This is like the Rocket one, but Biograft.
Subspace was in his lab, working hard. He had very little time to care for all the little baby Biografts being made, so Betagraft got that job. Lucky her.... (Betagraft is a girl fight me about it)
But one Biograft in particular wasn't happy with that. He wanted his dad, and went up to Subspace's lab, knocking on the door. There was a sign that said, "Go away!". Subspace then yelled, "GO AWAY!!!"
Biograft wouldn't take no for an answer and knocked again, harder. "Father, I wish to speak with you." "I am your creator! Not your father!" Biograft did not accept that. "You made me; therefore, you are my father."
Subspace stomped over to the door and opened it, annoyed. "What do you what number 67?"
After 500 Biografts were made, they all got dumber or something, because when he said Biograft, they all stood up, so he gave them number tags instead. Biograft number 67 hugged Subspace.
"Hey! Stop that! Get off! I order you to let go! I said stop!" He threw a crystal at the biograft, making it malfunction. "I... don't czrrrrrt understand father. Why did you czzzzzrt attack me?"
Biograft had the expression that he was about to cry. Why and how did a machine break so bad this biograft got feelings? "For the last time, I am not your father!" He slammed the door on the biograft mechanical face, making it stumble back, oil leaking from its eyes. (robot tears)
He ran down the stairs and outside, into the cold air. It rode a train into crossroads, where it found an alley and shut down, to save power.
The biograft reactivated to find two criminals in black hoodies, trying to take him apart. He stood up, and pulled out his beam swords, lunging at the two. He sliced at them, but they dodged and ran away.
That was when the events of earlier rang in his robotic mind. He didn't mean anything to his older sister, she just was forced to care for him and his other brothers. His father recognized him as a machine, and nothing more.
No one cared about him. If he broke down, became a pile of scrap, no one would care. "What is this feeling? This gut wrenching feeling that I am meaningless." He used his built in google to search it up. Depression is what came up.
"I am... depressed?" He walked towards the edge of the bridge. "I mean nothing. I feel nothing. I am but an emotionless tool, who's only purpose is to kill without question. No one cares about me. No one loves me. I am meaningless. I have no reason to remain active."
With that, he stepped over the edge, falling down down down, towards the water. He wondered if anyone would find his scrap metal heap and sell him or try and rebuild him. Probably not. He would probably look like an algae covered rock by the time anyone found him.
With those being the last thoughts he had, he hit the water, the impact shattering circuitry and connectors, his arms and legs falling off. Water flooded his robotic body, causing his motherboard to short circuit. The last thing he thought before he deactivated forever was, "Why was I made"
Was this sad enough?
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