8: Mauville
The next day...
"..." I slept peacefully on Mizuna's couch. "...?" I slowly opened my eyes, and sat up. "Morning Haru!" Flannery said. "Huh?" I saw Flannery and Steven. "Morning..." I yawned. "OI MIZUNA!" Flannery knocked on Mizuna's bedroom door. "OI FLANNERY..." We heard a mocking yell. "Hahah..." I said. "Get up." Flannery said. "Sigh... Fine..." I barely heard her say. A few minutes later, Mizuna walked out of her room. "If you want to take a shower, the bathroom's across from my room." Mizuna pointed and yawned. "Alright." I said, getting up, and grabbing my ranger uniform.
"Alright!" I said, walking into the living room. "What are we gonna do today?" I asked, sitting down. "Good question. I have no idea." Mizuna said. "How about... GASP!" Mizuna gasped. "Lets go flying again!" She said. "No... How about... We go swimming!" Flannery said. "Good idea, but Haruka doesn't have a swimsuit..." Mizuna said. "True..." Flannery said. "What about showing her around Mauville?" Steven asked. "That way she's somewhat familiar with the area." He said. "Alright! Sounds good to me!" Mizuna stretched. "Good idea." Flannery said. "Where are we gonna start?" Flannery asked. "I don't know, but let's get a move on!" Mizuna smiled. "Come on!" She said, walking out of the apartment. We all took the elevator downstairs. "Ta-DA! This, is Mauville city! It's the biggest city in Hoenn." Mizuna said. "Wow... It's like a city in a mall!" I said. "I know right?" Flannery said. "Mauville city is home to a lot of facilities, including a Gym." Steven said. "What's a Gym?" I asked. "It's a place where trainers can challenge others to get a Gym badge. Every region has eight gyms, and every Gym has a Leader. When a trainer overcomes the obstacles in the gym, they're allowed to fight the Gym leader." Steven said. "Each gym also has a type. The trainers and the Gym leader of Mauville city use electric type Pokemon only." Mizuna said. "Huh. Interesting..." I said. "If you get all the gym battles, you get to fight the elite four. After you beat them, you get to challenge Steven." Mizuna said. "He's the champion, meaning that he's the strongest trainer in the region!" Flannery said. "I suppose so...!" Steven said. "I've beat Steven, but I refuse to become champion..." Mizuna laughed. "Why?" I asked. "Because she thinks that it's too difficult." Steven said. "It's just too much for me... Plus, I think that Steven suits the title of Champoin better than I would." She smiled. "And here's the Pokemon center." Flannery said, as we walked into what appeared to be the center of the city. "...?" I raised an eyebrow. "The Pokemon center is every trainers favorite place to be, because they can heal your Pokemon to full health... For free!" Mizuna said. "Why would they need to do that?" I asked. "Well, when a Pokemon faints, they can't battle. So the Pokemon center revives them in a sense." She said. "Ah." I said.
Oh my gawd I haven't updated in forever!
I've been on a bit of a hiatus, so... I'll try to update more often!
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