What's Going on?!
Yami's POV
We run towards the garden when Bakura stops. "What's wrong Baku?" Marik says stopping to look at Bakura. "My knife!! It's gone!" Bakura yells. "Yeah Ryou has it, obviously." Seto says, rolling his eyes as he and I stop running. No idea how he knows that, but I know he is right. "Ryou?? We have to hurry up!!" I yell as I push my friends forward. "What got you're panties in a knot Pharaoh?!" Marik yells as he and Bakura follow me and Seto. "Yugi told me about his friends, one of the things he told me is that if Ryou has a bad feeling about something, it's normally true! That means that what's happening in the garden right now, is about them!!" I yell as I increase speed. "Ra.." I hear Bakura mumble as he, Marik and Seto also increase speed.
"We're almost there!!" I yell as we arrive at the garden. I know that there going to be with the Hikari flower. "Why the hell does that flower has to be in the back of the garden" I mutter angry. We're almost there..... As we arrive at the cave, we see Anzu flying above the four friends. "YUGI!!!" I yell. He looks up at me with fear in his eyes. "Yami get out of here!!! It's dangerous!!! SHE is dangerous!!! Please I don't want you to get hurt!!!" He yells as he looks at me pleading. "You're right little Yugi!!!" Anzu yells as there appear purple orbs from here hands." "YUGIIII!!!" I yell as Anzu fires the orbs at the four friends. The orbs hit them... the only thing we see now is smoke...NOOO!! "Well that's done! Now for you Atem! You better marry me and make me you're queen other wise you're friends are going to follow the four there!" I look back at my friends to see Marik on his knees looking at the place his lover was standing. Seto looks defeated down at his feet with his hands turning in fists. And Bakura... this is the first time that I have seen him cry... it may be a small and single tear... but it was heartbreaking.
I turn back to look at Anzu. "You son of a B..." I yell as I'm interrupted by laughing. "You really think that's going to kill us Anzu?" I hear a voice say in a singing way. Me and my friend look at the place are lovers we're standing merely a few minutes ago. Now there was a big golden light shining from a single spot in the cave. "Th Hikari Flower..." I say, My voice cracking a bit. From that beautiful golden light, four figures appear. "AND NOW ITS FAIR!!!" I hear the same voice say, but know I can clearly hear who this voice belongs to. "Yugi....." I whisper, my eyes filled with tears. "Trying to kill me and my friends is one thing.... but to threaten the one I love..." I hear another voice say. "Joey!" Seto yells as he takes a step forward, now standing next to me. "You made a frigging big mistake missy!!" Another voice calls out. "Malik-pretty!!!" Marik yells standing up from the ground. "You better stay away" the last voice calls out. "Or what?!" Anzu yells. "Or otherwise were going to have a bloody problem.." the voice says calmly "And you don't wane make me angry, because that will be the last thing you will ever do." "Ryou...." Bakura's sad face makes place for a proud and happy face.
"You're attempt of murdering us was one mistake you could not afford." Yugi says as he walks away from the light. I have to blink a few times to convince myself that he was real. It takes me a few seconds to process how he looks right now. He's wearing a golden crown with a flower (the Hikari flower) in the middle, as his outfit is white with gold that resembles mine. And than, around his neck, was the millennium puzzle!!! That's what Isis meant!!!
"And treating our loved ones was another mistake!" Joey says as he also steps out of the light. As I take my eyes of Yugi (with a lot of afford) I focus myself on Joey. He wears a outfit like Yugi only to have no crown but a ring with the Hikari flower symbol on it, with in his other hand... the millennium Rad!!!! "Joey... Owh god he is alive" Seto mutters.
"Now it's our time to have fun!!!" Malik says in a sing-a-song voice as he steps out of the light. I follow the sound and found myself now staring at Malik. He was (like the others) in a white/golden rope. On one of his arms was a bracelet with the Hikari flower symbol one it. After a few seconds he pulls the millennium key away from his back. He smirks as Anzu turns paler.
"You're not a only one with bloody powers now!" Ryou says as he, like the others, steps out of the light, that after the four all we're out of it, disappears. Ryou was like the other wearing the white with golden rope. The only big difference is his belt, in the middle was the symbol of the Hikari flower. And around his neck was the millennium ring.
"It's time!" Yugi says as he takes Ryou's and Joey's hand. (Ryou takes Malik's because Yugi and Ryou are in the middle cuz Malik and Joey are holding there millennium items). A small wind appears and we can now clearly see there foreheads. The famous Eye of Horus appears as the millennium items light up. "It's time for a little game!! A Yami no Game!!!" Yugi says as the four of them grinned.
Hi guys!!! So this was the chapter!! I'm kinda having a writersblock, that's why the uploads are slow... sorry about that!! I'm kinda getting new inspiration now!! Let me now what you think of this chapter of: 'Man of the Sea'
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