Chapter 3~ Defining Evil
Moriarty x Reader: Dancing with the devil ~ Chapter 3
(YN) : your name (HC) : hair colour (EC): Eye colour (HL):Hair length (FC): Favourite Colour (NN): Nickname
Your POV
You sat with a cup of tea, your hands were shaking. You were slowly calming yourself down. You sipped your tea and put it back down by your side. The sun began to rise as if it was on a thin string. Shakily rising. You closed your eyes as the sun beamed through the windows. You sighed and opened your eyes. The sun's beams hit everything except where you were sat. You sighed and rose to your feet, you ran a hand through your hair. Ruffling it slightly. You walked to your bathroom, opening the door. You saw your reflection. Dark rings coiled and wrapped around your eyes. You switched on the shower, getting unchanged as you did so. You stepped into the shower, you didn't wash your hair... You just sat in the shower cubicle. Letting the water pound down on you, it hit your skin softly but with a slight amount of pressure.
You leaned your back against one of the walls of the small shower cubicle. Your knees pulled up to your chest, your hand was pressed against the glass door, it trailed down it and created patterns. You closed your eyes, your feelings and emotions were jumbled.
It was if your heart was a jigsaw and just when you finally put the pieces together, someone decides to throw the jigsaw off of the table.. All of the pieces smashed and broken away from the others.
You rubbed your temples with your right hand as a voice seeped into your mind, muttering and chanting words. The voice was easily recognizable...
It was Jim Moriarty's voice
His voice though soothing had a hint of Grim eeriness that made your skin itch and shiver
'Its not born its made'
'Fallen Angel...'
You scrunched your eyes up and breathed in and out. Soon enough did his voice stop. Disappearing slowly.
You rose to your feet, each of your hands holding you balanced. You kept your eyes closed and sighed once more. You felt your emotions wash away like the water did as it drained away.
TIME SKIP~~~~~~~
You dried your hair and sighed. Your eyes held no emotion. You changed and did everything you needed to do before you left. You ignored John as you left your flat to head back to that damn place. John looked at you with worried eyes. You slammed the front door as you left and headed into a taxi. You told the cabbie where to go and ignored his simple chit chat. You handed him the money and left the taxi. You showed your ID and they let you in, leading you back through the halls
Inmates were yelling, crying and screaming. You kept your head high as you walked through the halls. You saw that the guards had already put Moriarty in the Interrogation Room. You stepped in and sat in front of him at the small table. Moriarty sighed and tapped the table as you entered. You brought out your supplies and laid it on the table. Moriarty rose a brow at you
"Something's changed..." He smirked
You looked at him, he looked straight back. Those hypnotizing eyes held no emotion. They were dead... like a doll's. Unresponsive and emotionless. You gulped lightly. He smirked
"What has changed? I can feel a new emotion emitting from you like beacon." He looked you up and down.
"Can you put a label on it? This new emotion of mine." Your voice was almost monotone.
"Let me see..." He sighed and put his finger on his chin
You switched on the recorder, your hands were twitching and shaking.
"You're shaking... that's new." He touched your hand, your hand stopped moving. It stopped. It froze.
"Ah... I get it..."
"You get what?" You choked out
"I sense it now... its fear.."
"Fear... about me." He grinned
"What?" Your eyes widened
"You fear me, now that you've uncovered most of my secrets. You fear me yet... you still hold.. curiosity about me." Your breathing hitched
"This curiosity scares you doesn't it. You fear that this curiosity of yours will lead you down a path. A path you do not want to tread."
You felt as if he was reading you, like a piece of paper. You felt exposed. Almost as if your thoughts were being thrown on display.
"But deep down I know that you want to tread upon the forbidden path... to join my side of the game table."
You shook your head
"No." You retorted
"Do not deny me, Do not deny who your heart aches to become..." He leaned forward.
You rose up from your chair and shook your head "No. I would never."
"Come on (YN), Shed your sheep skin and become the predator. Do not remain being the prey." He smirked
Your heart raced and your shaking hands grabbed your supplies. You knocked at the door erratically. You needed out.
The doors opened, you sighed and walked out quickly. You made haste and out of the prison you were. Your hand clutched the wall. You breathed in and out.
You felt a wave of emotions hit you, you stumbled. You ran into a taxi and headed back to the flat. You sighed in relief when you realized that John and Sherlock were out. You ran into your flat and locked the door with your shaking hands that seemingly went against you as you did this. You slid down the door and leaned against the frame of the door. Your emotions jumble up, nothing made sense in your mind. Piecing things together made you ache inside. You sighed in and out. Closing your eyes.
TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You fell asleep at your door and you soon heard a knock at the door. You stood up and pecked through the keyhole. All you saw was a purple shirt and a long black coat. You sighed and opened the door. Sherlock stood before you. A slight smile on his face. You watched him walk inside. He looked at you as he entered.
"What's going on?" He straight out asked
"You just cut to the chase don't you." You muttered and rubbed your temples. Sherlock sighed and looked into your eyes
"Please, You're my sister. Please (NN). Tell me what's going on." He asked in a kinder tone, it was rare of him but he used to talk to you like this when the two of you were younger.
You sighed, your eyes were watering.
"For the first time I'm scared.."
"Of what? Moriarty?"
"Then what of?"
"... Myself." Sherlock's eyes looked at you with disbelief
"I fear what I'm becoming. I had a nightmare Sherlock. I never have or had nightmares. I hear his voice egging me to follow along the path of destruction... I'm breaking into pieces." Tears fell down your face. You never cried. Not since Sherlock's dog 'Redbeard' died when the two of you were younger. Your legs shook, they felt as if they couldn't hold you. Sherlock held you close, letting you cry. You clutched him, your cries were like that of a child. A flashback of when you and Sherlock were younger came to mind. The moment you and Sherlock found out about Redbeard's death. The young Sherlock whose cheeks were still chubby and toddler-like unlike his now sharp cheekbones. His small frame holding you close. It looked exactly the same. Nothing has changed in your relationship with him. But the two of you have changed... Some good and some for the worse.
You felt your tears stop. You looked at him. He sighed and brushed hair away from your face. You sighed
"The hearing is tomorrow..." He sighed
"I can't go... Tell Lestrade I cannot go. Tell him I'm ill. Please..."
"Please Sherly... Please..." You begged him
Sherlock sighed "Alright... I will."
"Thank you."
He nodded "Do you want me to stay the night here?"
"No, you need to head back. I'll be fine." You reassured him, he rose a brow but sighed. Respecting your wishes, he left your flat. You closed the door and sighed. You looked around your flat, it felt barren and empty. Everything around you seemed to emit memories. Good and bad memories.
That's when a memory hit you, you walked up to your bookshelf and grabbed a big leather bound book. It was an old Dictionary. You remember sitting with Sherlock, reading through it. Discovering new words and confusing Mycroft when you used them. You smiled at the memory and flicked through the pages. You landed on a page and looked at the first word that caught your eye
'Evil' adj
You sighed and touched the tattered pages. You eyes never left that word
The definition below was long but a couple of sentences hit you
'Profoundly immoral or wicked'
A quote in the dictionary hit you harder
'No man is so evil as to be beyond redemption.'
You put the book down and sat down, your head in your hands. Your eyes closed.
Soon enough did your eyes open and you sighed. You felt a flush of heat cover you, you went to the bathroom and washed your face. You looked at the mirror.
And for a split second... Your reflection wasn't there...
He replaced it...
Moriarty's reflection replaced your own..
You stumbled back and fell to your knees. You backed away from the mirror. You felt the balance of your senses and your sense of morality waver.
You then realized something..
Moriarty is defining evil. He is what it means to be evil...
But slowly you felt your balance of morality and your senses waver from the side of the angels and demons. It was leaning to the side that you never wanted to fall to...
The side of the demons was dragging you to their side...
And slowly but surely... Your once angelic side was being infected by the venom that has been shot right into you by the leader of their side, Moriarty. Jim Moriarty. He was chaining you down and dragging you to his side. And plucking your feathers.
Making you... one of them.
Hi my little tacos and cupcakes,
This is Chapter 3 and I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I got inspiration from the song 'Become the Beast' By Karliene. Though its a Hannibal fan made song I thought it fit Moriarty well. I have been inspired to write a lot for this story, I don't know why but I just am. I hope you're enjoying this series. Goodbye my little tacos and cupcakes, I'll see you all in the next chapter!
~AgentLlamaSocks341 aka Sophlette~
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