Beast! Honey-Senpai x Belle! Reader || Part 2 Request
I'm currently obsessed with this cover above. If you're interested, it's a cover of Paramore by Machine Gun Kelly.
Also, I'm sorry for taking so long! I just haven't had motivation, as well as schoolwork. So...yeah lmao.
Requested by @Ilikejaydrn !
Enjoy! :)
Your POV
As I'm laying with my back on the bedding, there's another knock on the door a while later, this time much softer.
I sit up and call out, unsure, "Hello..?"
"Hey! May I come in?" a mischievous sounding voice replies.
Definitely not that beast guy.
"Yeah, sure..." I trail off, and the door gently swings open.
I'm puzzled to see nobody there. Just a cart wheeling itself in with a tea kettle and a tiny cup. Though the kettle has a face, which I'm not too surprised about considering Renge is a living dresser.
The door closes and the cart stops just in front of me, the kettle smiling.
"Hello! I'm Hikaru," he says, "what's your name, cutie?"
"I'm YN," I respond slowly, watching as he pours some tea into the little cup, a flattered blush resting on my cheeks from the compliment.
"It's nice to meet you, YN! Here's some tea."
"Likewise, and thank you," I state gratefully, carefully picking up the partially chipped cup and bringing it to my lips.
I'm startled when the cup giggles and exclaims, "That tickles!"
Gasping, I pull the cup away and hold him in the palms of my hands. He hops a few times to turn and face me.
"My, I'm sorry," I apologize lightly in amusement, and he chuckles again.
"No, it's quite alright. I'm just ticklish," he dismisses. "I'm Kaoru, by the way."
"Nice to meet you, Kaoru," I reply, setting him down on the cart softly.
"You too!"
"You must be hungry," Hikaru points out, my stomach growling a bit in response.
"Maybe just a little," I reply sheepishly, and they chuckle.
"Follow us," Kaoru states, the cart starting to roll out of the room.
Standing, I trail behind them and ask quietly, "Where are we going?"
"The dining room!" they tell me in unison.
"You'll love it."
"Trust us."
"Everyone's waiting to meet you!"
"They want to put on a show for you, too!"
"Wait, really?" I inquire, shocked. "They're that thrilled of my appearance?"
"Yeah. You see, you're the first girl to come here for years," Hikaru explains.
"First guest in general, actually," Kaoru corrects.
"Is that so?" I question, as if out of it, while I'm staring in the direction of the West Wing.
Curiosity burns furiously inside of me, wondering why I'm forbidden to go there.
It must be important.
I'm brought back into reality as we go down the stairs, the cart bouncing everywhere with the two passengers enjoying the ride.
I cover my mouth with one hand as I laugh a bit at their shenanigans, deciding to let them have some fun. I'll catch the cart's handle if they tip over or something.
Minutes later, I'm sat down at the end of the long dining table. I'm given a napkin and watch in awe as the table is set before me.
A show is then played for me, and I barely get to eat during this time, but I don't really care all that much.
The candlestick, Haruhi, starts singing as food is displayed in front of me, the clock looking anxious the whole time.
The clock, I found out, is named Umehito.
He's probably worried about the beast hearing what's happening down here, which is understandable.
And there's also a broom named Mori.
As the show ends, I clap and everyone participating bows.
"That was amazing!" I proclaim in a low voice as I'm lead back up to my room. "Thank you!"
"It's our pleasure!" Haruhi calls back softly, as not to disturb the beast.
"Goodnight, YN!" Hikaru and Kaoru say together before my door closes.
"Goodnight," I reply, sitting down on the bed with a grin plastered on my face.
That was fantastic!
"Goodnight!" Renge tells me before snoring.
"Night, Renge," I whisper back, knowing she's already fallen asleep.
My mind wanders aimlessly, my thoughts always returning to the forbidden wing.
What could possibly be there that the beast doesn't want me to see..?
Is anybody allowed up there?
With that, my eyes drift shut as I curl up, the darkness overcoming me.
When I wake, a new and simple, yet rather lovely, dress has been laid out at the foot of the bed. I yawn and rub my eyes, getting up.
"I picked out that dress for you, YN! I figured you'd like some clean clothes to wear."
"Thank you, Renge," I tell her thankfully.
Before I know it, right after I pick up the dress, I'm swept over by Renge and she changes me so fast that I barely had time to comprehend what was going on.
She releases me and I blink a few times, surprised. My eyes partially widened and mouth slightly agape, then look myself over in the mirror briefly.
It's actually kind of cute on me.
"There you go! Now, Haruhi and Umehito are going to accompany you as they show formally you around."
I glance at her, "Oh, alright."
A knock echoes on the door and Haruhi proclaims to me from behind it, "YN! We're here to show you around!"
"Thanks again, Renge!" I say with a smile before opening, stepping outside of, and closing the door.
(AN: This is around the time I began looking at the transcript for the remade version of the movie.)
"Now, shall we start with the grand tour?" Haruhi inquires chivalrously, and I chuckle.
"We shall," I respond in a posh tone, us all laughing a bit.
They lead me around and I listen attentively, when we come across the forbidden wing.
"So, this is the infamous west wing, huh?" I ask, looking at the staircase.
"Yeah—" Haruhi replies, only to be cut off by Umehito.
"—we aren't allowed to go up there."
"I know, but why is that?" I push further.
"Let's just say that something very important to beast is up there," Haruhi informs me.
"And if we go near it, there will be a punishment," Umehito finishes with a shudder, inching more towards the shadows away from the West Wing.
I nod slowly, my eye suddenly getting caught by something else. "Woah! Is that a library?"
"Indeed it is," Haruhi states, leading me as Umehito lets out a breath of relief, trotting beside her.
I begin to follow as they keep talking of the mountains of books, but my curiosity gets the better of me and I go up the West Wing stairs instead without them noticing.
Going up the stairs, I grow more and more nervous, ending up in some sort of hallway. As I walk down it, I investigate a shattered mirror for a moment. My reflection reveals my concern to me, but I keep pressing onward.
I pause at the door at the end of the hall, breathing deeply before pushing it open.
As I'm wandering around, I'm shocked to see the place to be trashed. Ripped up furniture and more.
I end up accidentally bumping into a small, rounded table, still studying the area. Reacting quickly, I spin around and catch said table.
Glad for my swift thinking, my eyes lock onto a shredded portrait hung up on the wall. Carefully. I move the shreds to see the prince staring back at me.
He's pretty attractive.
Lord, YN, now's not the time.
Humming a bit to myself in interest, I turn and spot a rose vertically upright inside of a bell jar.
Stepping closer and up the steps to reach it, I look through the glass barrier in awe at its beautiful petals.
Blowing a hair out of my face, I kneel down to get a better look at it.
I get the feeling that I shouldn't touch it, but boy do I really want to.
It's petals has already started falling off, one by one, as there are multiple sitting at the bottom of the jar.
Before I could do anything else, a shadow looms over me. Startled, I gasp through my nose and stand, backing away towards the stairs leading up to this platform.
In front of me is the beast, looking angry as he glares at me.
Well, I fucked up this time, didn't I?
He must've been on the balcony.
"Why did you come here?" the beast growls.
"I-I don't— I'm sorry, I—"
"I told you that this wing was forbidden!"
"I know— I didn't mean to cause any harm—"
"Do you realize what you could have done?" he exclaims, infuriated as he starts swinging at the furniture in the room.
I'm frightened as all hell on earth, but I still bring myself to plead with him, "Please, stop! Stop!"
"Get out! GET OUT!"
Instantly, I rush out of there and down the staircases towards my room. Grabbing my jacket and saying a hurried goodbye to Renge, I make a mad dash for the front doors.
I go right past Haruhi and Umehito, who look confused.
"Woah, where are you going?" Haruhi calls.
"I'm sorry, but I can't stay! I need to go!" I proclaim back to them.
Panicked, Umehito yells after me, "Oh no, wait! YN, please! Wait!"
I slam the door behind me as Haruhi adds, "YN!"
I'm surprised to see HN out here waiting for me, but I shrug the thought off and hop onto him. "Go! Go! We need to get out of here!"
The wind isn't the only thing that stings at my eyes as we ride off into the forest, but I brush away the rogue tears and calm myself down.
That is, until we're surrounded by what I can only assume to be the very same pack of wolves that attacked my father and HN the other day.
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