I eventually felt asleep over night at wills house, joyce didn't know until she walked in on is cuddling. she didn't mind, she just wanted to tell will that shed be out for a couple minutes but let us peacefully sleep in each other's arms, quietly closing the door.
when me am will did wake up, the phone was blaring, so we went to go and answer it. it was hopper asking where I was. I answered the phone hearing his at the end in the line.
"where have you been y/n, you're dad has been calling," hopper told me, I rolled my eyes towards his statement.
"I ran to wills house, that douchebag can talk to his girlfriend, I don't want to be at that house when my step mom is going to disrespect me and my friends," I fired back and heard hopper give out a loud sigh.
"just go and talk to him y/n, he's been calling in all morning," he told me and I scoffed. "I'm not asking you, I'm telling you y/n," he told me and I hung up the phone.
"can I burrow any of your shoes?" I asked will and nodded, we walked back to his room as he handed me some white trainers.
"thank you," I said and kissed his cheek, he passed over some socks and I put them on.
"do you need to go home?" he asked, I finished doing up my laces and nodded. "I think Johnathans in, I'll walk with you," he told me and I smiled, he gave out his hand and took it, we walked to Johnathans room and will knocked it.
"Yeah?" Johnathan called from inside.
"it's will, me and y/n are going to see her dad," he called back.
"okay, I'll tell mom when she gets back," johnathan said and we headed out to my house.
we looked and saw that it doesn't look different on the outside so I sighed in relief as we knocked onto the door, my dad quickly opened it and brung me in a hug, I brung my hand up and patted his back.
"holy shit y/n, I was so scared," he said hugging me tightly and looked at my face, seeing if I got injured. he then looked to will and back to me. "I'm guessing you ran along to Prince Charmings," he said and I smiled looking back at will remembering what I told him last night.
"is jennifer in?" I asked, he stood up straight and nodded. "why?" I asked irritated.
"her dress burnt up last night somehow, nothing could've caught it though," he told me, I stood back next to will.
"jennifer is not being my step mom dad," I told him. "last night what she said about will was unacceptable, and if I have to grow up with that woman id rather move to someone else's house," i said holding wills hand, he looked at out hands and sighed.
"I'll try talking to her but y/n, please don't ran away from me again," he begged, holding onto the front door.
"well, move aside, I need to get dressed," I said, he did so and I walked will inside, we ran upstairs to my room and quickly locked the door behind us.
"well, what do you want I do today?" will asked, I shrugged looking into the closet. grabbing out my my Minnie Mouse graphic t-shirt, I grabbed some high wasted ripped jeans.
"let's do something alone, without anyone else," I suggested, I closed my closet and walked over to the bathroom.
"like a date?" he asked and I closed the door behind me.
"yeah, like a date," I said behind the door, taking off my clothes and putting in my outfit, I opened the door and put my clothes in the laundry basket.
"well where do you want to go?" he asked, I shrugged, going back to the nth room to brush my teeth.
"dunno, d'you want to go to movies?" I suggested, spitting into the sink washing it away and wetting the brush.
"mhh, bit cliché," he said and I looked up thinking ideas to go to.
"how about, the park?" I asked.
"nah that's a bit boring," he said and I spat again, washing it away and putting the toothbrush away, wiping my mouth.
"how about... we just spend time together, alone, at the junkyard," I suggested, and sat down. He faces behind the door and I sat infront of him.
"that's a good idea, I guess," he said and I smiled.
"so that's a yes?" I asked and he nodded, looking down to my lips. I copied as we leant in closing the gap between us until the door busted open, jennifer in the doorway.
"get out," I said, seeing her expression change, my hand that was on wills cheek fell as we saw her stand in the doorway weirdly.
"freaks, I heard what you said about me y/n," she said and put her hand on her hip.
"and I heard what you said about will, and how did that turn out?" I asked, will looked at me worryingly, I held into his hand.
"grow up you little bitch," she says and turned away.
"oh wait bitch, you know when you was asking my dad how I was with will?" I asked, dragging will. she turned around and looked at us. I pulled will towards me and kissed him passionately, jennifer scrunched up her nose.
"freaks," she said and walked away. e and will still kissing, I gave her the finger and we pulled away.
"hope you fucking drown you bitch," I said and saw her walk into my dad's room.
moi outfit & la make-up.
I'm doing French GCSE and I still don't know what I'm saying.
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