Sherlock x Reader: A consulting detective chapter 9
Sherlock x reader: A consulting detective in love chapter 9
(YN) : your name (LN) : last name (HC) : hair colour (RFN) : random female name (FN) : Father's name (MN): Mother's name (FC):Favourite colour (EC): Eye colour
Chapter 9: Revenge only ends in bloodshed
Sherlock's POV
I held (YN) in my arms, her hands tightly clutching my shirt. She was shivering and shaking, It looked as if her neck needed medical attention due to the blood and it looked as if the hand-print was definitely going to leave a bruise.
"Sherlock..." I heard her croak out.
"Yes (YN)?"
"I-i l-love yo." My eyes widened at the sound of what I heard come out of her lips. She closed her eyes after she tried to finish her sentence. I then wrapped her arms around my neck and lifted her bridal style up the stairs. Some of her (HL) (HC) locks were stuck to the sides of her face, i gently pushed the locks away from her face, i then rested my palm on the side of her face and just admired her. Then when i looked at her neck again all i thought was how much danger she has weighing on her heart, a heavy burden to bear. I lightly opened my bedroom door and tried to gently lay her down on the bed but when i tried to unwrap her arms from my neck, she moved her hands and grabbed onto my shirt again. I didn't want to wake her so i lay my back on the bed and let her rest her head on my chest. Her breathing was light and soft, not much noise emitted from her. She just lay there peacefully on my chest, gripping to me as if she needed me there as if she wanted me to save her from the demon called 'Moriarty'. She murmured in her sleep and when she began to stir, I leaned in and gently kissed her forehead and after that her stirring stopped.
I heard the bedroom door open to reveal John standing there, he was leaning against against the door frame.
"Yes Sherlock."
"She nearly said she loved me."
"I knew she would tell you soon."
"John, that's not the only thing that happened." He looked at me confused
"Moriarty, Moriarty found her."
I then proceeded to lift her hair off of her neck to show John the bruising. He gasped.
"Oh my god! Sherlock! She's in danger, we have to get her out of here, out of London if possible!"
"Don't you think I know of the danger she's in?" He nodded, agreeing with me
"We can't take her out of London, she would never agree to that though she knows as well of the dangers that are in the streets."
"You're right Sherlock."
"Aren't I always?" I joked
John huffed and left me and (YN) alone, closing the door gently behind him. I then turned my gaze to look at (YN)'s sleeping figure and looked lovingly at her. As she fell deeper into her sleep, she began to loosen her grip on my shirt and resting her head on my chest. I shut my own eyes as well and drifted off.
(YN)’s POV
Your eyes flickered open, they looked around the room until they laid eyes on what you were resting on top of, Your head was resting on Sherlock’s chest, his eyes were shut and contently sleeping. His mass amount of curls were stuck to his forehead, you hastily raised your hand to his forehead and swept the black inky curls off of his forehead. He stirred and you retracted your hand, you tried to lift yourself off of the bed and off of Sherlock’s chest. Sherlock reached out for you and wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you back, holding you close like a child holding a teddy bear. You felt safe in his arms but then again, you knew that you weren’t safe here or anywhere.
Not as long as Moriarty is walking the streets of London. You pried his arms off of you and stood up, you looked and saw him now clutching his pillow in his arms. You opened the bedroom door quietly and shut it softly behind you. You heard a phone ring, it was your phone. You walked back in the living-room, ignoring John’s questions and answered the phone. As the phone call progressed, your eyes welled up with tears. You hid your watering eyes with your (HL) (HC) hair and ended the call. As the call ended, you slowly fell to your knees. With a thud, your phone fell to the floor. The tears flooded down your face as you scraped your nails against the carpet. John fell to his knees and tried to comfort you but you pushed him away. And curled into a ball and cried. John flinched every time you let out a ear-piercing cry. Sherlock wandered up the stairs to see you on the floor, He ran over to you and tried to comfort you. You struggled in his arms as he tried to hold you in his arms. You cried harder as he whispered calming things to you but you struggled to the point in screaming.
“LET ME GO, PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE! SHERLOCK PLEASE!” You screamed, you felt his shaky but steady hands hold you in place.
“(YN), calm down.” Sherlock tried to calm you down but it didn’t work.
“NO, SHERLOCK! LET ME GO, LET ME go…” Your screams quietened down as they reduced to small sobs, you curled inwards and clutched Sherlock’s shirt between your fingers. He held you in his arms, running his fingers through your hair. You cried into his chest, trying your best to stop crying but you were physically and mentally unable to do it. He rocked you back and forth in his arms, trying to stop your sobbing. You wrapped your arms around his waist and snuggled into the area that connects the neck and the shoulder. You hiccuped from crying so much
(YN), What happened?” John asked worriedly
“H-He’s d-dead…” You shakily stuttered out
“Who, Who is dead?” Sherlock questioned
“My D-Dad… H-he was murdered.”
“What!” John exclaimed, he was completely in shock
“Yes, He was murdered last night at my childhood home, Mum was upstairs in bed.”
Sherlock held you tighter as more tears streamed down your face, visions and images flashed in your mind. You clutched Sherlock’s shirt even tighter, tight enough that you could rip the fabric apart. Sherlock whispered sweet nothings to you, his voice was calming and soft to your ears. You pulled yourself away from Sherlock and looked away from his worried glare. You then remembered Moriarty’s words, you remembered when he said that ‘You would pay for that’... He wasn’t joking. You gritted your teeth, He did it. Moriarty was the one that killed your father. You shakily stood up and wiped your cheeks, a stern and cold glare glazed over your soft (EC) coloured eyes.
“Moriarty…” You muttered under your breath.
“What?” John asked
“It was Moriarty, he did it, He was the one that killed my Dad…”
“How do you know that it was ‘him’.”
“He told me that I would pay the price for not joining his side, and this is the price I had to pay.” You snapped viciously at the memory.
“(YN)...” Sherlock spoke calmly
“No Sherlock, he murdered him, HE MURDERED MY FATHER! MY DAD!” You cried out angrily
“(YN), I know what you're going to do, please don’t.”
"Sherlock, he must pay for what he done to him, to me, to MY ENTIRE FAMILY!" You cried out and tried to run out of the door but Sherlock grabbed you and tried to keep you still
"SHERLOCK, HE NEEDS TO PAY! FOR WHAT HE'S DONE TO ME!" You screamed out violently, thrashing in his arms.
“(YN), Revenge only ends in bloodshed.” Sherlock held onto you tighter
“First he killed (RFN), then the doctor and NOW MY DAD!” You cried out
“(YN), We’ll find him just don’t go out and find him, that’s what he wants!”
“He’s doing this to manipulate you, he’s trying to turn you into him!” Sherlock roared
Sherlock’s POV
Sherlock didn’t know what to do, you were twisted with utter rage. He thought deeply about a plan to snap you out of this. He didn’t know what he was doing but he did it anyway…
He turned you around and smashed his lips onto your own and passionately kissed you. He saw your fury driven glare soften into a soft gentle glare. He saw you close your eyes. (YN)’s arms dropped down to her sides as I kissed her. I broke the kiss and breathed in heavily. Her eyes opened and her cheeks flushed red as I put a hand to her cheek and caressed it with my thumb. She closed her eyes, and leaned into my touch. Her eyes opened and were watering.
“I’m turning into him, That person 5 minutes ago wasn’t me…” A tear trickled down her cheek, I wiped the tear away and looked at her.
“You’re not turning into ‘that’ monster, he is affecting you through your mind and manipulating it.”
“Like a puppet hanging from strings…”
“Yes.” She looked down at the floor, my fingers lifted her chin up and made her look at me
“Anyone would have had the reaction you had, you lost someone close to you, of course you reacted that way.”
She nodded and let a few more tears stream down her cheeks, I wiped them away with my thumb before kissing her forehead gently.
She wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me tightly, her hands were trembling. I wrapped my own around her waist. She mumbled something, I looked at her
“What did you say?” I asked
She pulled away to say
“I said… I love you Sherlock…”
“I love you too (YN), more than anything.” I kissed her softly on her lips, she kissed back and put both of her hands on my cheeks/cheekbones.
(YN)’s POV
You felt so safe as you kissed him, it was if your worries and fears melted away in that moment. Your thoughts became fuzzy as he held you softly in his arms. Your knees almost buckled but you knew that if you fell that Sherlock would catch you.
Moriarty’s POV
“How sweet, the maiden has found her true love.” I cackled from the rooftop, staring to the window of 221B.
“What do you want me to do Boss?” Moran asked me
“Watch her, If you get the chance try and catch her for me but remember Moran… If you hurt her without my permission then your head will be on a spike.”
Moran nodded before walking towards the door, I smirked at the happy couple
“Oh (YN), I can’t wait until you’re by my side.” I tread through the puddle of crimson blood, my black patent shoes being splattered with the substance.
“Your knight can’t protect you for long (YN)...not long at all.”
End of Chapter 9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hi my little tacos and cupcakes! Here is chapter 9 as I promised and I would like to thank Croft20 and IsobelAbbey for their contribution to this chapter. The two of them really helped me write it and gave me ideas when I had writer’s block! Thank you! I feel as if this chapter was mostly filler but ah well. I won’t update very often but I will when I can okay! Be patient :D I love you all and thanks for the lovely comments, they really make my day! Goodbye my little tacos and cupcakes, I’ll see you when I next update!
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