Getting Addilyn settled in
"Now to take you home sweet girl" he says to the baby that he had in his arms that was fast asleep
"Yes we must get her settled in and get a routine established with her" Fawn says to him
"Mommy I thought we were going to get costumes" Bostyn says to her a little upset cause she wanted to get costumes for Halloween and not go home
"Me, you and Anna will go while daddy stays home with your baby sister" Fawn tells the little girl
Kevin buckled Addilyn in her car seat, so they could go home
"She's looking good" Fawn says as they leave the hospital to go home
"That's good what she doing?" He asks
"Right now she is looking around at where she is at cause she woke up from her slumber" Fawn says as she walks with the two girls to the car so they could take Addy home
"Bostyn go over to daddy and he will buckle you in" Fawn tells her as she buckles Anna in her car seat as well so she was safe as they were going home
Bostyn did what she was told and goes over to where daddy, so he could buckle her in
"Hey munchkin" he says as he lifts her up and places her in her car seat
"Hi daddy" Bostyn says happily as he buckles her in her car seat
"Hi princess" he says as he gives her a kiss
"Kevin drive slow we have precious cargo in the backseat" Fawn tells him
"Don't worry Fawn I will" he says as he buckles himself in so they could go home
Bostyn and Anastasia played with their baby sister the whole way home, and Fawn was grateful that the girls were getting along so well right now which was a good thing
"Are you enjoying the silence honey?" He asks her
"Much" she says as she takes a nap cause the girls were being good and not causing trouble
(Mchale house)
"Here we are Addilyn your new home" he says as he pulls into the garage with the girls in the backseat
"You are going to have a great life here" Fawn says as she gets Anastasia out of the car so she can head into the house and play with her sister
Kevin gets Bostyn and Addilyn out of the car
"Are we going to have cake?" Bostyn asks as they get in the house after a while
"Yes Bostyn we are going to have cake" he says with a chuckle as he puts Addilyn in her swing for the time being
Addilyn was happy snoozing while he family celebrated her homecoming
"Here Addilyn here is your piece of cake" Anastasia says as she brings her sister a piece
"Anastasia that is really sweet of you, but Addilyn can't have cake yet she is too little" he tells her
"When can she have cake daddy?" Anastasia asks him
"Not for a couple of months, and when she starts soft food we can try cake then cause I want to celebrate when she has something big like crawling or getting her first tooth" he tells the little girl as he guides her back to the table
"Notice anything else on the cake girls?" Fawn asks them
Bostyn and Anastasia looks closely at the cake before telling mommy and daddy what was on the cake
"It says welcome to the family Bostyn, Anastasia, and Addilyn" the two girls say at the same time
"Yes today me and daddy have marked today as got ya day. It is the day that you girls were adopted into our family cause all three of you don't have any other family that wanted to adopt you, so the courts decided to make me and Kevin your new mommy and daddy" Fawn tells them
"Do we have presents?" Anastasia asks her new parents
"Yes all three of you have presents that you guys can open" he says with a chuckle
After the mini party Fawn took the girls to get their costumes for trick-or-treat. While Kevin stood home with Addilyn
"What Addilyn are you hungry baby girl?" he asks as he picks her up to hold her when she woke from her slumber
Kevin goes to the kitchen to get a bottle from the fridge
"Thank goodness mommy left me some milk, so I could feed you" he says as he puts the bottle in the microwave to heat up for a bit
"It's coming just a few more seconds" he says as he keeps the baby calm in his arms that was not happy at the moment
Once the microwave beeped Kevin took the bottle out, and tested it before giving it to her
"Here we go sweetie" he says as he gives her the bottle
Once Addilyn had the bottle she was a happy camper once again
"Maybe after daddy changes you we can go on a little walk while mommy and sissy's are gone" he says as he watches Addilyn eat her meal
Kevin watched Addilyn in aw and he couldn't believe that she was his
"Are you done baby doll?" he asks when she was sucking air from the bottle
Kevin burps her and she lets out a few good burps along with some spit up
"That's okay mommy has some more outfits just in case this happens to you darling" he says as he takes her to her nursery, so he change her, and put a new outfit on her
Addilyn had a big present for daddy
"I think you are going to let me take care of your messy diapers, and you are going to wet ones for mommy" he says as he cleans Addilyn up from her blow-out that she had
Kevin puts another adorable outfit on her, and one that Fawn had just in case she had a blow-out, or she spit up when she didn't have a bib on her
"Let's go for that walk" he says as he takes her to the stroller that was in the hallway
"Sophie do you want to come too?" he asks his dog
Sophie comes cause she always loves going for her walk with her master
"Yes Sophie this is Addilyn" he says when his dog sniffs the baby
Kevin buckles Addilyn in the stroller and leashes Sophie up, so they could head our for their walk
"Here we go Addilyn girl" he says as he heads out with the baby and his dog
"You liked that didn't you Addilyn girl?" he asks her as he comes back in the house with the baby and Sophie
Kevin lays Addilyn in her swing, and waits for Fawn and the girls to come home
More chapters will be added in time
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