Chapter X - An unexpected guests
I haven't got much sleep. The whole night I was busy thinking about the situation with Antonio Fuoco. I was wondering why he was treating me that way. He didn't even give me the chance to get know each other. Since my first day here he started with the offensive behavior, without any reason. I had the intention to ignore him, but this was going to be easy if he wasn't getting ruder with every meeting we had. I couldn't forget that yesterday I was close to punching him in the face, and I knew someday Charles and Carlos wouldn't be around to save him from my iron fist.
When the clock hit 7am, I got out from my bed and started preparing myself for the factory visit with Charles today. I knew my place wasn't there, but Charles insisted on my presence, so I had to accept his willingness. That's why I made the decision to be simpler in the clothing today. I put on a white T-shirt and high wasted jeans, then a denim jacket on the top and finished my look as always with a light make up and my favorite perfume. Every time it's smell was bringing me back in my childhood, when my grandma was making biscuits with vanilla flavor, and I was putting a sour cherry jam.
Although everything, deep inside me I had the wish to look good. I was going to be in front of so many people, who definitely didn't care about my outfit, but Charles... I didn't want to disparage him. A strange feeling of excitement was fulfilling my soul when I was thinking about him. And after his words yesterday... I was trying not to pay attention on them, but every time I see the praising horse of the "Scuderia Ferrari" emblem I was thinking about his comment about my tight uniform. Was it that tight really?
I left my apartment at 9am. It was a beautiful sunny day, without any clouds on the light blue sky. The birds were singing on the near cherry and chestnut trees at the big garden in front of my building. The flower beds between the paved paths were already covered with snowdrops and multicolored primroses, daffodils, crocs, and azaleas. I inhaled deeply smelling the scent of jasmine that hung in the air. The spring was coming, and I could feel the birth of the new life of the nature.
With a smile on my face I headed to the underground parking, then got in my car and I left for Maranello.
I reached to the factory right on time. Charles was already there, in his famous Ferrari 488pista, waiting me on the parking lot in front of the building. I appreciated his automobile - a black mate one, with Monaco's white and red strings through the length of the car. The huge red pads were visible from a far and the big alloy wheels glittered underneath the sunlight.
I parked my car beside him. The sound of my engine made him stop scrolling through his phone and he looked up. I was wondering what he was doing there - always in his hand, checking it, closing it when someone approaches... The thoughts about this were giving me a strange tense in my heart every time.
Leclerc smiled wide, showing his sweet dimples. His eyes started shining the minute I walked out of my car and came closer to the Ferrari.
- I was going to pick you up - he said leaving it. - But I haven't got your address.
- You have never asked about it - I replied smirking then pointed to the vehicles. - Nice car! I wouldn't refuse to have a ride on it and try it.
- Only on the car? - he whispered then I gave him a quick shocked gaze. - Oh, I mean... That car...You have to try the other ones from the brand, not only this one. They are amazing... A red one will suits you perfect!
- Well, referred to the results of the first race, I hope they don't DNF in the middle of the act... - I smiled playfully. - Oh, I meant the track.
He smirked satisfied and rose his eyebrows. All these allusions he was using, provoking me to use them as well, were driving me crazy. And his look - an angel face, suddenly turning into a dirty minded guy. How come?
After a couple of seconds in an awkward silence, we started laughing on our little word game. Despite his laughter was a bit strange - squealing and loud one, I liked to hear it. Actually, Charles brings happiness everywhere he is.
Then I saw someone's shadow on the ground. I turned to the person behind us and saw the team principle. My smile immediately disappeared.
He looked at us perplexed, then crossed arms in front of his chest and asked:
- What is she doing here? I thought it will be only the two of us.
- Oh, did I ruin your date? - I said ironically and felt Charles pushing me with elbow in the ribs.
- I invited her! - he stated. - She must get to know every part of our "world", so she could improve her work. Lissa, have to learn some things after all, right?
Vasseur sighed and shook his head disappointed, then he said something quietly in French and turned his back to us.
- Follow me, students! - Fred said without looking at us.
- What did he say? - I whispered to Leclerc.
- It doesn't matter! - he waved casually with his hand and walked after our boss.
I shrugged my shoulders, then followed them. This language won't be a code one, anymore, when I get back my knowledge in it.
A few hours later we were at the end of the tour at the Ferrari factory. Charles and Vasseur were asking the employees important questions about the manufacturing process of the car parts and their development, while I was inspecting every corner of the building. Some of the machines were in a great condition, but there were a few ones, that in my opinion weren't working properly. There were mistakes in the production of the carbon parts, and in the fine electronic ones. And I wrote that down in my notebook. Nobody knew that detail about me, but I was pretty well with the manufacturing process, because after I finished my degree, I went on an internship at the most productive German car factory. I received the best schooling after my stay there, so that I could became a labor inspector.
The last stop before we left, was the manufacturing site for the microchips connected to the board computers of the cars. Charles and Frederic were busy listening to the Foreman, who was enchanting them with his idle talk about the quality of the manufacturing process. But my eagle eye immediately saw the crack in this "high quality". On a metal table at the common hall was left a huge amount of these microchips. That was not appropriate.
I turned around and called the nearest employee I saw.
- Are you responsible about this imbroglio?! - I asked him outraged.
- Well, these are a waste, anyways... - he answered casually shrugging shoulders.
- How come? - I rose my voice. - So many parts are wasted?! Do you know there is a world crisis because of the lack of microchips?
- What is happening here? - Vasseur broke into the conversation.
- Well, while this man over there - I pointed to the Foreman - is talking bullshits about the "good" quality of the process, I found out that it isn't that good he shows it.
- Lissa, please, let's not... - tried to say Charles, but I rose my hand to stop him.
- No, not this time! - I said barely keeping my cool. - I have been working in this field many years, I know what I am talking about. These people here aren't following the rules of the Good Manufacturing Practice. Do you know what these microchips have inside? A silicium dioxide. Silicium should be kept in a sterile field, otherwise his characteristics will be damaged. Do you think here is a sterile one?!
- Miss Bernardi, you are not an inspector, so you can keep this for yourself right now - said Fred sternly. - People who work here are not random ones. They know how to do their job properly.
- Oh, really Vasseur? - I faked a surprise and pointed behind their backs. - Then what is this man doing over there?
Everyone turned around to see a person, dressed in a tracksuit and muddy boots, walking through the door of the "Sterile room".
- And if you are not informed, he should be dressed in a sterile costume, wearing gloves and special shoes, also a mask, googles and to disinfect himself on the entrance of the room - I said, and my colleagues turned to me. - This is unacceptable! That's the reason so many chips are wasted! This is not only a part waste but also a money waste! And if you keep these incompetent employes, then you are going to DNF every single race, not only till the end of the season, but till the end of your f*cking careers!
- Vasseur, she has the right - Charles said in a serious voice to the team principle.
- Of course, I do! - I exclaimed and opened my notes. - Here I have written down everything. The spark plugs aren't made of equal length. That makes them inconsistent each other. Also, the material of which the cylinder and piston rings of the parts of the cooling system for the engines are made, have to be changes, because the current ones corrode easily. That could lead to cylinder overwear, supercooling of the engine and... You know what is next. I could continue with the crankshaft that...
- Enough, Miss Bernardi! - interrupted me Vasseur.
- Oh, that's just the beginning - I said with a sneer and looked at the person who was passing near us with a sandwich in hand. - Hey, Mister what are you doing?! Hire is not a brunching restaurant, but a factory of a serious car brand!
I headed after the man, who was wearing headphones, at couldn't hear my commentaries.
- Lissa, stop, please! - Charles shouted and ran over me. He took my hand and pulled me back to him, then whispered in a serious tone: - Let's go outside... Right now!
I pursed my lips angrily and didn't answer him, but my looking away in other direction, was accepted for a consent.
- Vasseur take care of this disorder here! - literally commanded Leclerc, then pulled me after him.
We walked outside of the building and when reached a hidden place, where people could hardly find us, he let my hand out and turned to me.
- What is happening to you? - he exclaimed. - Why are you so aggressive to everyone?
- Because these people need a firm hand to control them - I explained. - A person who strictly observes and follows the rules. Not these plasmodia here!
- For a first time in my life, I see such a beautiful, tiny, little girl, who has a temper of a general! - the driver laughed and shook his head.
- That's how life has taught me! - I replied and ran fingers through my hair. - If you don't show people that they can't put a yoke on you, they will start to use you, control you and do whatever they want with you.
- And you don't want to be controlled or commanded? - Leclerc asked with a little smirk.
- I hate this! - I replied.
- So, you think you can't be tamed and subdued? - he said stepping closer to me.
We locked eyes and shivers immediately ran over my body. I swallowed hard and nodded slightly. I could feel his wonderful scent of bitter orange, bergamot, and mint gum - a pleasure for my senses. My heart started beating faster and it wasn't because of the anger before. We were getting closer and closer, then on millimeters of my face he whispered:
- We will see if you are so difficult to deal with.
- Oh, believe me, my parents couldn't fight that - I replied. - Even my bosses in Germany couldn't...
- Germany? - he exclaimed and stepped back. - You have to tell me this story.
- Maybe, when we have more time together... - I said giving him a half - smile.
He suddenly realized how close we were and looked down in embarrassment. Charles got few steps back and cleared his throat, while rubbing his nape. Then he looked at his wristwatch and gasped.
- Oh, what time has become?! - the young man exclaimed. - I have to go... You, maybe too.
- Look who is the Cinderella now! - I teased him.
- I just have some annoying work commitments - he rolled his eyes and passed round me. - You know photoshoots, some interviews and other more...
- Then go and do them - I said laughing. - You don't have to give me an explanation.
- Yeah, right... - he laughed stupidly. - See you on the track then?
- Oh, you won't be at Maranello tomorrow? - I asked felling disappointed but tried not to show it.
- Unfortunately, no - he replied sorrowed.
- Then see you at Saudi Arabia - I said and waved to him.
- See you then! - Leclerc smiled and winked. - And take care of you!
I looked down shyly then he went away. After some time alone, overthinking the previous situations, I walked to the parking lot and got into my car. I was feeling down that Charles wasn't here anymore, and that was starting to scare me.
It was eight o'clock when someone rang on my door. I wasn't expecting guests, but I thought it was the building manager, collecting the monthly taxes. I headed to the door and when I opened it, my jaw dropped. There were Carlos and Charles, dressed in grey joggers and casual T-shirt and a hoodie, with paper bags in hands and little bouquet of snowdrops.
- Hello, Cinderella! - they greeted in one time and entered without waiting an invitation.
- Yeah, hi... - I said still shocked.
I looked down the corridor if there aren't more unexpected people, but it was empty. I closed the door carefully then turned to the boys who have already passed through the entrance hall, left their shoes next to the cupboard, where were mine. I went to the livingroom, where they were looking around curiously.
- I can't remember inviting you to my house - I said cold, crossing arms in front of my chest. - Or even giving you my address... Oh, wait! Because I haven't done that!
- Oh, we took it from you CV - said Carlos with a foolish smile.
- Yeah, and came to see you... - Charles added, handing me the bouquet. - This is for you!
I tried to cover my smile and took the flowers, then smelled them.
- Thank you! - I said looking at them. - At least you brought me one of my favorite plants.
- I didn't doubt that you will like them! - Sainz laughed. - We found them at the garden in front of the building.
I looked up and saw Leclerc pushing his teammate at the ribs. His words shocked me.
- He is kidding, don't mind him! - the Monegasque said nervously.
- But you tore them off and the security started chasing you, but when he found out that you are the famous Ferrari driver, he even asked you for a picture with the bouquet... - Carlos turned to me. - By the way you will find this picture somewhere at the social media in an hour.
Charles' cheeks got extremely red from embarrassment. I was still trying to assimilate what had happened, then I imagined the situation, and everything became clear. I couldn't help myself and burst out laughing, which made Leclerc redder than before. Then Carlos joined with his eagle laughter and that made me giggle more. Tears from laugh fall from my eyes and I covered my face trying to stop myself.
- Better go and find a vase, before Charles became as red as his race suit - I said when managed to calm down. - Sorry, guys! Wait here!
Then I went to the kitchen and put the bouquet in a little porcelain vase with "La Primavera" paint of Botticelli - a gift from my mother for my latest birthday. I really loved it, so these special flowers definitely had to be put in it.
After filling the vase with cold water, I came back at the livingroom to leave it at the coffee table, in front of the sofa. Charles has passed through the embarrassment stage and now he was sniffing around as he was looking for someone. Leclerc even opened the door, leading to my bedroom and entered there, while his friend was looking at the shelves with some spring decorations and classic literature books.
I followed Charles and saw him walking around my room, opening the doors of the wardrobe, then headed to the bathroom, without paying attention to me.
- Leclerc, are you searching for something? - I asked sternly, and he jumped out, turning to me. - Or for someone?
- Oh, I am just curious - he laughed stupidly walking to me. - This is such a big apartment for a person living alone... I am amazed - large windows, a Queen-sized bed...
He passed round me and return to the living room, then continued:
- This spacious room, with huge sofa... I bet the kitchen is also big, am I right Carlos?
- Yeah, and modern furnished also - shouted his friend from the kitchen.
They were as kids seeing a palace for a first time, and I wasn't even living in one. But their waywardness started to annoy me.
- Yes, I love the space and you have just broken into my personal one - I said barely keeping my cool.
- Don't get mad at us Lissa! - Sainz appeared from the kitchen and leaned against the door frame. - We are coming with peace.
- Just wanted to surprise you... - added Charles innocently. - We will leave if it is not convenient time.
I looked first at Sainz, who was staring at me quizzically under his eyebrows. Listening to his chill Spanish accent made me to calm down the anger of their unexpected coming. Then I turned to Leclerc, who was nervously biting his lips. I was already beginning to suspect who has given the idea for the visit. This spontaneous organization by two people I barely knew actually touched me and melted my heart. I decided to have a mercy on the poor Leclerc whose neck artery was throbbing as it will explode any second.
- No, it is actually a good surprise - I said and smiled soft. - I am glad that you have made an effort to find my address and come here, guys! Feel as you are at home... But as I could see you already do that.
Charles sighed in a relief, and I could see the satisfied smile of Carlos who was trying hard to hide it. Then there was a brief awkward silence. The drivers were still looking around the apartment appreciating every single corner. I was following their gaze, which went through the ivory curtains on the big French windows, right behind the huge gray sofa, then on the white incrusted with golden strand cuisines, and the little elliptical glass coffee table. After that they nodded amazed looking at the white fluffy carpet with, who covered the light oak parquet and then they fixed at the shelves and the library filled with books and decorations. There were also pictures of me and my family, and some certificates and medals from my sports achievements, which caught their interest.
- Are you hungry guys? - I have decided to ruin the silence. - I was about to have dinner before your coming.
- Wonderful! - exclaimed Carlos, who first came back to the reality. - We have just bought some products and white wine.
- Well, what could you offer me? - I asked and smiled, heading to him.
- Burgers, because I am the Burger - King! - he replied, while we both were walking to the kitchen.
Suddenly Sainz stopped and turned around shouting:
- Cabròn, come on! Come here!
Charles finally appeared at the kitchen door smiling in confuse. For a first time I was seeing him that way. Even before his first race he seemed more confident than today. What was happening to him?
- Burgers and white wine, sounds like an awful combination! - I said turning back my focus on Sainz, who was pulling out the products from the paper bag.
- Well, do you have something "not awful" in mind? - he sounded a bit offended of my words.
- I am sure you do the best burgers! - I tried to apologize and put my hand on his well -trained biceps. - But let's leave this for another day when we have more time. Now I feel like cooking something faster and easier.
Carlos looked at me with half opened mouth and gaze full of questions. I moved my hand from his and turned to Charles, who now has been leaned on the door frame, watching us with flames in his eyes. I smiled slightly and stepped back from Carlos.
- I can think of something easy and faster - he chuckled. - For example, Charles makes the best past Carbonara! Correct me if I am wrong, Charlie!
Leclerc continued keeping the eye contact between us and came closer to me. He smirked looking me over head to toe, then turned to his friend.
- You are right and I will make it - he opened the exact cabinet, where I was keeping my pasta stocks. - But she has only pasta lunga...
His words ruined all my amazement from his flair. How he was supposed to know where I keep my pasta but didn't know whatkind of pasta is used for this traditional dish.
- Carbonara is pasta lunga... - I said looking him death serious.
- Don't you remember that? - asked Carlos, and Charles looked at us shocked.
And again, the awkward silence, but this time I broke it faster than previous one.
- See guys, I am from Bologna - I said. - Let's make my home dish - pasta "Bolognese" and forget about the lack of knowledge about my homeland traditions.
- I would like to try it prepared in your way - smiled Sainz.
- And I'll help you with every step of the preparation! - added Charles, turning up his sleeves.
I smiled a bit, then started distributing the tasks as a chef at a Micheline restaurant.
Charles and Carlos were amazing Sous - chefs. They were following every step of the recipe and they achieved a perfect result with our pasta. We had much fun while cooking it. They both were telling me some stories of their previous tries at the kitchen. Meanwhile the teammates were making fun of each other amusing me with their jokes.
At dinner, I continue listening to them - about the places they have been, stories from the track, also some gossips from the paddock. But when they both described the emotions before and after race, the joy of winning and the frustration of the failure, my heart quickened it's beat. It was interesting to hear the driver point of view, and as I could see they were feeling good talking about everything - from good things to worst ones. Charles and Carlos obviously had a lot of trust on me, because they spoke out everything what was on their mind. I understood much more about their personal life and where does their nicknames come. I liked that they allowed me get to know them and now I knew we had so much in common - not only the love to this sport, but also their music taste, hobbies and even the views on life.
- Oh, that was the best pasta ever! - exclaimed Carlos leaning back on his chair. - I haven't eaten a better one before. Sorry Charlie!
- Nothing Chillie! - Charles tried to move Carlos' hand, who was tickling his ear with fingers. - Lissie, my mum will kill me if she hears that, but... Your pasta is better than hers!
- Thank you, guys! - I laughed. - But I think you both drank much wine, and it kicks now.
- Oh, don't worry we have good banquet culture - Sainz answered laughing. - You wouldn't understand if we got drunk.
- Lissie, I was wondering something... - Leclerc suddenly changed the theme. - If you are from Bologna, why did you move here?
- Because I wanted to be more independent after my graduation also, to be closer to the workplaces here - I explained with a smile. - My parents were benevolent to help me with some finances to start something and... Now I am here.
The boys stayed silent and looked at me with narrowed eyes, as they were trying to find out if I was lying to them or not. But I wasn't.
- What? - I exclaimed. - Why are you looking at me so suspiciously? This is the true story of my life.
- Oh, nothing it's just interesting - said Charles smirking. - So young and beautiful aren't you scared to leave here alone?
- Somewhere here is a hidden compliment - I replied chuckling. - Well, the building has guards, but I should think if they are useful when they let you here... No, I am not scared. I am feeling great here. Nevermind, do you want more wine, or I could make you a coffee... Or hot chocolate.
- We were actually about to leave - said Carlos and got up from the table.
- Oh, please stay a while - I begged. - Your company is wonderful. And I want to show you my terrasse.
- Carlos is right - said Charles sadly. - We have to travel back home tomorrow, Lissie.
- But we will first help you with the dishes and cleaning all this mess here - added his teammate smiling.
I accept their words, but that didn't mean that I like the fact they were leaving. It was a nice evening, even it wasn't planned from me at all. Maybe Charles was right. Sometimes you need to lean back and wait for things to happen. We took the empty plates and brought them to the kitchen.
After cleaning everything, the boys headed to the entrance hall, and I followed them.
- Are you sure you don't want to stay the night? - I asked while they were putting their shoes on. - It won't be a problem. The sofa is big enough for you both.
- Unfortunately, we have to go - answered Charles, hugging me. - It was a great night, but as we told you - we will travel back home early tomorrow.
- We will make another meet like that - said encouragingly Carlos and also hugged me. - But this time you will know about it.
- I liked the spontaneous one - we all laughed. Then I continued: - Then see you at Jeddah?
- See you at Jeddah, Lissa! - Carlos said and walked out of the apartment. - Sleep well and prepare for the next race!
- See you in a week, little one! - whispered soft Charles and fondled my cheek with his finger. - And keep you safe!
- You too! - I smiled trying to hold backmy tears.
Then they left the apartment, and I felt a big hole in my soul. I didn't know why I was feeling so sad about their leaving, but a tear dropped down from my eye, the minute I closed the door after them. But wait... Charles called me little one? Whait. What?!
Notes: Hello readers! Here is the next chapter again long as the Chinese wall. But I hope you liked it it and give some comments/votes for it. Hear the external link and... See you at the next chapter! <3 XO
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