Plush Petals
You know words can be vile
And the people saying them
Are nothing but assholes
Everyone but you
Sure that seems bias
But listen to what I have to say
You are able to make bland
Seem like the excitement
Of holding a certain someone's hand
You never let me get away with things
In the sense that you call me out on my lies
sure the fake tears come to my eyes
But you don't hesitate and hold me close
"You know I need your truth,
Even if you don't say it
Get a paper and use your words"
That's when post-it notes became my weapon
Almost like a game
One I started
And one you had to learn to play
I posted notes all over our room
All over the mirror
All over your desk
And all over your bag
Coating every part of your life
With "my words"
Thinking that was it
And this was the end of our game
Importantly knowing that it was yet another game
That I had won
Or so I thought
Over the next few weeks
You were always so busy
Your words were brief
and you were never home with me
So I sat and thought
"Did I go too far
Did I do too much
Am I too much?"
I was almost scared to speak
Or even write anything
You made it more difficult
As oddly you made me way more honest on paper
Well on the papers from me to you
You must have noticed this
Because of the absence of post-it mess
But you came to me and gave a kiss
Almost like it was a gentle caress
Telling me that I was missing something
A piece of the puzzle that you possess
I wanted to learn that thing
No matter what I had to witness
You took me by my hand
Pulling me off my feet
I felt it was hard to stand
With this fear of getting beat
With a smile
That fear left
At least for a while
You took me to the desk
It was clean
For the first time that week
It was almost serene
How much that made it bleak
Almost boring
Definitely boring
You seem confused"
I looked at him almost amused
"You can tell?"
He laughed
Showing a hint of a smile
That I know so well
"I can tell,
I wanted to let you know
I was not irritated with your game
Because you did as I asked"
I smirked at him with a laugh
"Oh is that so?
Shuichi don't make me laugh!"
I felt the lies spinning again
I wish they would leave my head
But I just feel dizzy instead
"I won't"
One small action
And it almost caused the glass to break
The glass over my attraction
To entertainment that sets high steaks
"Because I solved your case,"
He pointed his finger at the board
The one covered with a white cloth
Hiding what was hiding in accord
I almost scoffed
"You wanted me to take a break
To be with you
But with work always just taking my time
I haven't been able to show you
That I always listen"
I was breathless
The board had each one
Even though there were hundreds
He put each note I wrote
On that board
While he smiled sweetly in his coat
"I always listen to your words
Even if you don't see the value in them
I see that they have value to you"
I don't know what to say"
Baffled for the first time that day
I just stood back and took in the scene
How could he have done this today?
I didn't know whether to cry or scream
"How was I able to be so lucky?"
I said feeling the sadness slowly fall
Down my cheeks and soon to the floor
"If anything I'm lucky to have you
Because you make me enjoy every day"
He paused and held me close
Leading me to the floor so my legs could rest
"But I can be-"
He shushed me.
"No contradictions here love
You can stay here with me
Because I got next week off"
I smiled and moved to hold him close
Almost knocking him over
He was there with me nothing left to disclose
Looking back at the plush petals
That brought him nearer
Thank you for putting effort into finding the truth to my lies
Even though more and more come every day
Thank you for being my partner for many years up to this day
I love you Shuichi Saihara
So don't forget that
Don't forget the plush petals that hold my words
The plush petals that hold them just for you
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