves the most. She hurt the trust of the family she was accepted that much n still she had broken them.
That is how it feels when u trying to be the best n taking the wrong path...
Sans turns to her. I thought u love me trust me but I was wrong u don't do it! U have hidden such a big true from me y Swara? Y?.
Swara was near her tears 😭 I'm sorry Sanskaar I did a big mistake but trust me I never wanted to hurt u. I just wanted to be prepared.
Sans prepared? Of what swara? To break my heart n trust? Swara I have always follows u blindly but this? U hurt me a lot! I can't even look into ur eyes...
Swara was hurt ya she knows she did a mistake by hiding the true from him. She should have told him at first place but she was scared losing him.
Sans; Swara u know the situation in our house u know Pari bhabhi is facing from the same problem still will love n respect her! She loves us Lucky, Uttara n me like her own then y U needed to adopt a child?
Swara; bcz of Ragini! After all what she has done to me! She was given the name of her father! She has tried to kill me! She has tried to ruin my life.
Sans; this Ragini who fought with u n the society to give ur mother her right! The one who give u ur love of ur life! The one who saved U from Kavyas attack! U wanted to take revenge from the one who sacrificed her life in jail for me! Swara how can u be so blind! Don't forget I made her bad she wasn't it!
Swara fall on her knees. Haan Sanskaar I was blind in jealousy.... I am sorry!
AP; what is going on here?! Y do this has to happen with us!.
Laksh; Maa please she did this all by lying to us. She plays with our feelings. N she always blames my Ragini.
Ragini; Laksh please let's forget this all n move on. It is always the same! There is no need to fight anymore. Ur trust win. Isn't it enough.
Laksh hold her hand. He side hugs her. As long as u t with me I'm happy... kissing her forehead.
Swara; Sanskaar please forgive me! Sans; I need time but one thing u should be clear abt. Rahul deserves someone who loves him. U don't love him as u r not ready to be a mother.
Swara agrees but Sanskaar we can't send him away! Sans; I'm not saying this! He has someone who loves him a lot.
Rahul; Baari Maa. Pari turns. Haan Rahul what happen?. Rahul smiles he hugs her from the side n sat on her lap. Pari feeds him.
Sans; u saw that! That is what he deserves. I want u somehow to clear this mess. He is not meant to be with or for us!
Swara the bonding between Rahul n Pari she nods in agreement.
Swara; Sanskaar I will wait for U!
Sans nods. He leaves the place.
Swara was alone in her bedroom when she hears a knock. Swara wipes her tears away! Come in!
Ragini enters the room with AP, Sujata n Pari. Swara couldn't meet their gazes.
Sujata; chori u done wrong but u have helped as in our worst time. Y didn't u told it us? Did u really thought we would banish u? Swara; mom I'm sorry. Baari Maa Pari bhabhi I'm sorry... she stood up n walks to Ragini.
Ragini I don't how to apologise to u! But please forgive me if u can!
Ragini hugs her. It is always Swaragini right? Swara nods.
(I won't drag much)
A few week passed Swara had talked to the adoption agency to give the custody to Pari n Adarsh. Sanskaar has returned to MM n forgive Swara but yet he didn't trust her... he needs time...
Laksh was looking at the woman on his side.
Ragini he had done many mistakes but she forgive him! She has given him a new life! N now she is carrying it with her!
Laksh was holding her belly n kissing it... he caresses it n says baby Papa is desperately waiting for U! Come soon!
Months later.... He was again looking on the bed which was filled with his love ones 😘
Guys I will give u an epilogue tonight 😉
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