Chapter X~Inside
Later in the castle...
"Oh, my Stars! Guys, this place is amazing!" Alix says swaying and gliding against the shiny golden walls.
"Yeah, it's not bad." I reply her with an impressed look.
"It's not bad?! What do you mean 'its not bad?!'" She throws my comment back at me.
"What? I'm just saying it's not my scene!"
"So, Makayla. What you, are trying to tell me, is that you would rather be outside there, than be in a place like this, where even the doorknobs are polished till you can see your face in them!" Devon says running his hands through his brown hair, leaning on the wall.
"I guess I'm not all that fancy, that's all." I say admiring a vase on a glass table, while resting my back on a tall golden door.
"Please don't touch that vase! It's really valuable." Darkon walks up to us from nowhere.
We're all standing in a hall next to a spiral staircase.
"Relax Prince, I'm not gonna break it?!" I reply picking it up and shaking it just to scare him.
"You sure about that?!" Alix mocks me annoyingly. The others are just standing there, quiet, wondering how this will end.
"Please, just drop it!" Darkon insists, pleading with his hands in the air.
"Come on, I'm not a kid." I look back at him and roll my eyes.
"You may not be a kid, but that doesn't mean you won't drop it." He steps forward.
"Makayla just drop the vase!" Andre says.
"I said I won't drop it..." Just then a maid opens the door behind me pushing me to the ground.
I dropped it. I just dropped, the stupid vase.
"Well this just got interesting." Rhea adds. Liam has his hands covering his mouth.
"Oh my goodness!" I shoot to the ground gathering all the pieces.
"Darkon I am so sorry! I... I can fix it!" I look down at the irreplaceable shattered vase.
"Or maybe, I can just get you another one?!" I tell him scrunching my nose.
"That was the last thing my dad bought before he dissapeared, I... I promised myself nothing would happen to it." He looks down and falls to his knees tearing up.
"Darkon I'm so sorry." I kneel down beside him trying to pick up the pieces. It won't help but its worth a try!
"No, it was my fault, I'm the one that opened the door!" The short maid interrupts.
"No, I'm the one that did something wrong. I shouldn't have been standing in front of the door in the first place."
The maid apologises once more, bows or curtsies, and leaves.
"I'm just just gonna follow her. I should find my room anyway." Devon says and runs after the maid and some servants. The others follow him in silence. As they pass they keep looking back at me signalling me not to mess up with him.
Please! Just because he's a prince doesn't mean I have to kiss his butt.
"I told you to drop it." I see anger lurking into Darkons eyes as he stands up.
"I know, I know..." I now start backing away slowly because I don't want to see angry magic he may portray.
"Don't worry I won't break any more valuable things in this Castle I swear!" I keep trying to assure him but he doesn't listen.
"Y-you didn't listen, now look what happened!" I didn't realize that as he said this, I was already down the hall giving my self enough room to run incase he retaliates badly.
"I know, and I won't do it again! You don't have to be jerk about it." I echo. He steadily walks towards me. Frightened to my bones, I turn around the corner, not knowing where I am going because the castle way is too big.
"Makayla you are going to pay!" He dashes towards me and grabs me by the wrist just after I found another staircase that leads upstairs.
"Why are you doing this?!" I bark at him.
"You can shout all you want, no one ever comes to this wing of the castle. This the most isolated part of this place." He smirks. I look around and see dim lights and broken furniture. How in the world did I manage to get here!?
"It's just a stupid vase, it's not like I broke it on purpose."
"It's not just the vase!" He shouts back as he pins my arm to the wall.
"Then what it is!?" He takes a step closer, while his big muscular body hovers over me.
"Answer the question!"
"You." He's now just inches away from me. He's so close I can almost feel his breath.
"M-me?" Confused I look up at him, raising one eyebrow. A part of me is scared of what will happen next, but another part of me is curious.
"It's you." He raises his other free hand and attempts to touch my face...
My mind is telling me to move but my body's not even moving an inch.
Just when I think the situation's at its worst he suddenly bursts into laughter. His actions leave me baffled and confused.
"Are you okay?!" I ask him feeling kinda concerned. Really, I just want to find out if he has gone mad or not!
"Oh I am!" He still has my arm pinned to the wall, almost blinding me as he slams his free hand on the wall.
"I thought it was only the vase that was shattered!" His medium length, black hair brushes my face as he resumes his laughter.
"Are you kidding me?!"
"That vase wasn't important at all, neither was it my dads!" He stops and continues laughing.
"So what was all the drama for!"
"Can't a guy joke around once in a while?"
"Uh, no! Not like that!"
"You sure?"
"Look, Darkon! I don't know how many bolts you've lost from that thick skull, but please don't portray your brainlessness infront of me!" He has stopped laughing but still doesn't look serious.
"I like you like this." He said grinning at me.
"Like me like how?!" I look him up and down trying to remove my hand from his grip.
"I think all the magic around here is really getting to your head!"
"No, you're getting into my head."
"You've only known me for a few hours!"
"I know, and I don't know how you're doing this to me." He gives me a wide smile. I try to show disgust but I can't. He really is a handsome prince.
"Okay whatever, please just let go of me."
"Your hands are soft..." He tries to entwine our fingers together.
"Please let go!"
"The blue dye on you hair really fits you." He brushes his other hand through my hair.
"I didn't dye my hair!"
"Your caramel brown skin is beautiful..."
"Let go of me you phsycopath!" I give him a hard knee kick in his stomach.
"Alright." Instantly he lets go of my hand. Pulling my arm to my chest, I slide away from him leaving a big gap between us.
"Has he been bothering you?"
"Uhm..." I was watching Darkon closely when a pretty female in a gold outfit appeared.
"Does everybody in this Castle have to wear Gold clothes?!" I ask her. The shiny sequins are blinding me!
"No, but that's the signature colour of Rezona so..." She shrugs slightly, raising up her Mini dress.
"Anyway, you're Makayla right?"
"Yeah." I try to look as cool as the pink haired girl in front of me.
"I love your hair by the way!" I hate her hair! I absolutely despise anything pink! But I kinda like her so I have to compliment her in some way, right?
"Thanks now back to my question! Has he been disturbing you?" She walks over to Darkon who's sitting on a sofa and squeezes his cheeks.
"Ow! Iris, I've told you I have delicate cheeks!" Darkon whines. So he actually has a soft side!?
"Iris? That's a nice name! Doesn't it mean goddess of the Rainbow?"
"Yeah, I'm the daughter of the goddess of the Rainbow."
"Oh! That should explain your hair colour!...Oh I'm sorry I said that."
"No, it's fine. I've grown to love my pink hair, even though people stare at it alot, and the fact that I get bullied because of it, and the fact I can't dye it another colour, and..."
"Iris! You're blabbing again."
"Oh sorry, I can't help it!" She walks towards me.
"So... Why are you guys in the quietest, most isolated place in the castle?" She raises one eyebrow.
"Darkon was..." I glance at Darkon and immediately a super cool idea enters my head. I'll use this against him later!
"Darkon, was showing me around the castle! He's a really good tour guide." He looks up puzzled and relieved that I didn't spill what just happened.
"Wow, nice to see this nut-head behaving mature for once!"
"Ha ha, very funny." He gets up from the sofa.
"How 'bout I show you to your room Makayla!" Darkon comes way too close to me as he asked. That's not happening!
"Iris, can you take me to my room, please?" I pout my lips so she'll agree. No one can resist my cuteness!
"Why not!" Thank goodness she said yes. She starts picking up some things from a room and then starts walking up a spiral staircase identical to the one I saw before.
I start following her till Darkon calls me from the bottom of the staircase;
"Makayla! Goodnight." His eyes look way too gorgeous, so I forget my self in them and reply,
"Goodnight Darkon." Why am I replying someone who just harrased me some minutes ago?!
"So. Are you and Darkon..."
"No! Eww, yuck, ugh please don't say that again! He's like a brother to me, nothing more." Jeez, she really doesn't like him.
"But, I think he likes you." She says as I Dart my eyes at her.
"What, no! We just met today, he can't possibly like me." Then I drift back to what happened between us.
("I think all the magic around here is really getting to your head!"
"No, you're getting into my head.")
"Kayla!" I look back at her.
"Is it okay if I call you Kayla?"
"Yeah sure."
"Great, now as I was saying. Darkon is really nice once you get to know him, although he can get a bit dominative."
"Tell me about it!"
"Tell me about what?"
"Nothing." I quickly answer her with my eyes wide open. She just shrugs and continues walking.
"Okay, here's your room!" She point to a door.
"Are you sure this isn't the kings room?!" I ask as she opens the door for me.
"No, it's yours. This kings room is way bigger!"
"Come, come in!" She drags me inside only for me to behold a magnificent room.
The walls have diamonds and the ceiling has stars. The humungous bed can probably fit my extended family! Don't get me started on the furniture!
There are three long sofas all arranged in a circular shape, along with glass tables to accompany them. The mixture of the modern light bulbs and the candles make the the room look way fancy. Drooling over the room I miss my step and fall down onto the most silkiest carpet I have ever felt in my life! I look up as my eyes trail to the rich creamy wall that fades into a dark red kind of colour.
"Kayla, stop fantasizing and come here!"
My body feels cold and empty as i depart from the carpet.
"What is it?... Woah!" I look down through the window and the view is breathtaking.
"Is this what you and Darkon enjoy everyday?!" I fall in love with the scene.
"Uhuh, twentyfour seven!" She replies moving backwards.
"Where are you going?" I'm sure she can can see the puzzled look on my face.
"I cant stay here all night!" She says laughing.
"We'll see each other tomorrow."
"Yeah you're right. Okay...Goodnight?"
"Sweet dreams!" She says gleefully as she shuts the door behind her.
"Haah." I say out of relaxation as I jump on the bed.
I freshened up really quickly so that I could see how soft the bed is, and it is so damn soft! I'm literally sinking into it!
"I never wanna leave!" I shout getting under the bed covers.
I was just about put on the flat screen TV so see what kind of channels this place has when I heard a knock on the door.
I get up and wear a cream coloured robe that Iris left for me, and then open the door.
When I opened the door I couldn't believe my eyes.
"Darkon what are you doing here, naked?!" I use my hands to cover my face.
"I'm not naked, I have a towel on my waist!"
"It doesn't make any difference!"
"Oh, should I show you what being naked really is?!" I feel him smiling at me.
"No, please don't!"
"What are you doing here? Do you know how late it is?" I ask him dropping my hands. I just remembered I have a male brother.
"I just wanted to see your face. I couldn't get you out of my head." He leans on the door frame with one arm, making his muscles and biceps more visible.
"Because I like you a lot."
"You don't like me! This is called lust, and you better get rid of it!" I try to slam the door but he stops it.
"Please, let me just see your face once more." His voice sounds so soft and innocent that I just have to agree and open my door.
When I open the door his face brightens up and soon his mischievous self is back.
"You know you look really hot in that robe." That's it!
"Okay that's enough talking for one night, Bye!"
I manage to shut the door but that's only because he has removed his hand.
"Alright, you win! Goodnight, Makayla." I roll my eyes and reply,
When I know he's no longer behind the door, I run towards the bed ready to jump when I freeze in a Superman position as I hear another knock on the door. You have got to be kidding me.
"Darkon! How many times do I have to tell you to..." I freeze once more when I see that it's not Darkon, but Devon at my door.
"Darkon?!" He must be wondering why I said his name!
"Devon! Hey!... What are you doing here?!" I try to ask casual.
"Nothing really I just wanted to find out how it went with Darkon earlier. But I can see that he's been here already..." He look down at my robe and then look back up at me.
"Oh, no no no, it's not what it looks like, nothing happened at all! I just finished having a shower that's all."
"Okay so how'd it go? Is he still angry that you broke the vase?!"
"He's not. It's a long story."
"I have all night!" He smilles at me with his hands in the air.
"Ugh, fine come in."
"Yes! And don't leave out any details!" He says as he walks in.
"Don't worry, I won't!"
Devon's p.o.v
"So Iris is the daughter of the goddess of the Rainbow?" I ask Makayla.
"What?" She asks me.
"How did all this happen in one night?!"
"I don't even know!" She replies dropping onto her pillow.
"Well I know what I'm gonna do tomorrow." I say.
"And what's that?"
"I'm gonna kick Darkons ass tommorow!" I says with gritted teeth.
"Devon, please don't do that! We don't know what could happen if you do that!"
"Well then he shouldn't have done what he did to you!"
"Look Devon, we'll get him back one way or the other but for now we need to focus on finding our parents!" I still had my hands clenched into fists, but soon I release my grip from her blanket and put put my hands back on the chair that I'm sitting on.
"Fine, but I won't be easy on him. He can't come and just harass you like that and go scott free!"
"Thank you. But why do you care so much anyway?"
"Because..." I like you.
"We're friends!" I tell her as I walk towards the window.
"Well its nice to know I have friends that have got my back." She punches me in the shoulder and I pretend I'm hurt.
"Ouch! That hurt!" I mock her.
"Shut Up!" She rolls her eyes at me, as she faces the view.
"This place really is magical." She says.
"Look at all the happy people. They have little but are still so content." She looks at me.
"Don't you think?" She smiles at me and her cute dimple faces me.
"Yeah, definitely." I look at the view and then look back at her, while the world glistens in her eyes like diamonds.
The beauty of the world, I can see through you, Makayla.
The purpose of every day, is what you make me understand.
Woah! When did I get so poetic?...
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