Chapter 15 - Error's Story
Error's POV (Age: 13)
I walked along the concrete path to a bench. The park was a quiet place for me. It was a place for me to hide from my mom.
When I found a nice spot to sit, I rested on it before taking out of my gaming console. Games were the only thing that made me comfortable about myself.
My thoughts were pulled away when I felt a tug on my pants. Looking down, I saw a small white skeleton with ink stains on his cheeks. He had rainbow eye lights that held so much curiosity.
Me: Hi?
???: I saw that you were sitting alone so I came here to join you.
He said before getting on the bench and sitting next to me. He smiled at me, making me feel somewhat warm inside.
???: I'm Ink. I'm three years old.
Me: I'm Error.
He leaned on my arm as he glanced at my gaming console.
Ink: What are you doing?
Me: Um... playing a game.
Ink: Cool!
(Time Skip)
I searched for Ink in a game of hide and seek. I eventually found him hiding in a slide on the playground. However, two voices interrupted our fun. It was Ink's parents.
Ink smiled widely before grabbing my hand to drag me with him. I stood awkwardly in front of his intimidating mother.
Ink: Mom. This is my new friend, Error.
I gave them a small wave.
His father kneeled down to his child.
???: Well, say goodbye to him. We have to drop you off at daycare.
Ink: I don't want to.
???: We don't whine, Ink.
Ink whimpered, turning to me. He hugged me which I returned. After we were done, I stood up and began to leave but the voice of the mother stopped me.
???: Wait, Error.
I turned around to face her.
???: We're actually looking for a caretaker. Would you be willing to look after Ink for us? Since it seems that Ink likes you.
For some reason, I became happy. I nodded.
Me: Yeah, I'll care for him.
(One Year Later)
Error's POV (Age: 14)
I sat out the porch while I watched Ink play in the snow.
My phone began to vibrate in my pocket. Pulling it out, I saw that my mom was calling me.
I scoffed as I declined her call.
As I stared at my phone, I suddenly felt a snowball hit my jacket. Looking up, a smile appeared on my face.
Ink giggled, hiding himself in his hood. I sighed before grabbing a bit of snow and forming it into a ball.
Me: You asked for this, Ink.
The child ran away but I was able to hit him. He fell into the snow, making me regret my actions.
I ran up to him expecting him to be crying however, Ink was actually laughing.
I felt his face and noticed that his cheek was cold. Picking Ink up, I walked towards the house.
Me: It's time to go in. You're getting too cold.
Ink whimpered but didn't do anything to stop me. He rested his face on my shoulder.
Once we were warm inside the house, I made hot cocoa for Ink.
(Two Years Later)
Error's POV (Age: 16)
I've noticed that I been having romantic feelings towards Ink. I was ashamed and almost scared of myself.
Because of these feelings that I shouldn't have, I've started to see a therapist.
Standing in front of the office, I took a deep breath before walking in.
My therapist, Chole, sat in her chair while waiting for me.
Chole: Error. It's nice to see you.
I sat in the sofa in front of her.
Chole: Shall we begin?
I nodded quietly, trying to gather my thoughts.
Me: I'm beginning to have romantic feelings for a child.
Chole: Do you know why they're there?
Me: The child was the first person to ever show me any form of affection. However, I don't know why I'm so messed up.
Chole: Have you suffered from any childhood trauma?
I nodded, remembering my parents.
Me: Yeah. My dad is fifteen years older than my mom. When they met, they fell in love. My dad began to groom her and cut her away from her family. Then... he raped her. I was the outcome of it.
I tried to hold back my tears from the terrible memories that rushed through my mind.
Me: As I grew up. My dad divorced my mom because of me. Then, my mom started to verbally abuse me. She yelled that she didn't love me and she wished that I was never born.
A tear rolled down my cheek. I wiped it away with my sleeve.
Me: I guess it passed down to me. Where I love someone that's many years younger than me.
Chole wrote on her notepad. She adjusted her glasses and then spoke.
Chole: Well, the only thing that I have to say is that... the soul loves who it wants to love. And you Error, your soul loves that child.
She was right. I loved Ink with every fiber of my being.
Me: But I can go to jail.
Chole: Then... you wait until both of you are adults. Love is a strong force...
Love doesn't age
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