You're free.
You're fucking free.
As you hoped merrily down the hallway of the Shie Hassakai base, which you'd committed to heart by now, Hari trailed from behind you and lectured you about some thing or another.
"You have to be back before dawn," he said, prompting you to shoot him a look.
"Alright, MOMMMM!"
Used to this by now, he waved this off and continued. "Don't get yourself arrested. And if you do, make sure to-"
"-pretend to be a regular civilian, not mention any ties to the Shie Hassakai, and sweet talk my way out. Yeah, Hari, I may have the mentality of a 3 year old, but I do know what I'm doing. Sort of. Maybe."
"Was that supposed to reassure me?"
Blowing raspberries at him, you eventually turned around one or two corners in this labyrinth of a facility in search of your final destination. As soon as your eyes locked onto it, you yelled rather loudly in happiness.
Hari sighed loudly from behind you. "Please stop trying to name the weapons chamber."
"What if I called it... Joe?"
"Not Joe eith-"
Yet another freedom you'd attained after being in both physical and virtual lockdown was access to the internet. Of course, everything was monitored, Hari would watch closely over you, and you only had a brief 10 minutes a day, but the frugal exposure to anything from back in your universe was enough to unbalance your already lopsided brain.
What's more, you spent most of this time keeping up with actualities going on in [country of origin]. Less the politics, but more of the little things, like little glimpses of the world in which there are no quirks. A normal world, or at least as close as one can get to the elusive normal category.
On top of this, you made sure to pester Hari with all of the fanfiction and fanart you could find. He would shake his head and say that these people were crazy, then you'd avidly remind him to at least take a glance at all these people who loved him. Eventually, you started to catch him smirking occasionally at the screen with a light blush on his exposed face.
Somewhat getting your life back was actually just Overhaul's way of keeping you inside for another bit. After the stunt where you'd challenged him to his face and said you were going out either way... you didn't actually go out at all, you just spent a few hours celebrating your newfound confident aura and begging whatever mythical force gave this to you that it remains for the next while. Since then, you'd receive your 10 minutes a day on your old phone, for about a week, which inevitably corroded your brain with a flurry of deez nuts jokes.
Sadly for him but luckily for you, Hari kept falling for them.
"(y/n), you have to realize what an enormous responsibility it is to leave the base on your own. Don't give Overhaul incentive to cancel your excursion."
"Oh, I know he won't," you smugly countered. "I doesn't feel much like it, but it's been a year since I first got here. That asshole knows that my initial jumpy urge to run away has gone away, and there's nothing in it for me if I run away, right now I get food, a place to sleep and live, and daily exposure to uncannily attractive people, such as yourself. What else could I possibly want?"
All of this was, of course, absolute bullshit.
While you'd love to stay imprisoned and all, you were still clinging onto the hope of being saved. The only issue is that nothing had happened yet; USJ hadn't been attacked, Bakugo hadn't been kidnapped, AFO and OFA hadn't fallen. Because of this, you can't know how long it will be before Sir Nighteye starts to investigate. As much as you love Hari, the rest of your arrangement here sucked. You'd give it a 2 stars at best.
Not to forget Overhaul. That bitch. That hot bitch.
Over time, your feelings for him had mixed and jumbled beyond comprehension. At first, him being attractive was all that mattered. Then, you thought his assertive personality was hot too. Soon after, he became an obsessive freak who let no one (including you) do what they wanted. Right now, you'd much rather run away with Hari, to be completely honest.
But there was still something you needed to do first before you implemented your half-assed very-likely-to-fail masterplan.
You were going to go kick some thug ass.
Once you'd arrived at [weapons facility name (w/f/n)], your eyes were peeled for your weapon of choice throughout the past while, when you'd been training.
With Hari groaning over your new name for a literal room, you scanned the environment.
There you are.
You skipped excitedly towards the table on which an assortment of guns were placed, swiped two of them and a holster to place them in. Next, you got your signature weapon, those chains that had caught your eye at the very beginning of your training.
"Hari!" you yelled out suddenly. "Oh my god, Hari I totally forgot to find myself a badass leather suit!"
"Leather suits are rather uncomfortable, why would you desire one?"
"I- Wait. Rewind, how do you know that they're uncomfortable?"
"Asking me such questions feels off topic."
"The possibility of you wearing a leather suit is always on topic."
Deflecting your question with a stare that said I'm not going to say anything else, Hari turned around and checked his watch, declaring that the longer you spent in here, the less time you'd get outside.
You hastily swiped your weaponry and ran out of (w/f/n), blowing it a bunch of kisses and promising it that 'mama will be back soon'.
As you climbed up the steps, you vaguely recognized the room from your blurry memory, remembering that this was the house that was on top of the base in guise of a cover.
You saw a window.
You saw an actual, physical window.
Before you knew it, your hands were trembling as Hari slowed his pace and turned back to look at you. "Are you alright?"
"Hari, that's... a... window..."
He didn't get it, and to be completely honest, you didn't entirely get it either, but you found yourself tearing up a bit at the sight of the moon in the sky, the real moon and not just a picture or a poster.
The true realization that you hadn't seen the sky in over a year finally dawned on you and hit you with so much force that you felt sick to your stomach.
"I think... I'm gonna... puke..." you muttered, causing the light-blue haired man to take a step back since he wasn't sure what else he was expected to do except get out of your firing range.
Calming yourself down, you levelled your breathing and eventually managed to recover, shaking your head as to forget the odd sensation that had passed through you just then. "Sorry," you mumbled yet again, but this time your voice was low out of shame. "I'm just... Reality hits hard sometimes, y'know?"
Hari did not know what you meant, but nodded regardless, then handed you a burner phone. "The number of the base is right here. Call if anything happens, and be back by sunrise, or else Overhaul will find you and kill you, do you understand, (y/n)?"
Rolling your eyes, you placed a hand on his shoulder. "No problem, I got this. Thanks for caring, but now I gotta go and kick some thug butt. Don't get too lonely without me, yeah?"
He seemed to be trying to consciously restraining himself, but in the end his efforts were in vain, as the corners of his lips tugged helplessly into the silhouette of a smile. You returned one ten times as bright and then, securing your holster to your hip and hiding it under the jacket you'd put on last minute.
With that, you went off into the world of superhuman society.
Update: Superhumans were really weak.
"Come at me, you cocksucker!" you taunted, index finger gesturing for the half-drunk man and his goons to come and attack you. Almost immediately, you'd made your way towards the nearest bar and located the first gang of remotely misogynistic men you could find. You found it both amusing and disgusting how little time it had taken you to do so and get them riled up and ready to kill you. "What, can't fight a girl, afraid you're gonna shit your pants?"
Before you could finish your sentence, he came running at you, yelling out in anger and swiping out a knife from his pocket. You instinctively reacted, detaching your chain from around your hips and holding it out in front of you, pulled taught by both of your hands on either side.
This, of course, did nothing to stop him, as instead of aiming for your neck, he just lowered his blade and aimed instead for your heart. As his armed hand came near, you dropped down the chain, using its sudden change of location to redirect his attack to your side instead, where you could easily dodge. With a rapid twirl of your wrists, you looped the metal chain around his wrist and held it in place as you brought up your heel and kicked it into the center of his arm with a satisfying crunch.
As soon as his cry of pain registered in his friends' ears, you pulled out your gun before they could act and pulled the trigger twice for each person.
It took you a while to realize you'd just murdered not one, not two, but three people.
The other gamblers and bar attendants yelled out in horror as you quickly slipped out the back before anybody could call the heroes, and noticed that all of this felt more like a lucid dream than reality.
Running through the streets of Mustafu, you found yourself eerily detached.
Until you blinked and the entire world vanished.
It was almost a glitch, where you were certain you were standing in the streets that sparked some kind of familiarity, and then all of it was back again.
Just to be sure, you blinked a few more time - rather aggressively, as if clinging your eyelids with an excessive amount of force were required to render the blink acceptable - and found yourself back in the streets of quirk-filled Japan, confused out of your mind.
"What the fu..." you said under your breath, then shook your head avidly. "Eh, it happens. I'll just shake it off."
With that, you shook your head and kept walking, in hopes of finding someone else to fight. Whether it was the influence of Rappa or the internal itch to get out and do something, you told yourself you wanted to feel that momentary power that you did when you killed those people just a few moments ago.
Subsequently, you did indeed run into a few more people - innocent bystanders whose faces rubbed you the wrong way and legitimate villains alike - and you'd dealt with them as if they were NPCs in a first person shooter game.
Irrelevant, boring, and weak.
You were a bit surprised to see just how many times they'd thrown their quirks at you, some quite literally tossing large objects in your direction with their superhuman strength, but in the end, none of it affected you. You would walk straight into the blade someone had spawned with their quirk and feel almost ghost-like as you watch their eyes grow wide and then roll back into their skull as you stabbed them.
It felt way too good for you to leave any place for remorse. Or, at least, that's what you would feel for now. Something in the back of your mind yelled out that you would regret this all in the morning, but you were too high on the feeling to care about moralities or the injuries you kept receiving while in combat.
Everything was going well until you felt as though someone were following you.
You glanced backwards in the slightest, caught sight of the individual stalking you ever since the beginning of the night, and then broke out into a sprint into the shadows. As predicted, the stalker couldn't keep up, and you managed to do a loop in the surrounding area in order to turn the tables on them.
Slowly and silently, you snuck up behind their back, pouncing on them at the last minute.
"Hari!!" you yelled out as you hugged him from behind. "You were following me?"
His body was almost as stiff as his voice. "I needed to make sure you didn't do anything idiotic."
"Oh, so it's not because your boss has a big fat crush on me and wants me monitored 24/7?" you teased. "Relax, I expected it. Just would've wished you'd revealed yourself earlier so you could help me out with this," you gestured to your arm, which had a large gash of blood.
"(y/n), where did that come from?"
"The blood? From my heart, duh."
He readjusted his mask, letting out a huff. "You joke at the most concerning times, I hope you're aware. Now, let's find somewhere so I can patch that up for you. You have to be careful with these things, no one can heal you rapidly with their quirk."
Hari was quick to contact a nearby "acquaintance" (which you guessed might've been someone who owed a debt to the Shie Hassakai and didn't have much of a choice in doing as asked) who promptly brought some bandages and medicine for your wounds and rapidly increasing dizziness. You felt detached from yourself, but couldn't bring yourself to figure out why.
You sat down, sticking out your arm to let him disinfect it, slowly biting your lower lip to concentrate. "Hari? Can I ask you something?"
Once he hummed and nodded, you continued, "What made you join the Shie Hassakai and become Overhaul's right hand man?"
He didn't lift his gaze or interrupt his work. "It's my duty."
"Pfft, it's your DUTY, AHAH!" you laughed loudly at your own poor attempt at jokes, before regaining composure. "Sorry, sorry, I meant... before you knew Overhaul. How did you meet, what got you into all this illegal stuff? Surely you're strong enough to just run off if you wanted to, no?"
"I'm sure this might seem... hard to grasp to you, but a lot of the members had no where to go before Overhaul. He gave them purpose, a place to belong, took them off the streets and cleaned them up when no one else would."
"Is that what happened for you too?"
He shook his head softly. "That's irrelevant. I respect him and the work he does, the work that nobody is willing to do, not even the heroes. Given that your universe never had quirks, you could probably think we're insane for wanting to eradicate them, but you couldn't know of the horrors that it brings to society. Power in the hands of the wrong people is a disease and that's why it needs to disappear."
Truth be told, you didn't really process any of that, and thus decided just to nod at him.
"Soooo, you really love your boss all that much, huh?"
His lips pressed into a thin line. "Are you perhaps alluding to the ship art?"
"Whaaaat? No, of course not!" you giggled. "I just... I don't think I see it in him anymore. Overhaul was this powerful, sexy man to me before, but now he just seems... like a robot? Boring, dull. Probably vanilla as fuck, damn, all those lemons I read were probably wrong."
Inversely, Hari didn't really process any of that last bit, and thus decided just to nod at you.
"...But (y/n), how does one 'read' a fruit?"
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