State of Writing - Spring 23
Hi everyone,
I know I haven't been around for a while and I've been pretty busy because my family is thinking about moving to Florida in the next couple of months. I'm lucky enough to be a in a position where I can write full time if I wanted to. It's funny how that knowledge is also a double edged sword in a way. For the first time in my life when my writing could be my only "job" in life and it terrifies me. The only thing I can think about is how I need a purpose and I need a routine. I need to go back to my job, in some form, because it's the only thing I've ever known.
Then it led me to question why I performed my day job. When the day finally comes when I no longer need the money that job provides, is it possible that I still need it to give my life purpose?
I guess that's the question that has been buzzing around my mind for the past couple of months.
It's natural to be afraid of change, especially when you're not young anymore and you're set in your ways.
Anyway, I took a few months off from writing because I think when I start writing again, it will be for a different audience than the one that I'm used to. Even though I've been on break, I have been suffering from an onslaught of ideas. Unfortunately, they are all medical thriller/paranormal/horror and none of the more popular romance types. Every day I've been jolting down notes in my notebook for more and more ideas about plagues and natural disasters. I guess writing it down helps to make sense of why these ideas keep coming to me.
As for my mafia book, yes I have been thinking about continuing it. The reason I have been considering it is because I want to write a historical fiction mafia book but I think I need some practice in getting the genre and the atmosphere down right first. Maybe I'll finish writing the version I have on Wattpad before I attempt it in a less familiar setting.
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