trienta y siete ~Reflection (2018)
This year has gone by so fast!! And so many exciting and new things, as well as some unexpected things, have happened this year. I just wanted to post it here so I could reflect back on this later. Also, as I'm writing this I'm procrastinating... but you know this whole year has been full of procrastination.
I don't remember the whole year but I'll start with Feburary because that month had some exciting times. I got to take my permit test, and passed on Feburary 6th! It was very exciting, but also a very new experience, so it was scary. It has taught me a lot though. Then, on Feburary 21st, I got my braces off after 2 years!!! It was super exciting because I could eat whatever I wanted again!!!
Now, I'm going to move onto april because I got an exciting priviledge. My school has this thing for my academy where we compete in competitions and one of those includes a NASA Rover challenge. Well, we were working on it all of 2nd semester, and in April I got the amazing opportunity to travel to Alabama, with 9 other students, and got to experience the race!!! I participated both my freshman and sophmore year, so they let me come with them. It was soooo cool and I shall never forget that experience!
May-july was just finals and then a whole summer of camping, well not for a whole summer but we went back and forth a lot. We always do though, so it wasn't anything new.
August 4th was my 16th birthday, so that's cool. I didn't really do anything... just hung out with my family. Although I did get a new phone because I broke my other one, hahaha I'm so smart. Well, August 6th was the start of junior year... and so far it's been tough and challenging. But, I'm slowly getting through it.
The rest of the months have just been school and stress, but it's ok. I mean we got a few breaks and holidays in there so that was great.
Now, December. Christmas. Finals. And I get my wisdom teeth out in a few weeks... hahaha I'm kind of scared but it's cool I guess. (Update: it's not cool, it hurts... a lot, but it's worth it for the future so...) And today, my mom just scheduled my drivers test (to get my liscense) in janurary and I cannot tell you how nervous I am... but I still have a month... but that month will go fast... I don't know... ahhhh..... (another update: it's in a freaking week, help me) so December will definitely be interesting. I also got my psat scores back yesterday and I improved by 200 points... I was surprised lol. For Christmas I finally got a ukelele, so that's very exciting, I've been wanting one for a while now. I ALSO GOT AN A IN HISTORY (something I really struggled with this year) AND I AM SO HAPPY!!! IT'S A COLLEGE CLASS AND IT'S REALLY HARD BUT I GOT AN A!!!!!!!!!!!! I LITERALLY WORKED NON STOP FOR THAT AND I'M SO HAPPY CAUSE I WAS STUCK AT AN 84 FOR THE LONGEST TIME
But yeah, that's my 2018 summed up in a few paragraphs, it was definetly a year to remember because usually not many exciting things happen to me. But yeah :) it was very new, and just a whole lot of other emotions. I also probably forgot a lot of things, but that's what I remember from 2018. Well, major things anyways, there's always times where like I hang out with my best friends and stuff, which is always fun and memorable. But yeahhh
Alright, I better go finish my very important homework now... byeeee :)
I would set some 2019 goals for myself... but I never achieve new years goals, so I just don't set them, I'd rather live in the moment and not focus too hard on goals. Although, my goal every year, I guess, is to do good in school. Also, if I could make a new goal... it'd be not to procrastinate, but we all know, that's not very realistic. Anyways, cheers to the new year, and what's to come.
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