Chapter twenty - In which you throw up in a sink
Author's note: Hey guys, hope you're all doing okayy, this lockdown has got me doing some crazy shit, today I did over an hour of exercise... what is this madness! My stomach is killing, I don't think I've ever used my abs before XD Here's chapter twenty (how am I posting chapter twenty already send help, I'm currently writing (procrastinating about writing) chapter twenty nine so y'all better get ready for bigger gaps in between updates) (even though that makes no sense because I have more time now than I ever have??), I hope you enjoy! Also if you haven't already go listen to 5SOS's new album it's soo good. Okay byee <3
When you woke up you didn't know where you were, and it took you a few seconds to remember what had happened. Oh, that was right, you'd been kidnapped.
Shit. You'd been kidnapped. And if the team had been right before, your kidnappers wanted to take your magic away from you. You sat up abruptly, taking in your surroundings. You'd been lying on a small, uncomfortable wooden bed and the room you were in looked almost like a prison cell, with nothing more than a toilet, a sink and a desk with nothing on it. It was damp and cold; the metal door on the other side of the room was locked when you got up and tried to open it. You weren't sure what you'd been expecting. There was a sharp pain in your side, presumably from where you'd been rugby tackled earlier. How long ago had that been?
Returning to sit on the wooden bed, you tried to stay calm. The others would be looking for you, without a shadow of a doubt. If they were okay... what if the black figures had got them all? No, that was ridiculous, they would be okay. And they would be looking for you. You would be fine too until they arrived, you had your magic. They couldn't take it from you. Momentarily reminded of something Loki had said to you on the night you'd found out that you were Asgardian, you clasped your hands together tightly.
'It's not something that can be taken away from someone, apart from under extreme circumstances.'
Did this count as extreme circumstances? You hoped not. You wondered if Loki knew you were missing yet. Had the others gone back to the tower without you, or stayed to search for you? The thought of them all back at the tower without you made you feel utterly isolated, and you struggled to stay optimistic. Would Loki be mad, upset, worried? Would he even care?
Your thoughts were interrupted as the metal door produced a metallic clunking sound and opened slowly; you swiftly got to your feet, ready to defend yourself. You had been expecting armed guards come to escort you somewhere, but instead you were met with the sight of an elderly lady, probably in her mid-fifties, alone.
"Y/N, hello. Please don't be alarmed, sit." she said, gesturing at the bed behind you.
You didn't move.
"Who are you? What do you want from me?"
"Questions! Be patient, I will explain. Now sit." she said slightly more forcefully than before, and this time you obliged, disconcerted by this woman.
She perched on the edge of the desk, taking you in.
"Why am I here?" you asked again, needing answers.
"If you let me talk, I will explain. We have identified you as a danger to society, and have chosen to neutralise you as a threat."
"Neutralise me?" you repeated, fear rising in your throat.
"Oh don't be silly, we don't want to kill you, we just need to separate you and the destructive force which has attached itself to you."
What the hell was this crazy old lady talking about?
"What destructive force? You mean this?" you asked, holding out your hand to show her the purple mist. She shifted away from you slightly.
"I would appreciate if you didn't summon that in such a confined space." she told you. She was afraid.
"I would appreciate not being kidnapped and trapped in a room, but you did that to me." you replied angrily, standing up.
"Please, don't hurt me. We aim for minimal loss of lie at this institution, it would be shame for us both to die."
Basically, 'if you hurt me, you'll die' you thought to yourself, trying to calm down before you did something stupid. You just wanted to get out of here and get back to the tower.
"What was the deal with the people in black? What happened to the people I was with?"
"You don't need to pretend dear, of course I know you're part of the Avengers. And we tricked Mr Stark into thinking there was a mission to be had, when really it was only going to be an ambush. It was quite easy really."
These guys had wanted to kidnap you really badly. The lady seemed to guess your thoughts.
"We've spent lots of time and resources on finding and capturing you to take your 'magic', as you call it. You must understand that if we wanted you dead we could have killed you long ago. We tried to get you at the site of that building collapse, thinking that while your friends were distracted we could swipe you, but you went running in to save the day."
"That was you? You planted bombs in innocent peoples' homes..."
"Now hang on, let me explain. There was much discussion over this tactic, but we decided that it was for the greater good. A few people might have died, but compared to the number of people you will inevitably harm and kill with your magic... it would have been a small price to pay."
"What gives you the idea I'm some sort of killing machine?! I've never killed anyone in my life, and I don't plan on doing so!" you retorted, breathing hard.
"Perhaps not, but did you ever think about the fact that, once, your friend Loki might have said those words too? People like you are so easily manipulated, especially when loved ones are involved. It's too dangerous."
Your blood ran cold. So someone had heard Loki at the party weeks ago, someone who was working for this woman. You felt sick. These people had been in your home, right under yours and everyone else's noses, and you hadn't even realised. Nat had been right to be wary.
The lady looked satisfied that she'd given you a good enough answer now, and stood up.
"I'll be seeing you shortly. Don't try anything silly, we don't want anyone getting hurt." she said as she left the room, closing the door abruptly and locking it. The metallic clunk sounded loud in the empty room, and you let the magic leave your hands. Then you ran to the sink and threw up.
When you'd emptied the contents of your stomach, you sat on the floor and rested your head on your knees, fighting not to cry. You'd never felt so helpless. You were completely on your own, you didn't know where you were, the others had no way of finding you and you had no way to contact them.
No, wait. The earpiece! Your heart leapt and you thanked your past self for planning ahead gratefully as you remembered shoving the earpiece in your bra. It was only tiny, but now you thought about it you could feel it resting just above your heart. You checked the room for CCTV, but there didn't seem to be any, so you pulled the earpiece out and pressed the button to turn it on, praying.
Tony's POV
The light that appeared suddenly on the screen in front of him was like a lifeline for Tony's mind. He scrambled to his feet, hardly daring to believe it, and then your voice was emanating through the speakers. After almost three hours of sitting here waiting, a miracle had occurred.
Tony scrambled for the microphone, desperate to let you know he could hear you.
"Guys? Please- someone..."
"I'm here, kid, I'm here, I can hear you!"
The relief in your voice made him want to cry.
"I'm so sorry kid, we all are, we looked all over for you..."
"Don't, it's my own fault..."
"JARVIS, tell the others to wake up, we're leaving. Y/N, there's a tracker in this earpiece which can get us near, but the one in your suit is better, you need to try and find it and activate..."
"Hang on, there's a tracker in my suit?" you asked, with a hint of indignance.
"Yes, there is, for situations such as this one. You need to activate it." Tony replied, without a hint of an apology.
Suddenly, Loki was by Tony's side.
"Loki." you said, and both men heard the smile in your voice. Tony glanced at Loki, who pretended not to have noticed.
"Are you okay?"
"Apart from being kidnapped?"
"Where are you, can we get a location?"
"Yeah, the tracker in her suit is better than this one though..."
"Someone's coming." you said abruptly.
"Y/N, find the tracker in your suit and turn it on, understand?" Tony told you desperately.
"What's going on, you found her?" Steve had arrived, followed by the others.
"Shh." Tony flapped a hand to get everyone to be quiet.
Muffled male voices were coming from the speakers, and then there was a scuffling sound, you yelled 'no!' from a distance, and then silence. The light on the screen blinked off.
"We're leaving, get to the jet, now." Tony commanded, doing something on the screen to get your vague location back up. No one argued; seconds later it was just Loki left.
"You're not coming."
"No. Fury will kill us all, and that's not an over-exaggeration."
Loki looked like he was going to kill someone himself.
"There's a tracker on that thing, he'll know if you leave." Tony stressed, pointing to the new cuff he had made for show, which was on Loki's wrist.
"You think I can't get it off myself..."
"Right now Loki, Y/N needs me. I'm leaving. Please stay here."
Tony ran down the corridor clutching a memory stick which was his only clue to where you were, and, deciding that the elevator was too slow, summoned his suit and flew up to the roof out of a window instead, where the others were already waiting to take off. The storm had blown itself out, but it was still cold and raining outside. It was only six am and still pitch black.
In the jet, during take-off, Tony plugged the memory stick into the flight deck and brought up your location for the others to see.
"It's miles away from where we went last night, no wonder we couldn't find her." Steve commented.
"This might be inaccurate, those earpieces aren't meant for long distance tracking." Tony replied.
"Reindeer Games not tagging along?" Nat asked.
"No, I asked him to stay put and he has... I think."
"He cares about Lady Y/N a lot, I wouldn't be surprised if he's gone after her himself." Thor contributed.
"Not my problem right now. We have to find her before..." Tony paused, unsure how to finish the sentence.
"She'll be alright, she can look after herself." Nat asserted.
Everyone agreed wholeheartedly, but the atmosphere was still one of trepidation as the team flew back towards where your earpiece had last been detected.
Your POV
The men had found, taken and destroyed your earpiece, and now you were being escorted down a series of long corridors to an unknown destination. The place looked and smelt like a hospital. To your horror, you passed countless other metal doors which looked exactly like the one you had just come out of.
"Are there other people here? Like me I mean?" you asked your guards, but they didn't respond, marching you towards a room at the end of one of the endless corridors. There were more guards waiting at the end, and behind them on the left was a window. A plan emerged in your head. It was ridiculous and incredibly risky, but it was a plan. Right now you'd take whatever chance you got.
You were distracted from your plan to escape when you were shoved by one of the guards away from the window and towards a doorway leading to a room which looked horribly like a surgery room, complete with a table (which you would evidently have to lie down on) with restraints on it. There was no way in hell you were going to get on that thing.
"She was talking into an earpiece, they might be coming. We need to work fast."
The old woman from earlier was here now, trying to reassure you, guiding you into the room. You almost felt sorry for her as panic overwhelmed you and you saw the fear in her eyes. The two guards, along with those in the corridor, backed away from you slowly.
Your eyes were burning.
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