Percy Jackson and The Rescue Bots (part 2)
I don't own Percy Jackson or The Rescue Bots.
Annabeth's pov
"Percy?" I ask.
"I'm fine," he says. "Let's just find Morocco and do our job. We'll figure out the voice box thing later."
"Right," Doc. Green says. "If you come into my lab I'll show you how we are tracking Dr. Morocco." We follow him into his lab and to a computer. He types a few things in before a map shows up. There is a blinking red dot on the left corner of the screen. "That's Dr. Morocco. He is on a small island about 15 miles from here."
"Ok," I say taking charge. "We are going to go to the library. Some of us will try and find more information on Morocco and some of us will work on finding the best way to the island. We will come back here and figure out what we are going to do from there."
"Can I lead the 'find the best way to the island' group?" Percy asks.
"Yeah, I was think it would have you as the leader. Jason, Danny, Kade, Heatwave, and Blades you guys go with him as well. The rest of you are with me. Let's go."
We head down to the library. The Bots can't come in so, they go back to the firehouse to look through some old books there.
We have only been looking for about an hour before two things happen. First, Leo comes up to me holding a very old book. "I found something in this book and it reminded me of something my brothers told me at camp!"
Before I can ask him what it is Percy comes running over to me holding two maps. Jason is following closely behind him. "We made a shocking," after Percy says shocking Jason shocks him. "Discovery!"
I roll my eyes at them. "What?" I ask. Then all three of them start talking at once.
"He's insane!" Leo yells at the same time Percy says, "the sea is going to be dangerous!" and Jason says, "we have to be very careful." Then all three of them yell, "we are all going to die!"
"Boys!" I say. "First of all we are in a library, you should not be yelling. Second, one at a time. Leo what did you find?"
"Well, it's not what I found, but what I remembered. One of my first nights at camp I was talking to some of my brothers and they told me the story of one of our brothers who went crazy years ago. He run off and everyone thought he was dead but, after comparing that story to what we know about Morocco and I'm like 98% sure they are the same person."
"Ok, we will listen to your story when we get back to Dr. Green's lab. What did you two find?" I ask Jason and Percy.
"Well, we have this map that we printed out at Green's lab," Percy says holding up the printed out map. "Then we found a map that looked very similar in this book. We put the new map over the old one and they match up." He showed me the maps over each other. "Look on this new map you can see the island is very small, but in this map, that is like 200 years old, you can see the island is much bigger. We think that Morocco is using something to hide the rest of the island to hide something."
"Ok, I don't think the map is that old, but let's go to the lab and we will listen to Leo's story. Then we can scan both of the maps and use the computer to look at them closer."
We get the others and go back to the lab. We explain what the boys found while Doc. Green shows me how the computer works. I scan both the maps while Leo tells us his story.
"So, basically he came to camp when he was 14 and he was fine. He was super nice to all the campers. He helped everyone. He was super brave. When my brothers were telling me about him they said he was like Percy. I hadn't met Percy yet, but they said once I did I would know what they were talking about and now I do. Anyway, when he was 17 he fell in love with this girl from the Hermes cabin. Her name was Lily. When she was 18 she was sent on a quest," Leo starts but, Percy cuts him off.
"Wait! Lily? As in Lily Brown?" He asks.
"Yeah, I think that was her name. I don't really remember," Leo answers.
Percy looks at me, "do you think it's the same person?"
"I think based on what we know about both the stories there is a very high chance they are the same people."
"I hope they're not the same people, but with our luck they will be."
"Who?" Piper asks, "I've never heard of Lily Brown. Why don't we want them to be the same person?"
"It's not that Lily is a bad person or anything," Percy says. "It's just that, like past demigods, she has a bad story. We'll tell you after Leo tells his story."
"Yeah, anyway, I don't remember what the quest was for, but I think Percy and Annabeth do?" Leo asks. Annabeth nods, so Leo continues. "Anyway, Lily was killed by a monster on the quest. Lily and Thaddeus were in love. Everyone thought they were super cute together. So, of course when Thaddeus found out that Lily died he was heart broken. He slowly went insane from the grief. One night he left camp and no one saw or heard from him again. I guess Dad found out where he was and that's why we are here."
We all just sit thinking for a minute before Piper speaks up, "will you tell us who Lily Brown is now?"
I look at Percy and nod. "Like Leo said when Lily was 18 she was sent on a solo quest, this was a special quest, her dad sent her on the quest. She was told to go get The Golden Apple and bring it back. It shouldn't have taken more then a month. After two months she was declared dead," I say. I look at Percy to finish the story and I go back to the maps.
Percy sighs before continuing, "years later a second Hermes kid was sent on the same quest, Luke, he came back with the apple. Luke also brought back a sword. He found it by the Dragon that guarded the apple. Chiron was able to confirm that it was Lily's."
A/N: I know this is short but, I haven't updated this story in forever so, I just wanted to give you a quick update.
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