Chapter 6: Cat vs Wolf (Part I)
(The next morning)
(Y/N's POV)
I woke up needing to go potty but I saw a wrapped gift on my nightstand and I was curious to see what's inside. I grabbed it and started to open it in excitement and when I got all of the wrapping paper out, it looked so cool.
A 2DS Xl? Did mommy gave me this when I was sleeping? I should ask her when she wakes up later, I need to go potty. I got off my bed and put on my socks on and went to the door but it open and mommy was here.
Mommy- *Yawning* Hey kitten, what was all that noise I heard?
Y/N- Well I found a wrapped present on my nightstand and I opened it to find a 2DS. Did you give me this while I slept mommy?
Mommy- I don't remember getting you one, so no it wasn't me who gave you that.
Y/N- Then who did?
Mommy- I'm not sure who kitten but what I do know is that you woke me up an hour later then usual. *Yawn* I just wanted to sleep till 7.
Y/N- Sorry mommy.
Mommy- No no your fine, just make sure you brush your teeth, your clothes on and backpack ready for school today ok?
Y/N- Ok mommy.
Then she carried me to the bathroom while purring and kissing my cheeks.
Mommy- Ok, here you go and I'll go make us a good breakfast and we can watch some TV to pass the time ok?
Y/N- Ok.
Mommy- Well then....Good morning~ ☀️
(Yua's POV)
I went to kittens room to investigate the mystery gift he got. I picked it up and examine it and nothing out of the ordinary here but when I took a sniff, I smelled a odd scent. I kept smelling it trying to figure out who's scent is this, and after thinking of potential candidates I may have a solid lead.
*Flashback end*
Yua- Lily.
She must've followed us on the way home and snuck here at night to give him this and probably touched him too. Oh Lily, now you done it and if I see you, its off to the dungeons for you where nothing but pain is all your gonna feel.
*Dark Giggling*
But I guess for this once your gift will be accepted but only for my child. Next time you wont be so lucky. Well now that I got my curious side out of me, I went to the kitchen to make breakfast.
15 minutes later....
Kitten was watching TV and breakfast was finished.
Yua- Kitten! Come and eat!
Y/N- Ok!
He paused his show and went to the table and gave his food.
Y/N- Yummy! Thanks mommy.
Yua- Your welcome my kitten. Now eat up and we'll watch some TV before we get ready for school ok?
Y/N- Hmm mm.
We ate breakfast and then once we were done, I picked up the plates and went to the living room to watch TV.
Y/N- So what do you want to watch mommy?
Yua- Oh anything is fine really.
He tuned to nickelodeon and played Spongebob Squarepants. Nice show I admit.
30 minutes later....
I got him and myself ready to go for the day, i got my book bags and essentials all here and I was ready to go. I got Y/N in his carseat and once I knew he was in I headed to the school.
(Timeskip, 1 hour later)
(Lily's POV)
I arrived at Y/N's elementary school and waited in my car for his mothers car to arrive and once they go inside I follow them. I'm so glad I get to be the substitute teacher for his class today, this would make seeing him much more easier. Too bad the regular substitute couldn't make it due to illness, I tried to convince him a deal but sadly he didn't take it so he's going to the hospital as I speak. I try not to do this with humans but if this is what it takes to see my little pup, so be it. Speaking of pup, I see the red Lexus LC car which the mother drives in and they are parking in the front. Perfect, I got out of the car and followed them from behind but not too close. I walked inside and showed the front desk my ID and state of business, and I got in just as I expected. I checked Y/N's schedule and it says he will be in room 200 at 9:45am for his second period, this is good cause I start the day in that room for first and second periods. All I have to do is wait.
Lily's mind- See you soon little pup.~
(Timeskip to 9:45am)
(Y/N's POV)
I walked to my second period along with my friend Zack talking about rumors of having a substitute teacher today and it seems that our regular substitute was sick so a new one is coming in.
Zack- So Y/N, who do you think is out substitute?
Y/N- I don't know, but maybe it could be a half-human one like a lion or a panda or something.
Zack- Hah, well I guess or maybe its a normal substitute you never know.
Then we arrived at the classroom and me and Zack sat at the back seats not even looking at the front yet for whoever the substitute is. I got under the desk to get my pen that fell and the substitute was speaking.
Substitute- Good morning children, Im your substitute for today Ms.Lily.
I stood up from the floor and I couldn't believe it.
She was looking at me with a smile and I walked up to her not knowing what to do.
Lily- Why hello again Y/N~ Didn't expect me huh?
Y/N- I-I..
Lily- Well isn't today a special day that not only you run into a familiar face today but the same face that is your substitute today.
I wanted to give her a hug out of excitement.
Y/N- Lily!!
I gave her a hug and she returned it back and held on to me a little more tight. She broke it off and patted my head before sending me back to my seat.
Lily- Well class, as you saw that little emotional scene that just happened. How about we start of answering any questions you might have. Anyone want to speak?
Then a girl raised her hand.
Lily- Yes you?
Girl- Where did you guys meet?
Lily- Well, I was at the grocery store getting some stuff when all of a sudden I heard sobbing from right over a corner and there he was all alone. So I helped him take him back to his mommy and they had a reunited moment that made me just warm inside. And thats how we became good friends fast ever since.
Y/N- Its true you guys.
Lily- Anyone else?
Zack raised his hand
Lily- Yes?
Zack- Where is our regular substitute?
Lily- Well he called in very sick today and so they called me to take his place for today. I hope you guys will like me just the same. Anyone else?
No one else raised their hands and it looks like class will start.
Lily- Well since no one else raised their hands, I say we start class right about now. Now it says to turn some of your homework today so we shall do that now.
Then class proceed on with my mind still thinking how Lily is our substitute and another thing is will she meet mommy again?
(Timeskip to 10:50am)
Now class has ended and it was time for homeroom which for me was in the library. I was on my way but then I felt a tab on my shoulder.
Lily- Hey little Y/N, where are you going now?
Y/N- Im going to the library for homeroom Lily.
Lily- Ah I see, well do you want me to come with you?
Y/N- But don't you have other classes to substitute?
Lily- No, a perk of being a substitute is that you get to set your own schedule and have another one take your place in case of anything that pops up. Like I was only assigned until 11:00am today and technically i'm suppose to get going but I want to spend time with you since we never got to do it officially.
Y/N- Well.....ok lets go.
Lily- Good, lets go little pup.~
Pup? Well I think she saying it to be nice and reminds me of mommy when she calls me kitten. Lily took my hand and made our way to the library and when we got inside Lily took me to the computer labs and she logged in with i'm guessing her own username and password only the teachers get.
Lily- So, what do you want to do in the computer Y/N?
Y/N- What can we do on it?
Lily- How about watching some Netflix, playing a game or maybe some YouTube?
Wow, she can many things that we kids couldn't do with our logins.
Y/N- I wanna watch some Netflix Lily.
Lily- *Giggle* As you wish Y/N.~
She put Netflix on and she put me on her lap while petting my head while she was looking for a movie we can watch but I didn't mind cause Lily and I are good friends and I think this is what friends do for one another....right?
(No POV)
While Lily was enjoying her time with her own little pup, Yua on the other hand was heading on her way to the library to spend time with her kitten before they head for lunch. She went inside the library looking for him in their usual spot but she didn't find him there. A little curious, she looked around the library searching but nothing so far. She went to her search in the computer lab and when she did her eyes went dull, facial expressions turned into anger and her hands turned into fists that was shaking with rage. She couldn't believe what she saw and wanted to take lethal action.
(End...for now)
Annddddddd thats a wrap for this one folks. This will be a one or two part arc of Yua and Lily, what is going to happen? Well, tune in next time to find out and one more thing folks I got a question for you guys: Which one should I do next for a next book?
A non-yandere book. This option would mean an adventure/comedy book about a wandering bartender OC traveling across the metaverses in a quest for something of his past and getting himself into crazy situations along the way too. The title of this
is called: The adventures of the wandering bartender.
A another yandere book that could be from an anime or a video game that could be its own alternative story.
I'll do the one with the most votes and comments, so I guess you know choosing one if that is what you want to do that is.
Well I went on for a bit longer so im gonna end it here so until next time this is adventurefan2020 and I'll see you in the next update.
See ya'll later!!👋...........
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