Chapter 23: Change in Relationships
(M/n) scratched the back of his head, he was nervous--well, nervous was an understatement. He was sweating and biting his bottom lip as his knee bounced anxiously and he felt sick to his stomach, and overall he just felt exhausted.
What if someone other than Adrien and Marinette knew that he was the one that destroyed the city? What if Adrien hated him now that he's just some kind of monster?
(M/n) bit his nails as his leg bounced faster and his eyes screwed shut in thought.
The (H/c)-haired tall teen was seated on a park bench, waiting for the golden-blond to arrive. After exchanging numbers through Marinette, (M/n) had grown confident enough to text the model and ask him to meet him in the park near the bakery. Thankfully, his composure lasted for 20 whole minutes after that before it drained his ability to think clearly and he began to double-check their back and forth messages for his errors.
That confidence turned into a disturbing anxious glob of perceptions, which brings us back to the present.
Right as the tall teen was about to stand up, a cold hand touched his shoulder. Gasping out as if he'd seen a ghost, (M/n) force up and waited for the 'ghost' to eat him.
"(M-(M/n)?" Marinette's stifled laughter and the cold feeling of her hand leaving his shoulder made the taller teen slowly turn around to face the girl with a terrified expression. That's what got her.
"It wasn't funny, Mari." (M/n) groaned, he was walking around the park with the black-haired girl, still waiting for the golden-haired model to show his face, even though the (h/c)-haired teen hadn't texted him in a while, the still waited some-what patiently.
Marinette who held her sides in pain from laughing, snorted and patted the boy on his lower back, "come on, it's not like you thought it was a ghost, right?" Marinette took a second to catch her breath as she looked up at the taller seventeen-year-old. The (h/c)-haired teen thinned out his lips and turned away from the younger girl's gaze as sweat trickled down his cheek slowly.
Marinette stared at him blankly, switching to his left side, watching as the boy still avoid her experimental round eyes.
She covered her mouth to muffle the not-so-quiet bubbling laughter resonating in her throat.
(M/n) whipped his head around to face the girl, his face red as he glared at her(in a playful way), "Stop!!" he whined. His raspy voice made some of the women in the park turn to look at him before they turned back around and went on with their day.
(M/n) stuttered over his words and he tried to finish his sentence but it was proven futile as the black-haired girl continued to laugh at him. Off in the distance, (M/n) caught something in his peripheral vision, turning back around, he made eye-contact with Adrien's photographer. Hearing the camera shutter button go off and the slight flash, (M/n) froze up completely, his heart hammering inside his ribcage as he quickly turned back around.
Marinette had heard the shutter button and went over to the photographer to deal with the issue.
What's he going to do with the picture? Is he going to post it somewhere? Give it to Adrien's Father? Is he going to talk to me? I hate it when people talk to me---
(M/n)'s rushing thoughts were interrupted by Marinette calling him over to greet the talented man.
He was skinny and had a funny-looking mustache that threatened (M/n) to laugh at it, the (h/c)-haired teen shook his head to get rid of the tempting action as he slowly made his way over to the two. The taller teen stood behind the black-haired girl, waiting for what the man had to say.
"Would you be interested in modeling for Mr. Agreste? Gabriel Agreste," the photographer smiled, (M/n) stared at him as if he had two heads before reaching out and touching his mustache before recoiling back.
"I'm not dreaming--" (M/n) muttered to himself.
Marinette snorted.
"Why would you be dreaming?!" the photographer shouted back, he patted his facial hair down before sighing out deeply and looking up at the teenager.
"Well?" he trails off, "Are you going to model with us?" he repeats once again, his expression was kind before but now it was just irritated. (M/n) frowned.
"I'm not really cut out for Modeling, I'll just be a burden to your staff and Adrien as well. So I can't---"
"(M/n)!!" Adrien's voice bounced off the park's trees as he ran towards the taller teenager. "I'm so sorry!! I was dealing with something and I couldn't exactly get here on time because of it---obviously---oh, hey Marinette," the golden-blond voiced all in one breath, panting as he glanced between the taller teen and the black-haired girl.
(M/n) messed with his fingers, gnawing on his bottom-lip slightly, his (e/c)-colored eyes flickered between the golden-blond and the man, his gaze shifted to one of an uncomfortable stature. He was started to hate the fact that he was stuck in this situation.
His eyes finally settled to stare at the ground, he felt frustrated and anxious, it was suffocating.
Marinette notice and went to grab his left hand but he moved it out of her reach and faced the photographer once again.
"I'm not interested in modeling for Mr. Agreste. Thank you for the offer, but I'm not cut out for modeling." (M/n)'s voice intimidated the photographer, the raspy undertone and the slight guttural growl that vibrated in his chest, Adrien felt a shiver run down his spine at the tone.
Sure, he's heard this tone before, many times whenever (M/n) got angry at him, but something about it was different now. Adrien brushed it off when he noticed the (h/c)-haired seventeen-year-old start to walk off with Marinette following after him.
The model sent a apologetic smile towards his Photographer before following after them.
"(M/n)!" Adrien called out, (M/n) shifted his attention to the boy before making space between Marinette and himself, tilting his head slightly. Adrien smiled wider and bounced over to the two, standing in the space that (M/n) provided and looked up at the teen.
"So you got scouted?" Adrien voices, kicking up some small-talk. Marinette grinned from ear-to-ear.
"It's because (M/n) is like a walking example of elegance!" the black-haired girl smiled at the embarrassed look she gained from the seventeen-year-old. Adrien raised a brow at the statement. His green-colored irises shifting towards the pianist, the (h/c)-haired boy seemed to be blushing as he covered the lower-half of his face with his right hand, muttering incoherent curses under his breath.
Adrien smiled wider, looking back at the black-haired girl.
"Oh, Really~?" (M/n) groaned louder and walked faster, using his height to his advantage to get ahead of the two giggling teens.
A few days had passed from his Modeling Offer, and now, he was working while Marinette took the day off to catch-up with Alya on her 'Lady-Blog'.
I wonder if Alya knows who Ladybug is too..(M/n) thought mindlessly.
He sighed out deeply, tying his apron tighter around his waist, he leaned down over the counter, grabbing his bag before looking back up only to see Rose's face close to his nose. Gasping out, (M/n) tripped over his shoelaces and fell backwards, smacking his head on the ground in the process.
"Oh my go--! Are you okay?!" Rose frantically asked, her eyes tearing up at the thought of hurting her crush. (M/n) lifted himself up, groaning at the pain searing through his head before stood to his feet only to stagger back and hit his left shoulder on the wall.
"I-I'm...I'm fine, It's okay, It didn't hurt..hurt that bad. I'm just a little flustered--" (M/n) groaned as he pushed his shoulder harder on the wall before he turned back to the blonde. He offered a strained smile which Rose took graciously a large sigh of relief leaving her lips.
"Thank god! I thought I killed you!!" Rose's smile grew back as she lifted her arms up in the air to stretch her lower back and hips. (M/n) looked behind her, his eyes flickering between the windows and door before he looked back down at the blonde.
"Is Juleka not with you today?" (M/n) asked, the much shorter girl shook her head before grinning widely, "She's with her brother today, but!!!" she held up her pointer finger, tapping the boy on the chest, that was as far as she could reach(on her tippy toes).
"Nathaniel is with me!!" Rose closed her eyes, huffing through her nose as she nodded to herself while crossing her arms. (M/n) raised a brow at her deceleration, his eyes examining the room before he left the counter and opened up the door to peek out.
Did he get lost again?
Rose opened her eyes at the sound of the door opening and closing, looking around only to find that 1.) Nathaniel wasn't with her, and 2.) (M/n) just left the store---
"(M/n) left the store?!" Rose rushed back out of the bakery and onto the sidewalk, catching sight of the boy crouching on the ground next to someone who oddly resembled Nathaniel.
Bouncing over to the two, Rose noticed that the boy that (M/n) was talking to was actually Nathaniel. The girl frowned cutely and pinched the boy's cheeks, tugging at the skin with a deep pout.
"You were supposed to hold on to me, Nat!" Rose watched as the crimson-haired teen nod shakily and struggle to stand to his feet. (M/n) gently pulled the girl's hands off the boy's face before reaching out slowly to help the boy up.
The boy glanced up at the taller teen with a small thankful grin before turning back to the short blonde.
"Sorry, Rose, we were supposed to hang out together since Juleka was busy...I ended up ruining it.." Nathaniel messed with his finger tips, his nails digging into the pads of his fingers. (M/n) noticed it, grabbing ahold of his hand and interlocking their fingers to stop the boy from hurting himself.
Nathaniel blew up in a large pink-colored cloud(metaphorical cloud) in a bright red blush, his palms instantly warming up and getting clammy, he stuttered out and tried to rip his hand away but (M/n) only held on tighter as he grabbed ahold of Rose's other hand and walked them back to the Bakery.
"Marinette is upstairs with Alya if you guys wanted to hang out together, I'm in charge of watching the register so I'll stay downstairs." (M/n) voiced loud enough for the two to hear. Rose blushed at the gentle voice of her crush while Nathaniel was still confused over the fact that (M/n) was holding his hand in such an..intimate way.
Just the thought of his (M/n)'s hand in his own seemed like a dream, "I-It--It's Fine!!" Nathaniel laughed nervously when he got the attention of some passing civilians. His voice cracked, adding onto his embarrassment.
(M/n) glanced at him, letting go of his sweaty palm to open the bakery doors. Nathaniel couldn't help but miss the warm that it the teen's palms gave off. The thought made the crimson-haired teen frown softly before he turned his attention back to the (h/c)-haired teen.
"I'll stay downstairs with you, (M/n)," Nathaniel repeats himself a little clearer than before. (M/n) smiled to himself with a nod before going inside the Bakery.
(M/n) didn't know why, but he felt a Change in their Relationship.
{I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I'll be making some more later, let me know how you felt about this chapter? How do you feel about (M/n)'s and Nathaniel's relationship so far? Do you think (M/n) should start modeling with Adrien?}
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