Name Calling (Fluff)
Virgil POV:
*I sink out after another Sanders Sides video.* I appear in the mind palace and my face is burning up... "UH! Why did I say that! I'm such an idiot! What the hell is wrong with me!" I tell myself and think back about what just happened.
-Flashback Same POV-
Me and Roman got into another argument on how I thought that if Thomas asked this guy ,that he has been talking to for a few months, out he would say no. "Why would you think he would say no Emo Nightmare?!" Roman tells me, I smirk and shake my head. "Oh Princess, I can think of over 20 reasons why he would say no." I say and look back at him. He blushes and comes closer to me. I take a step back until I hit the stairs with back of my legs. He comes closer until he's in my personal space. "Really Hot Topic~ Is that the best you can do?" Oh it's on now! "What!? don't like that nickname Prince Charming~" I say with a smirk. I look over to see Patton mentality screaming and trying to take photos and Logan and Thomas are watching us with very confused looks. I look back at Roman and he has a little blush on his face. He smirks and gets closer if that was even possible. "Ok, my little storm cloud~" He replies, I guess I got to cared away... "Storm cloud? that the best you can do Sexy Ass~" I cover my mouth in shock. His eyes go wide and his face is bright red. "I-I...Umm.." I stutter and sink out.
-End Of Flashback-
I walk to my room and slam the door. I don't want to talk or see anyone right now. I lay on my bed thinking about how I blew my chance with if I ask him out he will definitely say no. I cry into my purple and black pillow. Great...just great now there's makeup all over my pillow. I hear a knock at my door, "Go away...I don't wanna talk..." "Virgil please? I want to make sure you're ok..." Oh's Roman. I-I can't let him see me l-like this! I panic to myself. "Virgil please open the door...I want to talk." He says with a calm and sweet voice. I sigh and open the door a little. I stand back as he opens the door. I cover my face with my hoodie sleeve so he wouldn't see my messed up makeup and red eyes. "Hey, it's can trust me." Roman says and brings me into a soothing hug. He lifts my chin up to face him and my face goes red at how close we are. "In all fairness I think you're the sexiest out of all of us~" He says in a flirty manner. "Really,my makeups a mess, my eyes are red an-" I say trying not to cry again. He cuts me off, "Hey, don't say that! You are beautiful, smart, and amazing. I mean I don't know what I would do if you weren't here." I smile a little and he closes the gap between us. I kiss back and we break apart after a few minutes. "Do you really mean it?..." I ask, "Of course gorgeous and...Virgil, I have something I been needing to tell you... I'm in love with you an-" I cut him off with another kiss. I break the kiss, "I love you too Ro.~" I put one of my hands around neck/shoulder and the other on his cheek. He takes my hand and holds it there and his other hand is around my waist. We kiss again and stay like that for a few minutes. We break apart for air, "Virgil, would you like to watch a Disney movie with me in my room?" Roman asked till holding me close. I smile, "Of course Princey... I would love to, but before we do I need to fix my makeup." "But you're adorable without your makeup on~" He tells me with a smile. I smile back, "Ok fine, I won't wear makeup. Just let me wash this off first." I wash my makeup off and we head to Roman's room. "See you're adorable darling~" He says with a smile and kisses my cheek. "Aww, thanks Babe~" I blush and smile back.
-Time Skip Roman POV-
Me and Virgil are sitting on my bed watching The Lion King and cuddling. My hands are around his waist and his are around my shoulders. At the end of the movie I look at my phone and resized that it's almost 11. "Do you want to watch an-" I look over and see Virgil is asleep with his head on my shoulder. I smirk and kiss his forehead, "Night V. Love you~" I whisper and rest my head on his. "Night Ro, love you too~" He whispers back. I smile and pull the covers over us. I fall asleep, with Virgil in my arms.
(Hey guys thanks for reading this..sorry it was so short. I would have made it longer but I couldn't think of anything else to write so I hope you enjoyed that and I hope you have a good morning, afternoon, or night. Bye!)
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