Ch.1 Road Trip
I hope y'all enjoy book 2, if you haven't already check out book 1 Mistaken.
"Come on Josey can't you stuff it in a little tighter? We have two more duffels and the cooler to shove in there," Laura pleaded with her boyfriend.
"I doubt it but I'll try, I don't understand why girls need to take so much stuff everywhere they go. It's a camping trip, all you really need is a tent and a sleeping bag." Josey shook his head and reassessed the trunk of the black SUV.
"Thanks babe," she said before she headed back inside while swiping at a couple strands of blonde hair that stuck to her sweaty forehead.
"I hope y'all are about done packing because Josey is struggling to get it all in the trunk as it is." Laura shouts to her friends Neka and Claire as she heads upstairs.
They had met three years ago when they began their freshman year of college and hit it off right away. A year and a half later they decided to split the rent on a two story, three bedroom, house because they hated living on campus. So far it had been a great decision.
Neka met her at the top of the stairs with her bag thrown over her shoulder as she haphazardly threw her raven colored hair into a bun.
"Oh my god!"
"What!" Neka responded scanning the floor as if something was about to dart under her feet.
"Your hair! Your''s blue!"
"Oh. Yeah, just the bottom half. I did it last night, and judging from my pillow, I should have waited until this morning. Your face though, totally worth it!" Neka giggled then quickly scanned the floor again before meeting Laura's dark brown eyes with her light blue ones. " You actually scared me though I thought there was a mouse."
"Thankfully not." Laura responded with a shiver.
When they first moved into the house it had been empty awhile. Well, no people had lived there any way. However someone had left a dresser in one of the bedrooms and a family of mice had made their home in the top drawer. The girls didn't have the heart to put out mouse traps though, so the mice terrorized them for months. That was actually how Laura met Josey.
Lame as it was they had put up a poster on a school bulletin board for someone to catch the mice without harming them. They even offered to pay the person twenty-five dollars for the safe removal. Laura had listed her number and Josey called to help them out. He was so gentle and sweet about the whole thing and then he wouldn't even take the money. Laura couldn't help herself, she asked him out and they fell head over heels and had been together ever since.
Claire danced her way down the hall towards them landing at the top of the stairs with a final twirl. She tossed her bag to the bottom of the stairs and gave her friends a quizzical glance, before popping her headphones out of her ears.
Claire was majoring in dance, she fell in love with dancing before she even knew how to walk.
"Why are y'all just standing at the top of the stairs? We have camping to do!" She squealed hopping up and down causing her brown braid to bounce.
"We were waiting on your grand entrance," Neka giggled.
"You should be careful throwing that bag around, you might break something important," Laura stated disapprovingly.
"Nah it's mostly just clothes and a hairbrush. The only important thing would be my music player and that's why I didn't pack it. Well and you know, music, I can't live without it." They laughed and Laura shook her head as they started down the stairs.
They stopped in the kitchen throwing drinks, hotdogs, marshmallows, and other such things into the cooler. On their way out the door Claire grabbed the bag with paper plates, trash bags, and just incase, toilet paper.
They stopped on the porch and said goodbye to their cat Sugar while Laura locked up. It was actually Laura's cat, Josey gave it to her to keep out any future mice. She was a pretty, smokey, gray color, so why she was named sugar is anyone's guess.
Laura turned and jingled her keys to signal she was done. All three girls headed off the porch and to the car where Josey had been loading the last of their stuff. He closed the trunk and they all piled in with Claire in the driver's seat. Finally, after a long week of anticipation, they were heading to the camp grounds.
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