1) Full Name
Daisy Justice Storm Cult
2) Zodiac Sign
Sagittarius, on the cusp of a Capricorn though...
3) 3 Fears
(Story time! A few weeks ago at school, we had a tornado watch and had to go into our tornado spots, I was shaking and whimpering the whole time!)
4) 3 Things I Love
•My friends
•My family
5) My Best Friend (Real life)
6) Last Song I Listened To
Memories by Panic! At The Disco
7) 4 Turn Ons
8) 4 Turn Offs
•A jerk
•Not loyal
9) What color shirt am I wearing right now
10) How many tattoos/piercings do I have
Just my ears
11) The reason I joined Wattpad
Because my friend (now ex-friend) told me too
12) How I feel right now
Eh... tired-ish
13) Something I really, really want
14) My current relationship status
Dating <3
15) Meaning behind my username
Gamer and I's nicknames
16) My favorite movie(s)
Deadpool and Big Hero 6
17) My favorite song(s)
•I'll Sleep When I Am Dead- Set It Off
•Lights We Burn- Nine Lashes
•Welcome to the Masquerade- Thousand Foot Krutch
•Hurricane- Panic! At The Disco
18) My favorite band(s)
Set It Off and Panic! At The Disco
19) 3 things that upset me
20) 3 things that make me happy
•A special someone
21) What I find attractive in other people
Well, they have to be nice, have a good sense of humor, can make me laugh and smile, accepts me for me, adorable, and all around awesome!
22) Someone I miss
Um... a person
23) Someone I love
You can all guess...
24) My relationship with my parents
25) My favorite holiday
Christmas or 4th of July
26) My closest internet friend
27) Someone from Wattpad I'd date
Idk... I don't think of anyone from Wattpad like that...
28) A confession
I'm a nerd!
29) 3 things that annoy me easily
•Justin Bieber
•One Direction
•My teachers (sometimes)
30) My favorite animal(s)
Wolves and Dragons!!
31) My pets
3 dogs
32) One thing I've lied about
Um... my grades... I think I had a B when I said I had an A...
33) Something that's currently worrying me
School, softball, and a few other things...
34) An embarrassing moment
My entire life!
35) Where I work
I don't... that's why I'm broke...
36) Something that's constantly on my mind
Feel free to guess on this one...
37) 3 habits I have
•Quoting Deadpool
•Doing theses type of things
•Checking my phone as soon as I wake up
38) My future goals
To be a writer!
39) Something I fantasize about
Stereo! Typed's future...
40) My favorite store(s)
•Hot Topic
•Hobby Lobby
41) My favorite food(s)
•Green Apples
42) What I did yesterday
•Practiced Softball
•Ate cake
43) Something I'm talented at
Sleeping... and writing... I think...
44) My idea of a perfect date
(Why do I think Joy_AtTheDisco or AwesomeDudeFace_CM will use this against me?)
But I like the idea of a movie date or playing video games together... just something cute and special!
45) My celebrity crush(es)
Ryan Reynold and Evan Peters
46) A photo of myself
47) My favorite artist on Wattpad
Lartspoon or Plush-ie
48) Number of kids I want
Twins, one boy and one girl!
49) Do I smoke/drink
Heck no!!
50) Team Captain America or Team Iron Man?
Team Captain all the way!!!
How is you % on life??
[X] You have a boyfriend/girlfriend
[X] You have your own room
[X] You own a cell phone
[] You have an iPod/mp3 player
[X] Your parents are still married
[X] You love your family
[] There is a pool/spa in your backyard
[X] You dress the way you want
[X] You send most of you time reading/listing to music/hanging on the internet
[X] You hang out with friends more than once a week
[X] There is a computer/laptop in your room
[X] You are allowed to listen to the music you want
[] You have never been beaten up
[X] Your room is big enough for you
[X] People don't use you for something you have
[X] You have been to the movies
[] You have over 500 friends on Facebook
[] You have pictures on Facebook
[] Your parents let you have a Facebook
[X] You get allowance/loan
[X] You collect something normal
[X] You look forward to collage
[X] You don't wish you were someone else
[X] You play a sport
[X] You want to do something after school/college
[] You own a car/truck
[X] You usually fight don't with your parent
[X] You have never got a failing grade on your report card
[X] You have friends
[X] You've never had a detention
[X] You know what is going on in the world
[X] You are happy with your life
[X] You usually aren't sick
[] You know more than one language
[X] You have a screen name
[X] You own a pet
[X] You know the words to more than five songs
[] You don't have any enemies
Multiple It by 3
29x3= 87%
101%: A+
90-100%: A
80-89%: B
70-79%: C
60-69: D
00-59%: F
I HAVE A B IN LIFE!!! YAY!!!! Over and out my Nerdies!!!DJ~
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