Chapter 15: I'm Hurt, Not Disabled
I sit down on the floor and hug my knees, burying my face into my hands. I cry into my hands without making a sound. Tears just stream down my face but I am struggling to make an expression. I just feel EMPTY.
I walk up the stairs and follow the crowd of students who are also going to the gym. Everyone starts pushing again and I almost fall down if not grabbing onto the handrails. I hold strong as I make it to the top of the stairs, sweating from the number of students stuck in that staircase.
I get to the gym and immediately go into the locker room to change. I dig into my backpack and find my lock and gym clothes. Again, I wait on line and change. I walk over to my locker and place my backpack inside, locking it.
I go out of the locker room and bump straight into PJ.
"Watch it!"
"S-Sorry!" I cry out.
"You better be!"
I speed walk away to save myself from further embarrassment and sit down on the bleacher where everyone else is sitting.
"Alright, people! Listen up! This marking period, we're starting soccer. This is how it's gonna work. I will pick 4 team captains and they will pick who they want on their teams. Each team goes to a different corner of the gym and will compete against a different team every time we have a gym period together. When you get your team together, create a name and I will pass around a sheet of paper so that everyone can write their names down. Now, who wants to be a team captain?"
Exactly 4 people raised up their hands. PJ, Undyne, Skate, and BP. They all look at each other competitively.
"Okay. PJ, Undyne, Skate, and Burgerpants. Come up and start picking teams."
They go up one by one, still staring at each other and picking monsters. I wait, not really expecting anyone to pick me as one of their firsts. And I was right.
The last 4 students are the alligator and cat girl from yesterday, a yellow dinosaur girl, and me.
Skate picks me, Undyne picks the dinosaur girl, PJ picks the alligator girl, and BP picks the cat girl.
Mr. Error begins to pass around the sheet of paper as we come up with a team name.
We come up with the team name, "5th place" just for giggles.
The paper finally passes to our team and I get a peek at the paper. PJ's team was Redbulls, Undyne's team was Hurricane Tortilla, and BP's team was [Insert Name Here].
I giggle a little at the silly team names and write my name down.
When Mr. Error gets the paper back, he yells,
"For today, 5th place will be versing Redbulls and Hurricane Tortilla is versing Insert Name Here."
We split up into teams of 3 and go. I go first with Skate and a gray bunny. PJ stands in front of Skate, I stand in front of the alligator girl, and the bunny girl stands in front of Frisk.
Unexpectedly, Skate goes up to PJ and holds out her hand.
"Whoever wins buys the other person lunch," she proposes a deal.
As Mr. Error blows the whistle, Skate quickly steals the ball and makes a goal before anyone could even respond.
Our team starts laughing and clapping for the quick goal.
PJ takes the ball and dribbles it. I come in close and kick the ball away from him to Skate. She makes another shot and we get another point.
This time, Frisk takes the ball and I kick the ball away. What I didn't realize is that Frisk trips over the ball and accidentally slams me into a wall. My back feels bruised but I get up.
"Oh my god! Are you okay!?" He panics.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I reassure him, "Come on and get back in the game!"
4 minutes into the first round and the score is 5 to 3, with our team in the lead.
PJ and Skate are fighting over the ball and I am near the net, making sure that PJ wouldn't be able to kick the ball over.
PJ eventually kicks the ball hard enough that it comes flying in my direction. Before I can react, the ball hits me and I feel a pain in my right wrist.
I apply pressure on it and bite my lower lip to prevent myself from crying out.
Mr. Error blows the whistle again signaling the first round was over and the second team is about to begin.
I walk back to the line, still holding my wrist.
Skate runs up to me.
"Oh my gosh, are you okay?"
"I-I should be."
"Oooh, that looks painful. Do you want to go to the nurse's office?"
"I-I'm not sure..."
"Let's go anyway. It looks like you've sprained your wrist."
Skate leads me to Mr. Error and he reluctantly wrote us a pass to go to the nurse's office.
We walk down to the first floor and into the nurse's office.
A goat woman, who I recognize is Ms. Toriel, or Frisk's mom, greet us kindly.
"What is wrong children?"
"A soccer ball hit by hand..." I say quietly. Too quietly.
"She got hit with a soccer ball on her wrist." Skate steps in.
"Let me take a look at it."
I give her my wrist and she examines it quickly.
"How does it hurt?"
"I-It hurt to b-bend it..."
She bends it back a little.
"You may have sprained your wrist."
Skate speaks up.
"How can she treat it?"
"Icing is best for now. It's not broken, just sprained."
Ms. Toriel goes over to the refrigerator and grabs a small bag of ice. She puts it in another plastic bag and instructs me to put it on my wrist.
"You may go back to class now."
"T-Thank you."
"Thank you!"
"You are certainly welcome," she waves at us as we exit the office.
Fun fact: I use real-life experiences for my book :)
And that meant I sprained my wrist.
No, I'm fine just hurts a little. By the time this is published, my wrist is gonna be fine so don't worry about it!
Also, those team names. I didn't make them up. My class decided to split into teams and name themselves, Redbulls, Hurricane Tortilla, [Insert Name Here], and 5th place. XD
On another note, I'm really happy that you guys are reading! :)
It makes me feel like not everything I make by myself is trash after all :D
In addition,
*cough cough* I'm sick
Word count: 1131 words (including A/N)
*nopes out*
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