Chapter Eleven: Your Dangerous Game
All around the compound power shut off, leaving the facility in the throws of a pitch black darkness. For a moment, the doctor could only hear his own shaky breaths, then the emergency alarm started to blare throughout the compound. Seconds later, the hallways filled with flashing red warning lights. Something had gone terribly wrong. The orderlies around him began to panic, asking in trembling voices. "What happened?" "What do we do?" "We should evacuate!" Snapping his fingers at some of the calmer orderlies, he sternly told them. "Come with me! We need to contain the subjects! Now!" The calmer orderlies nodded and rushed after him as he led the way down the halls. As he came to one of the doors, he scanned his card to unlock, but froze as a doctor ran straight for the door covered in blood. Slamming his hands on the door, the woman screamed out to him a bit muffled by the thick glass of the door. "RUN! HE'S OUT! RUN!"
In the next second, she screamed as green static encased her body and caused her eyes to bleed so badly that her eyes melted, and her flesh blackened as it burned. The doctor quickly locked the door, stepping back from it as the woman fell dead on the other side. Revealing the blurry image of a dark figure standing farther behind her, but he couldn't see it clearly through the smeared blood. The figure casually walked away into another hallway, followed by more screaming that were drowned out by the blaring alarms. Backing up faster, the doctor told the orderlies in a rush. "Quickly! Down the other hallway! He's heading for Chase!" Upon passing another doctor, he ordered him desperately. "Get to Jack's room! Keep Anti from him at all costs! We need him if we have any hopes to contain him again!" The other doctor nodded and bolted away. As he ran past Mark's room, he saw Dark resting his arms on the door with a devilish grin on his face. He couldn't focus on Dark though. He had to get Anti back under control.
Farther across the compound, a doctor burst into Jack's room and froze at the sight of another doctor standing over Jack's sedated body. The unfamiliar doctor, Henrik, looked up at the intruder, telling the man sternly in a thick German accent. "Good! Get over here and help me get him out of here!" The man rushed up to him to remove the brakes off the hospital bed, asking over the roaring alarms. "Who are you?! What sector did you come from?" Fixing the hospital mask over his face, Henrik snapped out as he unstrapped Jack's arms and legs. "Really?! THAT is what you care about right now? Such an idiot..." Shoving the man aside, he yelled angrily. "Don't bother with the bed! Help me get the I.V.'s out of him!" The man carefully removed the needles from Jack's arms, asking shakily. "How will we move him then? Where do we take him?!" Henrik grabbed Jack's wrist, pulling him upright, before hefting him over his shoulder. Glaring at the other doctor, he grunted out to him. "Leave him to me. Just get us out of this fucking building!"
The doctor ran after him as he rushed from the room, yelling out. "We really shouldn't move him like this! He hasn't recovered!" Frustrated with this guy, Henrik turned and said bluntly. "You think I don't know that?! We don't have a choice! Light a fire under your ass! He's coming for him!" The doctor relented, running ahead of him to unlock the doors as they fled toward the lobby of the hospital. As they reached the lobby, the doctor exhaled in relief as he said excitedly. "THERE! That's the exit!" Getting a sudden bad feeling, Henrik slowed his pace to a stop. The doctor kept running to the door and in the blink of an eye, he screamed and was gone. Leaving nothing but a ripple of green sparks across the tile floor. Adjusting his grip to hold Jack's body better, he scanned the shadowy lobby with its flashing red lighting. He hated how easily Anti could hide in this lighting. Every second in a flash, he sensed Anti moving around the large lobby. Finally, he saw him. Anti was crouched on the railing of the second floor, staring down at him with glowing fiery green eyes.
Anti's voice shuddered like deep white noise when he smirked and regaled at him clearly even from their vast distance. "Hello, Henrik." Henrik backed up toward the door, yelling back up at him cautiously. "How many times much we go through this, Anti?! You can't win this! There are too many of us!" Anti tilted his head with amusement, his bloodstained fingers tapping the metal railing under his bare feet without a care. After a light sigh, Anti rose to his full height on the rail and shrugged out. "I've got all the time in the world, Henrik. Besides... I can't lose as long as HE is alive. You know that... but you can't bring yourself to let him go." Henrik held Jack's limp wrist tighter, defiantly retorting. "I will find a way to save him. You are nothing but a plague that I will find the cure for!" Anti laughed, then in the next second, he stood menacingly in front of Henrik. Henrik jumped back, but Anti grabbed his throat and yanked him closer as he sneered out mercilessly. "You can't even save yourself from me!"
Henrik choked on air as Anti squeezed his throat and burned his skin with the static that rippled down his arm. His nails pressed into his throat, starting to draw blood. Henrik knew he was moments away from him ripping his throat out. Until a large green sigil circle appeared in front of Henrik and shoved out at Anti. Yelping in pain, Anti was sent flying over the lobby's rounded desk and into the wall. Henrik gasped for air, turning to see who had helped him with a weak smile. In the doorway of the hospital was a man dressed in a large black hooded robe, his face shadowed by a white cat mask. The man lowered his hands from casting the spell, flipping back his large hood as he called out to him. "Hurry! Bring him here!" Henrik didn't hesitate, he ran toward Marvin. Hot on his heels, Anti screamed out. "NO! NOT THIS TIME!" Henrik barely cleared the door, when Marvin's hands shot back up to cast a barrier over the doorframe. Unable to stop, Anti slammed into it, his hands pushed against the barrier in a fierce attempt to grab Marvin's wrists.
Marvin didn't move. He stood his ground, the wind rustling his long green hair that was tied up in a ponytail. Beads of sweat ran down the sides of his face as he tried to keep his barrier up. Anti bend the barrier, his fingers starting to break the barrier as he snarled out to Marvin. "Your tricks won't work on me forever, Marvin! And when it fails... I'm going to tear your heart out and eat it before your eyes!" Unable to break the barrier completely, Anti backed up from it in defeat. However, their victory was short lived, because Anti started to laugh as he told them giddily. "Keep him. He's useless to me. His twin on the other hand..." With one final laugh, Anti burst into static that entered into a camera and was gone. Henrik's stomach fell and he tried to go back inside, but Marvin held out a hand to stop him. Gesturing inside, Henrik told Marvin anxiously. "We have to go get Chase!" Panting, Marvin dropped weakly to his knees but informed him confidently. "We can't stop what's going to happen. I've seen it. This is how it has to be... Trust me, Henrik. We're... We're doing the right thing."
Chase glanced at the cameras feeling a little worried. The doctor usually arrives about this time for his session. He could tell because he was getting hungry. Yet here he was still waiting. He was still shaken up from his last session with the doctor, but he hoped that this would all be worth it. He was about to start pacing the room, when he began to hear strange voices coming from the cameras in the room. The voices were barely audible. Mere whispers mixed with white noise, but the voice made the hairs on his arms stand up as he listened to them. "You know we're going to find you." "Can't be here..." "Time to escape." "Finally, it'sss time to essscaaape." Chase furrowed his brows as he stared at the camera intensely. Something was wrong. Deep down, he could feel it. The door to his room suddenly flung open and Chase inhaled sharply. The hallway was flashing with red lights and for the first time, he could hear the blaring alarm. Sending his anxiety through the roof. The doctor gestured for the two orderlies with him to enter, while informing him in a questionable rushed tone of voice. "I'm very sorry, Mr. Brody. We need to take you somewhere more secure."
Raising an eyebrow, Chase asked nervously. "More secure? Why? What happened?" While from the camera on the tripod, he heard that same ghostly voice whisper out. "No..." The doctor's voice dropped into a calmer tone, when he told him. "Nothing, Mr. Brody. It's merely a precaution." Slipping out of his seat, Chase backed away from the orderlies, asking unconvinced. "A precaution against what though?" Glancing at the camera on the tripod, he heard it whisper. "Liesss." Narrowing his eyes back on the doctor, he snapped out. "What are you not telling me?" The orderlies tried to cut him off from running as they cautiously crept toward him. Behind them, the doctor shifted nervously on his feet, but calmly informed him. "We do this a lot, Mr. Brody. We move people around to free up pace. You don't want to be stuck in this tiny room forever, do you?" Continuing to inch away from the orderlies, he saw their scared faces. The desperation to grab him and go. Shaking his head, he retorted with growing unease. "No. That's not true, is it. Something happened."
The doctor stepped a bit more into the room, extending out his hand, but giving the orderlies a dark glare, when he very slowly told Chase. "If you would just follow us. We would happily explain everything." The orderlies seized their chance to grab Chase's arms in painful grips that dug their nails into his flesh. Relaxing to keep from getting himself hurt, he relented submissively. "Okay! Okay! I'll go." The doctor stepped aside as the orderlies pulled him out of the room at a brisk pace. Their grips relaxing to his shoulders as they started to lead him down the hallway. Shaking his head, Chase tried to be compliant, until he saw the door in front of him. In a flash of memory, he saw the hallway bathed in red light. Not the hallway of the hospital but of his house. He felt the strange feeling of static in the air. The distinct feeling of dread. This all felt familiar. Too familiar. The man that haunted him... he was here. He was close. His sneakers squeaked on the tile as he came to an abrupt stop almost instinctually. His voice strained as he pleaded with them. "Wait..."
Behind him the doctor asked impatiently. "What is it, Mr. Brody?" Chase's whole body tensed up like a frightening cat. His instinct was telling him to run and run fast away from that door. He could almost smell the blood and feel the evil pulsing off it. Searching for him. Reaching out to him. Taking a step back, Chase pleaded with them. "We have to leave." Panting heavily, Chase started to see flashes of this same hospital. This same door. The dead people beyond it. The figure that waited for him beyond it. Starting to shake, he told the doctor desperately. "I've been here before." The doctor sighed with impatience, telling him a bit shortly. "That's impossible, Mr. Brody." Shaking his head, Chase's voice wavered as he stubbornly corrected over his shoulder to the doctor. "No. No. You don't understand. I've been EXACTLY HERE before!" The orderlies at his sides suddenly began to curl their fingers into his shirt, sensing the growing distress in his voice.
Trying to twist free of their grip, he pleaded with the orderlies now. "No. Please? Let me go. Please!" The doctor was starting to grow tired of his delay as he tried to calmly relay over the alarms. "Calm yourself down." Yanking his arms away from the orderlies as they tried to grab them and closed in on him to keep him from running, he yelled aloud. "WE HAVE TO LEAVE!" Managing to shove one of the orderlies away from him, he yelled out as he bolted from them. "Please! LET ME GO!" He ran as fast as he could in the other direction but came to a defeated stop at the door that blocked his way. He didn't have the key card to get through it. Reluctantly turning, he shifted restlessly like a cornered animal as the orderlies rushed to retrieve him. Snatching his arms, they began to pull him back toward the door. Refusing to walk and trying to dig his heels into the tile flooring, he pleaded heartbrokenly desperate to them. "Please?! Please! Don't!" His voice pitched higher with desperation as he thrashed weakly in their arms, but they dragged him quickly through the doors. His pleas going unheard as he practically screamed for them not to do this.
Reaching Chase's room, Anti manifested himself out of the camera and hovered to the floor. His body felt heavy and stiff after being pure energy. It didn't help that he'd used up quite a bit of his strength trying to contend with Marvin. He was strong, but not strong enough. Limping down the hallway, he wheezed through the slice across his throat and his mouth. He wasn't in a rush. He could feel the electrical current of Chase's huddled up body. Could smell his growing fear. This time he was strong enough. This time, he would get it right. He's saved up his energy for this moment. Turning the corner, Anti felt his energy flare to life with his excitement. The thrill of the hunt. The orderlies and the doctor were trying to rush Chase away. They hadn't seen him... but as he was being dragged, Chase did. Giving him one small smile, he burst into static and raced across the floor. Spiraling up Chase's legs as he continued to scream for help. Slipping through the fabric and seeping into the energy of his body, Anti forced Chase's consciousness to the dark shadows of his mind.
The body was his, but he couldn't hold it for long. So, he had to make it count. Relaxing in the orderlies' grips, Anti glanced up at the doctor who finally looked down at him. Flashing him a look at his green irises, he twisted suddenly in the grip of the orderlies to yank a gun from one of their holsters. Firing the first bullet into the one orderlies' leg, then shooting the doctor in the head, before aiming at the last orderly. The orderly released him, backing away as he pleaded out. "Please, I have kids! Don't kill me!" Rising to his feet slowly, Anti stared him down. Then spun the gun around to hand to the orderly. Confused, the orderly foolishly reached out to accept the gun. Snatching his wrist, Anti pulled him close and whispered into his ear in a dark tone of voice. "Fair enough. Kill yourself." The orderly whimpered as Anti released him but manipulated the energy of his body to bring the gun up to his temple. Staring him down, Anti whispered to him in a sinister voice. "Don't say I didn't do ya any favors. Say goodbye."
The man whimpered before his finger pulled the trigger. Splattering the wall in blood before falling at Anti's feet. For a moment, Anti laughed, then his breath hitched in pain. Chase was fighting him, and it didn't help that the others were trying to wake Jack. He didn't have a lot of time left. Removing himself from Chase, he hovered in the air as he recollected himself. Then lowered slowly back to the ground facing a confused and utterly terrified Chase. Chase huddled himself against the wall like a frightened mouse. His eyes darting to the bodies around him that lay in pools of blood. Walking slowly up to him, Anti changed his irises to reflect the camera lenses that had always been watching Chase, before grinning at him as he said excitedly. "Hello, Chase." To Be Continued...
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