I rolled over in my bed and groaned.
"Oh my god," I yelled out to myself. I made sure that I wasn't loud enough to hear from outside to that my dad wouldn't get worried.
"I'm so sick and tired of this gut feeling. Nothing is wrong," I continue, standing up and walking over to my desk. I sat down and took out a piece or cardboard.
I laid it flat on the table before sprinkling a large rock on it. I groaned silently as I stood up and walked to my nightstand to get my chiseling tools.
After I got them and sat back down I started. It's a surprisingly good way to clear your head, make you clear whatever's on your mind up and feel absolutely nothing.
I kept thinking back to my conversation with Saiki, it was leaving my brain in shambles. Not only did he not deny the fact he was a psychic, but he just avoided it.
After asking how I knew, and before I could explain anything, he just left. I don't know why or how he left without any sort of explanation but it wasn't like I could do anything about it.
I decided I would go up to him tomorrow. Maybe. Possibly. I might go up to him, if I feel but to it.
I groan again and whisper to myself, "no, I have to get this sorted out. He knows I have powers and I know he has powers- maybe- but I need to figure this out."
I fight the urge to slam my head into the table and I keep chiseling. I cleared my head by thinking about other things, like what my friends at home were doing right now.
Before I knew it, I was done with the statue and it was almost 4 am. I would only have two hours of sleep if I went to sleep now.
And because of that I would probably sleep through my alarm and that wouldn't be good.
I probably just shouldn't sleep, that would be best in this situation. I mean— my own thoughts get cut off by Saiki's voice flooding into my head.
Come outside.
I look down at the statue I made and see a coffee jelly with a small cherry on top. I grab it and hold onto it.
I don't need it, nor do I want it. Aha! I know! I'll give it to Saiki! Perfect way to get rid of it!
I hear a small groan in my mind and assume it's from Saiki when he heard my thoughts.
Wait, Saiki, you can read thoughts, right?
No response. I roll my eyes and start to head outside, coffee jelly statue in hand. When I get outside I immediately feel the cold. I ignore it and walk forward.
Right as I get outside the gate to my house, I see Saiki. He's just standing against the wall kind of awkwardly but I decided to not comment.
"Hey," I said. He rolled his eyes a little before speaking, telepathically, of course.
'You have powers,' he spoke, kind of.
"Yes, I do," I responded. This was getting awkward. Very awkward. I looked away and felt the statue cut into my hand. A perfect conversation starter.
"I-uhh, I have something for you," I say. Saiki's facial expression doesn't change but from what I can see from his eyes, he's confused. "Well?"
I held out the statue. Saiki looked over at me and took the statue from my hand.
'Coffee jelly,' he asks me.
"Yeah! I'd don't even realize I was making it, to be honest. But, I mean, there you go. Hope you like it," I can almost sense his urge to eat a coffee jelly.
For as emotionless as Saiki is, he sure does show a lot. It's hidden but you can find it. I smile to myself.
'So we both have powers and we both have to keep it a secret,' he speaks. I nod my head and salute.
"Sir, yes, sir," I nod my head vigorously. I didn't sense any amusement from Saiki and I immediately stopped. "Sorry."
'Whatever,' he speaks, turning to leave. 'Now that that's sorted out. I'm going to get going.'
"Bye," I give a small wave. While walking back inside my house I realized something. 1) I wasn't rude to Saiki and 2) Saiki wasn't rude to me- as far as I know.
I smile to myself. I was going to improve my walls. Maybe friends are cool, but they aren't getting past my walls.
I'm like an onion after all, I have layers. I need to build up those layers so that no one can go past them.
Not even you, Saiki Kusuo.
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